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Happy Aniversary!

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Ryan Neilly   United States. Apr 15 2015 20:23. Posts 1639
Hey guys, happy Black Friday anniversary, I know how different and the life changes everyone had to make has been pretty good. I'd love to hear about what you guys are up to a few years after

(americans obv but feel free to chime in from other countries)

Got back from Vancouver pretty unhealthy, had lost about 25-30 lbs. Got back home and been grinding out my rent on acr for a while.

I want to say a big THANK YOU TO LP.

You guys pushed for me to move to Bovada.

I finally did. A big THANK YOU. games are night and day compared to ACR with so much more action, ACR only kept me there cuz that 345debit, not worth playin vs regs non stop all day tho

On this end, since BF I've spent about 6 months a year in the states and have traveled to Vancouver 2 times, had a solid 50k month up there, 3 months in Costa Rica where i moved into 109rs 162s etc and did very well, but as most of you guys know, Iwas always staked. I did Ottawa for 6 months as well, was in "Hunt Club" and had a great group of friends, was killing it. then I moved downtown and just got slaughtered everyday, friends were to far and was a huge learning experience, that trip was really bad for me. I did ok that trip, think i only went home with a few grand though. made some great friends and relations there though. Its really beautiful, castles everywhere, ppl are in general very nice, and the weathers very similar to my hometown (near buffalo) ++ big lesson learned was keeping good friends around and making sure I stay healthy, and don't be insanely high 24/7 just cuz the greens so cheap up there. Its like I live in some sort of fear or something when I'm not surrounded by friends, gotta keep em close during these trips. Traveling alone on those trips or living alone when I relocate kinda sucks. Costa Rica is the exception cuz its just amazing 24/7.

Costa Rica was insane, I'd like to do it all over again since I was doing drugs and other bad stuff back then, not to say I don't smoke green or anything, but the lifes been ship shaped up hard, seems like a great place for me now. Not so much in my 20s tho.

Van City is amazing, and amazingly expensive.
Live poker in Vancouver is very loose and ppl even think at lower stakes like 1/2, everyones deep, ppl stack off quite light its a very solid game. vegas is better but vancouvers 1/2 runs like vegas 2/5 which was cool for my br since most 1/2 is ugh, bingo.

I've spent some time making up bankroll guidelines that I personally need to follow, and got on Bovada. After playing vs some recreational players and fish on tons of tables, I am now entirely convinced Bovada is the best software by far. Thank you everyone for pushing me to move my action there.

Next step : 5/1 - Have a room waiting for me in NJ with a poker student and his friend, they are doing really well and I can help them progress, quite new players that are makin a few grand a month, taught them some of the keys to the kingdom already.

after that : 6/1-6/15 - Las Vegas, Grind out Cashgames non stop all day everyday, do 1-3 MTTs a week as well.

Build up there, then prolly bounce out to Cali or Florida, I hear the games are best there, or maybe just stay in LV or move back to NJ.

Wasted months of my time on ACR but thankful to be off there, theres my 2015, I made a 5 year plan and im following through with it. Seems a lot more calm and relaxed.

What kinda stuff you guys been doing?
Transitioning to live?
How many of you guys are still grinding online?
Where you guys playing?
What kinda jobs did you guys get that opted out?

Finally feeling pretty good again,
Hope LP is doing well,
you guys are awesome even the trolls help me learn so much.

Love Maturing with you guys and learning non stop. Never stop. Bless ya all.

I may go up to Hunt Club OTtawa to grind a lil this summer, maybe even in May, but as it looks, I think NJ is the best option by far (lease is up so timing is good)

GL everyone,

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 Last edit: 15/04/2015 20:30

Trav94   Canada. Apr 16 2015 00:57. Posts 1787

+1 on Vancouver 1/2 being soft as fuck, it's crazy.

NewbSaibot   United States. Apr 16 2015 23:00. Posts 4946

You know what else is soft as fuck? A woman's breast. Ryan, you're welcome for the bovada recommendation. Even today you can datamine NL200+ with HoldemIndicator and always find at least one 45/36/5 goon or worse sitting at the table. Only reason I dont (besides secretly feeling like I cant play) is that I love reads too much for the anon culture anymore. After playing live and building notes on that guy who ALWAYS folds his donkbets, and that guy who ALWAYS squeezes from the blinds when 5+ people limp how can you ignore that? Avg bovada player stays for like 50 hands. WPN accepts bitcoin now, unfortunately it's reg infested but what high stakes pro alive made it there just playing fish?

bye now 

K40Cheddar   United States. Apr 17 2015 01:18. Posts 2202

Fuck black friday


traxamillion   United States. Apr 17 2015 07:05. Posts 10468

Grinding bovada and live and teaching my roomate poker. Stacking cash and dabbing

SugoGosu   Korea (South). Apr 17 2015 11:42. Posts 1793

Before Black Friday I was taking shots at NL100 with a very big cushion (5 figures) while going back to school after a year off.

Black Friday hit, had my entire roll on full tilt, still haven't received it, but that amount of money although would be nice, wouldn't buy me much of anything these days except for a few months rent. Now I have a decent office job in a large company with a nice salary making more than I did in poker. Dabble a few hours a month on NL25/NL50 on stars when I'm incredibly bored, but I have no passion for poker anymore. Not worth the stress / grind imo.

Black Friday got me out of america, and to a place where I learned a new language to the point where I became a translator part-time while finishing my degree abroad, and I was able to put other things on my resume that would otherwise of been empty space.

Congrats on doing well Neilly. I remember playing vs you on some tables pre-black friday.

Say this outloud! Why was six afraid of seven?......Because Seven Eight Nine 

Ryan Neilly   United States. Apr 17 2015 18:35. Posts 1639

sugo great story man love it

saibot that was some great advice man i do appreciate it acr is so reg infested, making 2k a month there was a challenge for me to say the least

Ryan Neilly   United States. Apr 17 2015 18:36. Posts 1639

how bout it k40, just looked and saw and figured time to make a post

K40Cheddar   United States. Apr 18 2015 00:22. Posts 2202

I'll probably make some life blog within a month. Black Friday hit me pretty hard because I was starting to hit my stride into midstakes and the progress was basically taken away from me. Life has always treated me very well and it's not like the removal of online poker made me change my life, but poker has been and still is where my true passion lies.

GGLast edit: 18/04/2015 00:22

MARSHALL28   United States. Apr 18 2015 22:35. Posts 1897

Glad things are going well for you.

I'll bite ....

"What kinda stuff you guys been doing?"
I got out of the US finally. Life is better when you get out of the US matrix. Living in Prague now until May 31st. Will be going to Bucharest for three months starting June and going to figure it out after that. I may end up having to come back to the states in the winter because trying to endure Eastern European winters is something I'm probably not going to be willing to do.

"Transitioning to live?"
I'm actually finally considering this for the first time in my career. Not right now, but just thinking about my future with poker and how if online goes away at some point that I will need to be able to make money. I have some friends who run some fairly high stakes home games who would be able to get me in as long as I'm able to bankroll myself. Planning on just trying to make sure I have enough saved up that I can grind those games and deal with the swings.

"How many of you guys are still grinding online?"
100% of my action nowadays is still online. I was struggling for a minute but just had a big upswing in March. March is like my month apparently.

"What kinda jobs did you guys get that opted out?"
I haven't really gotten any jobs. Can't see that happening anytime soon. A job to me equals death.

SuperCardUser   United States. May 05 2015 20:26. Posts 83

Ryan are you a SC player from before? Your name sounds familiar.. I been out of the community for a long time. Just getting back and looking forward to putting in work. Looking for a coach in Arizona if you happen to know anybody. Good job out there.


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