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"AFK for 10 years, man you're a sick n00b" -Smuft

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SuperCardUser   United States. May 08 2015 10:22. Posts 83
I like how honest Smuft is with me about poker. Thank god I'm at the bottom with small goals and low expectations. Let me start my journey into the fun world of real poker. Just sit back and enjoy all the dumb decisions I'm about to make.

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bigredhoss   Cook Islands. May 08 2015 17:19. Posts 8648

Online poker is kind of a pain in the ass now for US citizens. Based on the HH's you posted i would at least move down to the lowest stakes for now, just because there's no point hemorrhaging money while learning the basics. Since you posted in Smuft's thread I assume you saw all the reasons people have been quitting or switching to live, so I won't repeat those points here. I wouldn't recommend pursuing poker as a job at this point, but if you do make sure you have a back-up plan, and best of luck.

Any crazy prison stories?

Truck-Crash Life 

Rinny   United States. May 08 2015 19:08. Posts 600

Yeah man I'd live to hear you on a podcast talking about 2004 starcraft and jail

SuperCardUser   United States. May 09 2015 03:50. Posts 83

haha prison is ok. Like I was telling Smuft, I was "prison rich" so I had it pretty good. I had guys do my laundry, clean my cell, do my dishes, cook and even a guy fill my water bottle every morning. Paid them in stamps. All that shit cost me like 5 books a month($30). I had a sportsbook in there. 2 actually. 1 called "BestBet" and the other was "BottomLine". So i'd have action on all the games. I had it pretty good in there. So I don't have too many bad stories.

jvilla777   Australia. May 09 2015 03:54. Posts 1348

I want to hear prison fights, gang politics and beefs

longple: ur missing the point! this is an attempt to get away from the bumhuntmentality! 

SuperCardUser   United States. May 09 2015 08:00. Posts 83

I had a pretty good fight. I lost though. Took on this 220 lb dude and held my own ok. I had 2 black eyes but he was pretty marked up. Got my respect.

We had the ex president of the Mongols(Doc Cavazos). He was a rat but was being protected by the Surenos(South Cali Mexican gang). Well a Hell's Angel dude came in and made a big fuss. So the Surenos jumped the Hells Angel and a couple white dudes that were with him. Then Doc checked into protective custody. We almost had a riot happen. A few weeks later me and my friends all got locked up and put in the SHU(special housing unit, hole) where we stayed for 5 months in tiny little rooms with no sun, showers 3x a week, because we were telling the chomos (child molestors and sex offenders) they couldn't watch TV or use the weight pile. They locked 12 of us up and shipped us around the country and then went unit to unit telling everyone to stop telling the chomos what to do.

Welcome to the world of prison. Just a taste of the bullshit.

SuperCardUser   United States. May 09 2015 08:06. Posts 83

You can also get in trouble for having too many stamps or gambling slips.

hiems   United States. May 09 2015 10:06. Posts 2979

You said you got caught smuggling computer chips. Aside from jail time, what are they able to do with the money you made? Were they able to levy fines or confiscate any of your bank accts? If you were able to keep your money, how was that possible?

What is your opinion on the American prison system offering direct financial incentive for people to commit crime? Am I understanding it correctly that you got free housing, food, and healthcare for 10 years? Or is there something I am misunderstanding about how the system works?

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 09/05/2015 10:07

ClouD87   Italy. May 09 2015 18:41. Posts 524

Props for what you did, sexual offenders deserve worse treatment than they get and no respect. Anyway I wish you good luck with poker, despite what everybody says if you really put yourself into it it's gonna be a great and satisfying experience

SuperCardUser   United States. May 09 2015 19:22. Posts 83

I was not able to keep any money. They confiscaste everything. I still have to pay restitution but at a reasonable based on income level.

I wouldn't say direct financial incentive. You get food/housing/healthcare if you want to call it that. You are locked up, they feed you crap and healthcare would be a funny word to use. But prison is big industry in USA. Most Federal Prisons have UNICOR. Which are factories that produce everything from textiles/vehicles/furniture where they pay the inmates .20cent -2$ an hour. Lots of kick backs going on.

hiems   United States. May 09 2015 20:42. Posts 2979

  On May 09 2015 18:22 SuperCardUser wrote:
I was not able to keep any money. They confiscaste everything. I still have to pay restitution but at a reasonable based on income level.

I wouldn't say direct financial incentive. You get food/housing/healthcare if you want to call it that. You are locked up, they feed you crap and healthcare would be a funny word to use. But prison is big industry in USA. Most Federal Prisons have UNICOR. Which are factories that produce everything from textiles/vehicles/furniture where they pay the inmates .20cent -2$ an hour. Lots of kick backs going on.

Damn, that sucks. I thought maybe it wasn't the worst deal if you got to keep a boatload of money at the end of the rainbow.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

JohnnyBologna   United States. May 10 2015 18:19. Posts 1401

this is why you always keep a 'getaway stash'. so you dont get completely fcked.

Just do whats right 

Fayth    Canada. May 10 2015 19:42. Posts 10085

damn, broodwar was a long time ago

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

ConquistadoR   Germany. May 12 2015 00:33. Posts 1952

Holy crap, how old were you when you got into prison?


Liquid`Drone   Norway. May 16 2015 18:11. Posts 3096

  On May 09 2015 09:06 hiems wrote:
You said you got caught smuggling computer chips. Aside from jail time, what are they able to do with the money you made? Were they able to levy fines or confiscate any of your bank accts? If you were able to keep your money, how was that possible?

What is your opinion on the American prison system offering direct financial incentive for people to commit crime? Am I understanding it correctly that you got free housing, food, and healthcare for 10 years? Or is there something I am misunderstanding about how the system works?

erm, the american system is more one of offering direct financial incentive to put people in jail, not for people to commit crime and be caught. And it's a fucking mess. There's no western country I'd be more desperate to avoid jailtime in - yet no western country comes remotely close regarding incarceration rates. Thinking that the system is somehow too lenient or that prison in america is 'too attractive', that's about as far off-ball as you can get.

lol POKER 

Liquid`Drone   Norway. May 16 2015 18:13. Posts 3096

also, forgive me if I'm wrongly remembering this

didn't you cheat in some huge american tourney like 15 years ago winning $10k? karmargasm?

lol POKER 

Rinny   United States. May 27 2015 23:34. Posts 600

you should have snitched its GTO

SuperCardUser   United States. Jul 30 2015 10:43. Posts 83

Haha cheat in some huge American tourney. If I remember correctly. I let elky play for me in finals vs whear. Elky used map hack and still lost. Actually map hack fucked him. He wasted a scan on dark Templar drop to act like he caught it on accident then didn't have scan when he needed it. I think smuft was there. I got to finals myself though. Pretty dumb to let Elky play but I wanted that 10k. Ended up with 2.5k after I bonded out of jail... Used that money to pay back some I borrowed from Grrr....???? so there you go. Karmagasm!

Liquid`Drone   Norway. Jul 31 2015 18:39. Posts 3096

haha, awesome.

lol POKER 

SuperCardUser   United States. Aug 01 2015 10:05. Posts 83

Hey what are slayer and Sven up to? They play poker? I remember seeing slayer on poker stars in like 2002.


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