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Ryan Neilly   United States. Jun 07 2015 11:17. Posts 1639
hey guys, today we did the 270+30 wynn, got really deep but couldnt hit AJhh on 566hh board, took some time off and booked my first winnin session so far @ CG's. not huge but goin in the right direction.

Tried out the Mirage, loved it. nice $2 comp bonuses too

said fuck it, take live serious, took out a few bills intead of 1bi and yeah that worked well. lets keep it rollin.

1 hand i wanna go over, im not 100% sure how you guys would play this.

ep limps (hes quite tight) - limper behind, i decide to limp A6ss on 200bb cuz well hes tight as hell and betting almost every board. idk if he even has a raise range..

so flop comes Q92cc, i have A6cc, he pots the flop, i was in CO but had the button, i opted to flat the pot bet, turn 4d, he bets $45, he has $300 behind, i have him covered, whats your play?? call raise fold? all seemed good, calling bloats a huge pot and well i can still bluff TJ if i miss, folding is fine since im 19 invested and if i hit i probably wont get paid on clubs too often, atleast not for a large bet since its pretty transparent imo.. raising gives me options altho the texture sux, so i think flop reraise is best.

honestly i just folded cuz i didn't see myself getting paid off if i hit.

what are your thoughts, we were both about 200bb deep, he just went pot pot, i had NFD in MP, reward was good but risk seemed high..

let me know what you guys do here OTT please.


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Artanis[Xp]   Netherlands. Jun 07 2015 16:06. Posts 4697

Presuming he never pays off a bet:
Fold = 100% lose $19
Call = 84% lose $64
16% win $128

$64x0.84-$128x0.16=lose $33.76 on average.
To break even, you need him to call 33.76-19=$14.16/0.16=$92.25 whenever you hit, meaning calling is a better option than folding if he'll call a $92.25 bet every time when you hit.
You know him better than I do. Does he ever bluff here? If not, will he always pay off a $95 bet? Also, is the A ever going to be good?

NewbSaibot   United States. Jun 08 2015 03:18. Posts 4946

Raise pre, cbet flop. As played fold flop.

bye now 

casinocasino   Canada. Jun 09 2015 18:31. Posts 3343

looks fine. id fold turn


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