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I am a Hypocrite

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RiKD    United States. Jun 16 2015 12:50. Posts 8869
I am a hypocrite.

I talk about and discuss minimizing the objectifying of women in this world, yet I go spend $10.50 to watch Entourage and enjoy the show. I watch porn. Not super exploitation forced blow job stuff (does that make it better?) but I do watch it. I get off to a pretty face, tits, ass, and vagina. I check out the women with the great breasts in the low cut blouses, the women with that ass in the yoga pants, the feminine beauties in the sun dresses (does it make it better that they know what they are doing?)

I am a hypocrite.

I talk about and discuss the crimes occurring in Indonesia, yet I am rocking dope Jordans on the regular.

I am a hypocrite.

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 16 2015 13:01. Posts 15163

I actually quit porn (not wanking tho, I'm a wanker and always shall be :D)
Just don't feel like I need it

Also there's some bullshit in this for sure (The testosterone thing just sounds lol) but interesting podcast nonetheless - you objectify women less if you don't succumb to the porn/media culture.

basically its not just about women as boobies and vajayjay, but rather a person with boobies and vajayyaj :D

93% Sure! Last edit: 16/06/2015 16:37

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 16 2015 13:17. Posts 15163

big fan of this podcast btw

93% Sure!  

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Jun 16 2015 14:06. Posts 6374

and whats wrong with objectifying women?

ban baal 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Jun 16 2015 14:26. Posts 9634

I don't understand why does getting attracted to good looking women instantly means you objectify them.Physical attraction will always come first its how we are programmed ( well at least until they create the AI ). I doubt you go around telling women stuff like nice boobs & etc. This whole feminism bullshit is just getting too much publicity. Do you think women don't objectify men ? Do you think they think about your character as a first impression?

Textile production and labor abuse are a whole other topic. Overall we are all hypocrites for one thing or another. I just get pissed when it comes to "sexual objectification" since feminism tries to establish it to a much deeper level than it actually is. Fuck that

lebowski   Greece. Jun 16 2015 15:32. Posts 9205

god damn it I swear that if the sort of political correctness that's haunting RiKD ever fully prevails, it will be a world sadder than every dystopia that has ever been imagined.
Let's try to kill/twist every natural urge we have in order to feel intellectually superior and moral, like small pebbles that have become round , white and identical by rubbing each other over and over through suffocating (social) pressure...

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

dnagardi   Hungary. Jun 16 2015 16:13. Posts 1776

to some extent we are all hypocrits

Nitewin   United States. Jun 16 2015 16:37. Posts 1552

You're doing what you can in the scope of your reality. To escape from it all you gotta become a monk or something. Live in society and simply being aware of it all can be looked at as minimizing enough. As long as you're not ignorant and understand where things come from and how the world operates, it's a huge in the right direction. No need to feel guilty.

Santafairy   Korea (South). Jun 16 2015 17:00. Posts 2232

objectification doesn't real, it's a feminist buzzword for sex-negativity

it started off like most things in feminism, as a rejection excuse for women so they can deflect sexual interest in themselves. similar to saying you have a boyfriend or AIDS. the problem is as a group feminists have repeated so much they think it's some kind of academic truth now, all it is is demonizing sexual or even nonsexual attraction

never let any man or woman whose parents spent $150k on their gender studies degree get away with thinking they're right about something like objectification, take 30 seconds to let them know they're full of shit. professional models are human beings and they have free agency and if they want to be in a shampoo ad or world record gangbang movie it's their own choice

the other part doesn't seem hypocritical, I'm sure there's problems with factory farming but I'm hardly going to stop eating meat

put it this way you're not going to stop global warming by riding a bike

although you're correct in general that doublethink, being hypocritical, contradicting yourself, compartmentalizing beliefs, is probably something to avoid, you have to be realistic and accept some things are beyond your control right?

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Rapoza   Brasil. Jun 16 2015 19:22. Posts 1612

--- Nuked ---

Pouncer Style 4 the win 

nolan   Ireland. Jun 16 2015 20:51. Posts 6205

how is watching paid porn actors objectifying them.

they're accepting a contract that says people will view me doing sex in exchange for money.

i understand that a high % of porn actors probably have addiction or other emotional issues, but i'm not sure if that means the industry in itself is inherently wrong.

i really don't understand how a man can even entertain the idea that he's objectifying a woman when his mind goes caveman for a few seconds and he catches himself staring at some girls tits. it's clearly a biological thing and it will happen to any man with a reasonable sex drive.

obviously you shouldn't try to stare and most normal people who catch themselves doing it stop, but acting like it's a learned behavior is ridiculous.

On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid 

goose58   United States. Jun 16 2015 22:05. Posts 871

  On June 16 2015 15:13 dnagardi wrote:
to some extent we are all hypocrits


Also I'd like to add that male and females are designed by nature to behave/think a certain way.

All women want to be beautiful and have people lust after them, they just don't want the negative aspects that come with the territory.

Some women love doing porn, more like watching it, lots of women like sex and they think about guys the way we think about women.

mnj   United States. Jun 16 2015 23:56. Posts 3848

currently in this stage of my life due to my surrounding circumstances (environment, health, work, life) my sex drive is at an all time low. its like not being able to see in color anymore but because you only see in black and white, you don't even know what you're really missing. you only have the memories of color. if that makes any sense at all. which it prob doesn't 

JohnnyBologna   United States. Jun 17 2015 01:12. Posts 1401

the world is one giant bottle of hypocrite. Be yourself they said, who cares what others think they said.
Well myself, i like ass and titties.

Too much propaganda nowadays. people telling you what to do.
Im a grown ass man. I don't do wrong. i like what i like and have no shame!

Just do whats right 

Trav94   Canada. Jun 17 2015 05:10. Posts 1787

Feeling bad about "objectifying" women because biology has made men attracted to things like tits, ass, vagina, etc. etc. for obviuos reproduction purposes makes about as much sense as christians saying you're committing adultery for checking out some girls ass in yoga pants when you're not married to her.

The objectification argument is fucking stupid. Like saying how the women in porn are just objects to be fucked, and they have no real personality and it doesn't matter who they are is one sided bullshit feminist propoganda. Guess what? Are men in porn not objectified? All the guy is there for is his dick. Most of the time his full body isn't even in view, it's just his dick. He's only there to use his dick to fuck some girl. His personality and who he is doesn't matter at all. Same shit. Everyone's an object in some way, get over it.

 Last edit: 17/06/2015 05:14

traxamillion   United States. Jun 17 2015 05:22. Posts 10468

  On June 16 2015 22:56 mnj wrote:
currently in this stage of my life due to my surrounding circumstances (environment, health, work, life) my sex drive is at an all time low. its like not being able to see in color anymore but because you only see in black and white, you don't even know what you're really missing. you only have the memories of color. if that makes any sense at all. which it prob doesn't 

Having been through opiod addiction and the resulting plummet in sex drive this makes perfect sense

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Jun 17 2015 07:55. Posts 8918


LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 17 2015 09:22. Posts 15163

I think it's about seeing a woman not only as Boobies and vajayjay, but as a person with boobies and vajayjay no? Hard to see anyone being against men getting horny for women, their sexuality is just part of who they are

93% Sure! Last edit: 17/06/2015 09:24

GoTuNk   Chile. Jun 17 2015 14:37. Posts 2860

  On June 17 2015 08:22 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
I think it's about seeing a woman not only as Boobies and vajayjay, but as a person with boobies and vajayjay no? Hard to see anyone being against men getting horny for women, their sexuality is just part of who they are

you'd be surprised the kind of non sense feminists preach regularly

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jun 17 2015 16:22. Posts 15163

so getting a boner's wrong?
Okay why bother with these people
They will die out anyway in one generation
EDIT: Sperm banks dam maybe not :D

93% Sure! Last edit: 17/06/2015 16:22


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