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RiKD    United States. Jun 24 2015 14:39. Posts 8869
Anyone ever take a shit so good they took some time to enjoy a post-bowell movement smoke?

Man, so I was at this restaurant with some bomb ass home made, perfectly warm bread pudding with ice cream. Great coffee too. Tough not to think about a cig in that situation.

I will not even bring up the post-coital smoke with the (non-existant, fuck my life) bad bitch on instagram straight flexin.

My blood pressure and health was on point last checkup. It is a good thing I do not live in Paris.

What about the greenest endo leaf?

Do Medical Doctors, MD prescribe kush for anxiety, depression, bipolar out in places that are awesome?

Time to drink some more Monsters.

Peace, Love, and Tolerance


ps Tolstoy is the shit. So, is Nabokov. So, is Flaubert.

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RiKD    United States. Jun 24 2015 18:52. Posts 8869

My brain when it is thinking straight doesn't even want a bad bitch on instagram straight flexin. My brain thinks that is kind of an absurd thing to do. Who the f is spending all this time dressing up in outfits posting selfies on the internet?

That's that damn penis brain talking. The damn penis brain. He just wants to squeeze into some tight, warm, wet spots and feel good. Dark room, perfume. Chardonnay, lingerie. Give me that funk, that nasty, that sweet, that gushy stuff, Pink Matter.

All this contemplating and complaining and my bathroom looks like it is inhabited by a somewhat intelligent ape with no shame or sense or responsibility. Broke broke broke phi broke, we ain't got it negus. Dirty dishes lying around like my sorry ass. Ain't got no car, ain't got no money, ain't go no hoes. Broke broke broke phi broke.

Back to the bad bitch on instagram straight flexin. Where is she at when she is 40? 45? Let us hope for the absence of spiteful, old and fat. Let us hope the same for any of us. Gotta find a gal with some heart and soul and spirit. Or be ok with squeezing it in some fat girls, single moms, cougars looking for a good time? Hit it rich and keep the fun, attractive 20 something train rollin? That only happens in movies and MTV and E! and negus not named me?

Waking up in a temperpedic bed and being able to go downstairs and make some boutique, artisanal, free trade, specially crafted, beans raised and prayed for in shang ri la coffee and some pancakes and shit is nice. Hard to not be grateful for that shit if one really thinks about it.

Reading about General Motors knowingly murdering people with their cars and finding a decent income that does not make one want to kill themselves or at least drink and do some drugs... Yeah. I am a coward. Mayhaps, I may be constitutionally incapable of killing myself quick? Such a coward, I always prefer to go the slow, painful, harm everyone around me death? Nah. That is no way to go just as burning at the stake is no way to go. There is still Love. There are still butterflies. Pink skies. Pink matter. I still have time to think about the best way to kill myself tomorrow.

tapatapaz   Brasil. Jun 24 2015 19:58. Posts 1279


And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 

PuertoRican   United States. Jun 24 2015 23:00. Posts 13095

Rekrul is a newb 

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Jun 24 2015 23:26. Posts 5230

looks like absinthe-induced writing
I like it

Rinny   United States. Jun 25 2015 02:58. Posts 600

logically i think turning off your sex drive would make you the happiest but i don't think i could ever do it

RiKD    United States. Jun 25 2015 23:34. Posts 8869

Attempting to buy happiness on credit is a dangerous proposition.

The only way I really know how to escape gravity is sleep and swimming.

Off the top of my head some ways I have found to have gravity be of service are hammocks and yoga.

Yeah, obviously, gravity is preferred to no gravity but no doubt it can wear a nigga down.

mnj   United States. Jun 26 2015 13:28. Posts 3848

love ur writing bro.

we all feel that pain.

and all sometimes want that fleshy pink fruit.

the only thing i disagree with you on is cannabis. i think like alcohol it's prob fine for ~85% of the people, but the 15% it affects negatively, it really affects negatively. i think it's good for temporary relief from anxiety, paranoia, depression, bipolar, add/adhd but kinda worsens all those conditions in the long run.

just my 2c. i am not a psychologist/neurologist.

RiKD    United States. Jun 26 2015 16:36. Posts 8869

  On June 26 2015 12:28 mnj wrote:
the only thing i disagree with you on is cannabis. i think like alcohol it's prob fine for ~85% of the people, but the 15% it affects negatively, it really affects negatively. i think it's good for temporary relief from anxiety, paranoia, depression, bipolar, add/adhd but kinda worsens all those conditions in the long run.

just my 2c. i am not a psychologist/neurologist.

I am with you on the cannabis. I disagree when I am not the most spiritually fit and justifying, rationalizing, fantasizing a way I can safely get high with out very negative consequences.

lebowski   Greece. Jun 26 2015 17:05. Posts 9205

the conscious and rationalizing brain should not shame the penis for what the penis wants, the -supposedly- ill suggestions of the penis actually translate to cutting through cheap self delusions, with guidance from none other than the great god Dionysus

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

RiKD    United States. Jun 26 2015 20:15. Posts 8869

Fucking Bacchus. How come that fucker Dionysus never talks about consequences? Physical dependencies, living under bridges, jails, institutions, herpes, hpv, hep c, loss of brain cells, fucked up brain chemistry. That never happens in those Greek fairy tales.

lebowski   Greece. Jun 26 2015 21:33. Posts 9205

Because Dionysus symbolizes breaking free from limitations and enjoying one's inclinations, he stands for release in madness, wine and raw pleasure. Apollo was artistic in a refined/constrained and intellectual way, sort of a polar opposite. Favoring one god over the other too much would certainly seem hazardous for the frail mortal sanity, the ancient Greek world seemed to acknowledge that.
Of course stds suck, on the other hand attempting to completely kill the inner "beast" is probably a recipe for pessimism (or at least mediocre artistic expression imo).
I figure moderation of the two spirits leads to a wider range of experiences in life

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 


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