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Feelings and Thoughts

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RiKD    United States. Aug 12 2015 18:38. Posts 8869
Hi All,

I don't know (denial?)


I am in denial about the things i am in denial about


I have had a lot of thoughts and feelings about depression. A lot of help from fellow humans. Many that do not even know. One key thought today was an analogy compared to quicksand. If i find myself in depression, to viciously fight and struggle typically only makes things worse. It tends to multiply the feelings of depression with guilt and shame. I am a human being. Human after all. I will feel depressed. It is going to happen. For me, it is better to be aware of that reality, be accepting of that reality, and then let go of that feeling and get on with things. Pick some tomatoes. Call some people i care about. People that inspire me. Energize me. Listen to some daft punk. Some James Blake:

One thing i really enjoy is on Spotify there is a playlist where someone combined James Blake's album "Overgrown" with James Blake's commentary of "Overgrown." I find it really awesome and inspiring. I forget which track it is but he talks about how he feels that as a singer, when he is expressing himself through song, he is just a vessel for whatever is going on at the time. That is his reasoning for doing all his albums in one take. If he starts editing and this and that it is in some ways taking away from the expression at the time and diluting the message. I am not entirely sure how i feel about this. One thought, is that we are all capable of carrying a message from "God," we just all have different ways of expressing those messages. That is not an original thought now that i think about it. From my knowledge, that comes from a YouTube video of a live show of Jay Z at Barclays. I think i make that connection because how i became aware of James Blake was from a Jay Z interview on the Breakfast Club on YouTube. Sometimes all these little coincidences and connections are fascinating. Sometimes that is just too much to think about and it is in my best interest to move on:


So, another thing that has been on my mind:

Eh, Fuck it. Ya know?

Sometimes one wakes up
rubs the eyes for a bit
robotically, unconsciously makes some coffee
looks out the window for a bit
nibbles on some food
sits down does some stuff
drinks some coffee
time to move some bowels along
time to sing a song
time to move on

but before i forget:

at some point i have some feelings and thoughts on:

positive energy vs negative energy
energizing occupation vs de-energizing occupation
expression vs suppression/repression

so, i would love to hear your feelings and thoughts on anything. Feelings and thoughts on above. Feelings and thoughts on whatever you are feeling and thinking.



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dnagardi   Hungary. Aug 12 2015 18:51. Posts 1776

im thinking about you rikd

and i am realizing im only not thinking like you (because i used to) is because i have a shitload of stuff going on in my mind (work, esport, girlfriend) and gets me occupied
if i had lots of spare time id be swirling in this spiral aswell.

lebowski   Greece. Aug 12 2015 20:47. Posts 9205

^ I don't know if you mention this as advice or not, but I think that distracting yourself isn't a good idea.
Life passes very fast if you don't take active control of time to spend it on stuff that you think actually matter. Glorifying keeping busy makes it harder to think on a bigger scale and evaluate/rearrange priorities
(ironically enough written in someone's blog in an internet forum semi drunk)
god damn it

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Aug 12 2015 22:09. Posts 8648


i think it's difficult for me to give useful insight about depression because i'm subconsciously trying to avoid a spiral of thought-association that would lead me back to depression. but i like your first paragraph and agree. one thing i noticed that might seem counterintuitive to some people, but for whatever reason feels therapeutic for me, is taking time to consider just how meaningless our existence is.

Truck-Crash Life 

Loco   Canada. Aug 13 2015 01:05. Posts 20967

I think there are two main things that have helped me with depression. The first one was reading/watching/listening to very depressing things which don't sugarcoat the truth, which is that life is essentially an unprofitable venture, and allowing my thoughts to develop from this no matter the dark places that it led me to. From that iconoclastic lense, which involves no deception and no denial, I found a great amount of peace.

The second thing has been cats. I prefer their company to the company of people, and found that they will help you through whatever it is you are going through. Sadly my first cat, who I was the closest to, died unexpectedly two days ago, and it has been very difficult. But I've allowed myself to experience the grief and not attempt to minimize it, and that is always key. Reality is often horrific and only when we accept it and don't try to escape it with delusions, distractions and positive thinking can we become real human beings.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 13/08/2015 16:37

ggplz   Sweden. Aug 13 2015 08:50. Posts 16784

Sorry to hear that Loco. That's one of the hardest things about having pets. RIP.

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhANLast edit: 13/08/2015 08:52

Big_Rob_isback   United States. Aug 13 2015 10:18. Posts 211

What Loco is describing is a psychological tactic where you simply imagine the worst possible scenario in your life or problem. Then you take time to face this worst scenario, and make peace with it. You are then free to live at peace with any outcome, because you have already given up resisting whatever may come. Therefore, suffering is impossible, as suffering is the resistance to reality, even pain isnt suffering if it isnt resisted.

A lot of stuff sounds like Eckharte Tolle quotes. He wrote a simple short book "the power of now" which is pure truth. Much of it is taken from old buddhist philosophy etc, but it still is good.

The main point is how does one find a way to face every moment without resistance to what is. Another quote I recall is to start out by finding away to forgive yourself every single moment.

I relisten to the book read by him once a year and it is very simple and repetitive, yet I find myself understanding more each time.

Oh and btw, sorry about the cat loco Eckhart Tolle says he has lived with many enlightened beings, all of them cats fwiw. Love to all, peace.

just playing live poker for fun 

RiKD    United States. Aug 14 2015 04:46. Posts 8869

  On August 12 2015 21:09 bigredhoss wrote:


i think it's difficult for me to give useful insight about depression because i'm subconsciously trying to avoid a spiral of thought-association that would lead me back to depression. but i like your first paragraph and agree. one thing i noticed that might seem counterintuitive to some people, but for whatever reason feels therapeutic for me, is taking time to consider just how meaningless our existence is.


yeah, i was thinking kind of seriously for a bit like yeah, man, let's write some stuff. Then that video just made me laugh and i don't care as much.

I have been taking some hikes with Gogol recently and that has been nice too. We are all sinners with good and bad traits. Some like to be busy. Some like to be still. We do stuff. Then we die. Being honest and fair just seems like the route to take from wise accounts. Then everyone is faced with some things that question that. Then shit happens. Then shit happens. Like, in op above i talk about "God." Like, in many things i write or try to express about God, god, "God," Lord, Heavenly Father, Gaia, Ganesh, reality, coincidence, etal, et al , etc... It is, in actuality, in reality, in truth, impossible to express. Likely, impossible for anyone not me to understand fully. Strikes and gutters. Fuck it, let's go bowling.

 Last edit: 14/08/2015 18:49

RiKD    United States. Aug 14 2015 04:52. Posts 8869

  On August 13 2015 00:05 Loco wrote:
I think there are two main things that have helped me with depression. The first one was reading/watching/listening to very depressing things which don't sugarcoat the truth, which is that life is essentially an unprofitable venture, and allowing my thoughts to develop from this no matter the dark places that it led me to. From that iconoclastic lense, which involves no deception and no denial, I found a great amount of peace.

The second thing has been cats. I prefer their company to the company of people, and found that they will help you through whatever it is you are going through. Sadly my first cat, who I was the closest to, died unexpectedly two days ago, and it has been very difficult. But I've allowed myself to experience the grief and not attempt to minimize it, and that is always key. Reality is often horrific and only when we accept it and don't try to escape it with delusions, distractions and positive thinking can we become real human beings.

Sorry for your loss. I joke that God expresses himself through my Cat but honestly, if i did not have the love of my cat i would likely feel way more lost and way more despair and way more fear than i do. He is like my guiding light through the chaos even though sometimes it feels like he does not give a shit about anything but in reality he knows more than i can even fathom. Cats are the shit.

Loco   Canada. Aug 15 2015 05:26. Posts 20967

"When I play with my cat, who knows if I am not a pastime to her more than she is to me?" - Montaigne

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 


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