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September Goals

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Rinny   United States. Sep 03 2015 21:34. Posts 600

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 Last edit: 04/02/2018 12:45

Mortensen8   Chad. Sep 03 2015 22:15. Posts 1845

Nice goals, however I don't like meditation. Don't let these methods interfere with your mind. And the therapy is bs too imo once again.

Also I wanted to do yoga but they have loads of meditation built in I believe so I just stretch and shit instead.
Why not just quit weed and caffeine instead also or only weed when some friend has it, it's unnecessary.

Rear naked woke 

Rinny   United States. Sep 03 2015 23:05. Posts 600

Wow I don't think I've ever heard anyone be anti-meditation lol. I'm definitely going to listen to that podcast to see wtf they're talking about. My personal experience with meditation has been very positive when I've committed to it and there are studies supporting that. If the argument against it is that it's self brainwashing I'm totally fine with that. Sometimes when I'm really depressed I think of joining the mormons with the intention of faking belief in it until I actually do. Those mormons seem so fucking happy lol!

I tried to quit caffeine this summer and I felt lethargic and depressed for 3 weeks. So for now I am granting it a concession out of respect for it's powers. The same isn't really true for cannabis but I like it so much T_T especially now that it helps with the pain. I have a history of making grandiose plans then not following through so I'm just trying to be more realistic this time.

Rinny   United States. Sep 04 2015 02:52. Posts 600

Mortensen8 I can kind of relate to that video because I went to a group meditation class where we talked about our feelings afterward. Looking back it was kind of creepy. Once it was just me and the teacher and she told me about her young child dying. But dude, that's old school meditation. Now there's apps that teach you to meditate so you get an edge over all the other silicon valley workaholics.

I do it myself in my room. I view it as pressing CTRL-SHIFT-ESC on your brain so you can close down unnecessary sub routines. Your brain doesn't need to run "scanForPredators.exe" .

spugru   Finland. Sep 04 2015 08:15. Posts 187

  On September 03 2015 22:05 Rinny wrote:
Sometimes when I'm really depressed I think of joining the mormons with the intention of faking belief in it until I actually do. Those mormons seem so fucking happy lol!

Hahah, I have similar thoughts when im depressed. Kinda like fantasizing about finding Jesus or whatever by first faking it and eventually becoming a happy religious nut.

play your position small soldier 

Mortensen8   Chad. Sep 04 2015 10:35. Posts 1845

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It doesn't matter if it's an app or whatever the worrying aspects still apply. I'm extremely suspicious of anything coming from the post 60's hippie movement it's looking like a massive psy op. Just look at how mainstream this stuff is getting.

They always go on and on about the positive aspects so much that it makes me sick. If all you do is focus on the positive and love and bla bla you make no progress.

People today think they should be happy all the time. If you are feeling depressed it doesn't mean you need therapy and pills. With therapy it's the same concept you are letting your therapist define reality for you.

You need to embrace the suck and try to make your situation better.

Rear naked woke 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Sep 04 2015 13:52. Posts 6374

  On September 03 2015 20:34 Rinny wrote:
Do basic personal hygiene (shower/shave/brush teeth) everyday


ban baal 


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