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Same Old Shit Or?

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RiKD    United States. Sep 04 2015 08:28. Posts 8869
At this historic moment, as climate-change-induced resource wars appear imminent and spontaneous revolutionary fervor is erupting around the world, it would be good for the people of America, and those who want to be America, to do a bit of soul searching. It would be wise to take this opportunity to ask some fundamental questions about US foreign policy which are continually ignored. Why do we maintain an all-but-irreversible worldwide system of over 1,000 military bases, stations and outposts? Why do our troops serve on the soil of 175 of 192 member states of the United Nations? And why, at a time when our national debt is spiraling ominously out of control, are we spending more on our military than all the rest of the nations of the world combined?

Of course, the deeper psychological question at the heart of all this is: What are we so afraid of? Why are we trying so hard to control everything? Why can't we relax and be less fearful of the other?

And then, finally, there is this inspiring and uplifting question to ponder: Can we rediscover our ideals as a nation and learn once again how to cast that magical soft-power spell which so enthralled most of humanity in the decades after World War II?

Why not?

Kalle Lasn
Adbusters May/June 2011 – #95 – Volume 19 Number 3

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lucky331   . Sep 04 2015 09:29. Posts 1124

It's the age of the American Empire. But like anything in history, civilizations and empires fall. Usually on their own doing.

devon06atX   Canada. Sep 04 2015 16:27. Posts 5459

America IS falling. This is most likely their best chance at attempting to maintain the *main* superpower status. As stupid as the world thinks the states are, they obv. have a long-term plan that they're following. And they most likely have tons of people who are brilliant hatching these plans. Hate them as much as you want, but they're just trying to cling to power - albeit with incomprehensible morals.

*Small fact check. Pretty sure the US spends about as much the next ~9 countries combined, or something to that affect. I get what you're saying though

 Last edit: 04/09/2015 17:53

traxamillion   United States. Sep 04 2015 16:47. Posts 10468

What idealistic garbage lol

'Can we rediscover our ideals as a nation and learn once again how to cast that magical soft power spell which so enthralled most of humanity...'

So many things wrong with this I don't even know where to begin.

The idea of a national identity in the first place is a mistake. The actions of the government are in no way representative of the psyche of the people within the borders of this land.

traxamillion   United States. Sep 04 2015 16:52. Posts 10468

Those bases are about securing 1st world economic interests. Chevron can't pull oil out of completely destabilized regions in Africa

casinocasino   Canada. Sep 04 2015 19:28. Posts 3343

The real question is, what can stop them? IMO nothing.

RiKD    United States. Sep 04 2015 20:18. Posts 8869

Some cool posts. I like where this is going.

Fwiw, I am not saying anything in OP, Kalle Lasn is. I do not necessarily endorse any or all of it. He just asks some good questions.

RiKD    United States. Sep 04 2015 20:22. Posts 8869

  On September 04 2015 08:29 lucky331 wrote:
It's the age of the American Empire. But like anything in history, civilizations and empires fall. Usually on their own doing.

Assume that there are facts that support that China is the new empire. What does that mean?

RiKD    United States. Sep 04 2015 20:41. Posts 8869

  On September 04 2015 15:27 devon06atX wrote:
America IS falling. This is most likely their best chance at attempting to maintain the *main* superpower status. As stupid as the world thinks the states are, they obv. have a long-term plan that they're following. And they most likely have tons of people who are brilliant hatching these plans. Hate them as much as you want, but they're just trying to cling to power - albeit with incomprehensible morals.

*Small fact check. Pretty sure the US spends about as much the next ~9 countries combined, or something to that affect. I get what you're saying though

I did not say it. Kalle Lasn said it in 2011.

Is there a way to correct, progress, and continually improve the current situation of billionaires, multinational corporations being able to control and program the media, politics, and people to suit their own gains?

Why is everyone ok with:

Privately funded political campaigns with no transparency?

Trade agreements that benefit one tenth of 1%?

Tax laws that basically equate to tax sheltering and tax evasion for one tenth of 1%?

Why do we allow ourselves to be seduced and sedated and programmed by luxury, tv, advertising and the military-industrial complex?

If enough people get educated and engaged progress is inevitable.

 Last edit: 09/09/2015 07:40

RiKD    United States. Sep 04 2015 20:50. Posts 8869

  On September 04 2015 15:47 traxamillion wrote:
What idealistic garbage lol

'Can we rediscover our ideals as a nation and learn once again how to cast that magical soft power spell which so enthralled most of humanity...'

So many things wrong with this I don't even know where to begin.

Please, begin. Facts not feelings.

  The idea of a national identity in the first place is a mistake. The actions of the government are in no way representative of the psyche of the people within the borders of this land.

So, how do we get the actions of the government to represent the psyche of people within the borders of this land?

How do we change it from GOVERNMENT to TRUSTED PUBLIC SERVICE?

 Last edit: 09/09/2015 07:41

RiKD    United States. Sep 04 2015 20:52. Posts 8869

  On September 04 2015 15:52 traxamillion wrote:
Those bases are about securing 1st world economic interests. Chevron can't pull oil out of completely destabilized regions in Africa

What if we relied less on fossil fuels?

What if Tesla was less regulated?

What if we did not need oil?

What if the fat cats who got fat on oil could not shelter money and evade taxes and control politics and media for their own gain?

RiKD    United States. Sep 04 2015 20:55. Posts 8869

  On September 04 2015 18:28 casinocasino wrote:
The real question is, what can stop them? IMO nothing.

Truthful information. Reliable word of mouth. Intelligent education.

RiKD    United States. Sep 04 2015 21:09. Posts 8869

We need more Karl Pilkington:

lucky331   . Sep 04 2015 23:51. Posts 1124

  On September 04 2015 19:22 RiKD wrote:
Show nested quote +

Assume that there are facts that support that China is the new empire. What does that mean?

When one falls another takes its place, I guess...?

lucky331   . Sep 04 2015 23:52. Posts 1124

  On September 04 2015 19:55 RiKD wrote:
Show nested quote +

Truthful information. Reliable word of mouth. Intelligent education. Bitcoin.


RiKD    United States. Sep 05 2015 20:54. Posts 8869

I am pro bitcoin.

Here is a story that happened today on how I do not understand how bitcoin will get going:

So, I know someone who lives outside of the USA. He was asking about the best way to wire money into the USA to his future mother in law for a downpayment on a wedding ring. Currently, I see no better way to accomplish this then a low cost wire transfer.

Non-busy* Tech savvy people can take some time and learn how bitcoin works, learn how to create an account, etc. It still takes time and energy. The mother in law, however, is never even considering learning bitcoin let alone ever considering it as a viable option.

My other concern is the silk road stuff. My other concern is future regulation. Maybe that is propaganda induced fear but that is another question. How does bitcoin overcome propaganda induced fear? A low cost bank wire is an easy, secure, hassle free transaction. Currently, bitcoin is not these things.

*Non-busy (I edited from young. Age discrimination . It is a lot easier to learn tech from a young age especially with out a lot of responsibilities. Kids with ipads from age 2 and tech lingual parents : Kids speaking 2 languages from age 2 with bilingual parents :: Tech skills : Language skills.

 Last edit: 06/09/2015 07:27

RiKD    United States. Sep 06 2015 07:17. Posts 8869

We need more Bernie Sanders:

Jelle   Belgium. Sep 07 2015 22:43. Posts 3476

I never heard of Bernie Sanders so i googled his stance on israel and gg T_T


RiKD    United States. Sep 09 2015 07:53. Posts 8869

The first stance I found:

Sanders in 1988: "I don't have a magical solution to that problem. It is a tragedy."

Sanders in 2015: (In regards to Israel-Palestine conflict) "If I were to tell you that I have a magical solution to a problem that has gone on for 50 years, I don't."

Where do you take issue with this stance?

Jelle   Belgium. Sep 09 2015 09:37. Posts 3476

Well I believe the whole israel-palestinia deal is that some palestinian terrorists have low level rockets, occasionally manage to kill some israeli citizens, and israel reacts by obliterating their entire country. Israel's policy is insanely brutal, an atrocity, and they should get called out for it but all the US politicians turn a blind eye and are always groveling for israel and supporting them with US taxpayer money for their "heroics" as if they are bribed.

Anyway, when I saw a pretty lefty US politician (i didn't know this existed) I was excited that maybe someone would finally say that, but the first video I found where he was asked such a question he was immediately saying stuff like "don't forget that palestina attacks israel with rockets..." etc the same israel-is-the-victim" reasoning. It's like cannon rushing an opponent in brood war and when he defends his base by attacking ur cannons with his workers (and fails horribly too losing all his drones) you claim that he cheesed you because he attacked "your base" with his workers

The Bern might still easily be the best option to support though, I was just disappointed. I think that him favoring israel and highlighting the crimes of palestinian terrorists while he's on the left side of the political spectrum is so unnatural that it immediately makes me suspect he is on the israel payroll. I like him talking about inequality and all but if I suspect he is bought, i can't trust him, and if i can't trust him it doesn't matter that I like some of his stances because I don't think he will actually execute them anyway.

I agree that there's no easy solution for israel vs palestina but in the current system israel can do whatever atrocity and warcrime they want and US will call it defensive heroics and ship $$$$$$$$ and europe will weakly pretend to object. I wonder what would happen if the US simply tells israel to stop aggro cannon rushing around, give back the land they colonized and only defend their original base, otherwise they get no more money? If you are a rich man and your fils-de-papa son is going around buying fancy cars and not spending enough time with u, don't complain that it can't be helped, just cut his allowance for 2 weeks and he will fall in line immediately. Maybe it works for rampaging allied nations as well. And if they don't listen at least you can spend all that money on the underpriviliged US citizens that you claim to care about.

btw I don't mean to bash the US I just have no faith in politics in general. The idea that the masses give their opinion and then some ppl execute is nice in theory but it never seems to actually happen.



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