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NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 05 2015 20:16. Posts 4946
I took the next week off from work to go grind it out in the live card rooms of Florida. With the weekend I'll have a total of 10 days of playtime which should be a good experiment. The goal is to experience the lifestyle of a professional poker player. It's easy to go on a holiday weekend and just have a good time, it's another to play every single day to the point that you wish you were doing something else instead. I need to know what that feels like and how I'll handle it in case after day 5 I'm like "holy fuck I hate this, I want my normal job back". So my days will generally consist of playing from around 7pm-2am, going to bed around 3am, and sleeping till 1pm. Eat breakfast, maybe early dinner, study a little, then go back to cardroom. I may try some daytime shifts since I've been told the card rooms are bumping almost all day long and a night life might not be necessary, even though I'm a night owl anyway which suits me best.

To help create this "normal every day life" during my time here I actually booked a room through AirBnB. I hate staying in hotels and figured maybe some schmuck's house would feel more like home. I snagged a room in a nice house in a country club. Indoor pool, lakeside, paddle boats, secured entry, full kitchen, the works. The guy himself is really chill, just some older businessman in his 50's with a family all grown up doing their own thing. I brought my computer and everything since he has a desk in my room so I'm pretty well set up here. This is SO much better than a hotel already. Even though it's not my home it still feels like my home. Plus the shit is way cheaper than a hotel. My fav hotel here would have cost me $1500 to stay. This guy's house is $500.

Beyond that, my life could get pretty boring. Eat/sleep/poker. But thats the point, because I already know I like doing two of those things. Last thing I want to do is quit my job, move to a foreign city, and just hope I like my new career path. I'll be playing 2/5 NLHE exclusively as that is the lowest limit one can make a living at and I dont know PLO.

This was my first night playing in about 3 months. My table was a little nitty but since I play full ring live like 6max online I can usually open it up a bit. The key element here was just the atmosphere. So many people say they hate live play mostly because they can play so many more hands online. From the moment I sat down until the 5 hour mark I loved every bit of it. Just the socializing, talking about Narcos, making racist jokes at each other, talking about poker and the 10/20 game going on above us, it all just felt right. Online players get bored from lack of hands. I get bored from lack of conversation. It's such a huge life commitment to dedicate yourself to the live format since it requires so many personal changes in your lifestyle. However I think those changes can actually keep you healthy. They create balance, something many live grinders are sorely missing. I actually enjoy waking up, taking a shower, eating breakfast, getting dressed, driving 10 minutes to card room, grinding, leaving for dinner, coming back, going home, settling in for the night and watching some TV. It's as close to a normal lifestyle as you can get coming from the American work force.

Day1: -$40
Total: -$40

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bye nowLast edit: 05/09/2015 20:21

PuertoRican   United States. Sep 05 2015 20:31. Posts 13095

Good luck grinding~

Rekrul is a newb 

Trav94   Canada. Sep 05 2015 22:19. Posts 1787

glgl. The live grind is great when you're winning. But the losing stretches seem like they last forever.


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