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Day 4 - le tilt

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NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 08 2015 09:40. Posts 4946
Damn, I thought I was better than this, but I still let tilt get the best of me today. Finally had an encounter with the kind of penny stakes fish that used to drive me insane online. One guy raised 74s utg, called my 3bet preflop, then 3bet the flop after I tried to steal it from him and showed a pair of 7's on an Ace high flop after I folded. I didnt feel outplayed, but more like he's just insane since I hadnt had any run in's with him to date. I start 3betting him every time he raises with limited success. A few folds here and there but mostly calls that I kept having to lay down on the most random of fucking boards that he just wouldnt go away on. I chip him up at least $300 before the inevitable happens.

Reg: $2700
Hero: $1100 (As8s)

Reg: BTN raises to $20
Hero: BB raises to $75
Reg: snap calls

Flop: 624ss
Hero: bets $110
Reg: snap calls

Turn: 624Tsss
Hero: bets $315
Reg: snap calls

River: 624TTsss
Hero: tank jams for effect
Reg: snap calls

Reg shows T6hh for a runner runner boat. This is what used to drive me to punching monitors back in the day. You just attack and attack and attack some insane fish and when you finally hit that pivotal moment where you're both deepstacked, they fucking hit a miracle one last time. I even commented on it earlier after he kept beating me with his dog shit hands that "we're gonna get into it eventually I know it buddy!" He eventually left and I got moved to a table full of black guys. That didnt go well. Got shoved on twice preflop by rags and lost, and got a guy to call $50 pre with 52o and $150cbet on a gutshot and get there.

Day1: -$40
Day2: $970
Day3: $190
Day4: -$1700
Total: -$580

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Balzamon   Sweden. Sep 08 2015 10:17. Posts 2868

I dunno why you think its a good strat to start 3betting him a ton with hands that you have to give up later. Like that A8s oop I would say is a pretty big mistake to 3b instead of just calling.

PuertoRican   United States. Sep 08 2015 18:40. Posts 13095

Rekrul is a newb 

Nitewin   United States. Sep 08 2015 19:39. Posts 1552

Difference between winning and losing that is $3400.

Trav94   Canada. Sep 08 2015 19:44. Posts 1787

No idea why you're bloating the pot oop with A8. Doesn't seem like anything other than tilt/personal vengeance against this fish.

NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 08 2015 21:08. Posts 4946

  On September 08 2015 18:44 Trav94 wrote:
No idea why you're bloating the pot oop with A8. Doesn't seem like anything other than tilt/personal vengeance against this fish.

Thats all it was. I mean part of me wants to say that I know he's raising light so I should exploit that by coming over the top. I guess I could just call a lot, but seems like any time I turn up the heat it's going to be obvious I hit. If I keep 3betting him then my 3bets are as worthless as his preflop raises, which means we are just playing bigger pots on the flop which stand a greater chance of an allin when one of us does hit. I assumed I would hit better than him on a regular basis. But I was definitely doing it out of pride/anger than direct exploitation. That and I was on my 5th drink, something I havent done at poker in a long time. Think I'll lay off the alcohol for a few days and see if that helps.

bye now 

fira   United States. Sep 08 2015 22:33. Posts 6345

you can raise him light IP (although u shouldn't forget about the other players at the table), OOP you should prob raise HUGE with good value hands to punish his light calls, and be calling a lot with good middling hands like A8s

also what stakes is this? can't tell if he minraised pre or not

 Last edit: 08/09/2015 22:36

NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 09 2015 02:09. Posts 4946

  On September 08 2015 21:33 fira wrote:
you can raise him light IP (although u shouldn't forget about the other players at the table), OOP you should prob raise HUGE with good value hands to punish his light calls, and be calling a lot with good middling hands like A8s

also what stakes is this? can't tell if he minraised pre or not

2/5 NLHE, no minraises.

bye now 


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