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Quit my job

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NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 19 2015 03:32. Posts 4946
Put in my 2 weeks today. Of course boss freaked out because I am the only person in IT so it kinda fucks them. I'm very well regarded and liked though, even take flying lessons with the owner of the company, so there's no bad blood in me leaving the company hanging like that. Asked me what it would take to get me to stay. I threw an absurd number out there and even told him I knew it was absurd, but hey money is money. I currently make 64k and told him 90k and I'll stay. Reason being is that I need a strong incentive to stay if I'm going to sacrifice poker dream and work a job I no longer enjoy (obviously didnt tell him about poker). Plus my company is currently struggling so I need the added income insurance in case I lose my job in 6 months anyway. They've laid off so many people there is easily 2 million in salary they have saved. My boss himself makes 230k as a "director of IT" which just means he signs the checks to order new phone systems and tells me to do the work. Fuck em, they can easily pitch 25k my way after firing everyone in IT but me. He said he'll talk to the president and get back to me Monday with a counter.

Someone just bought my house, and I just sold my Orange mustang. Already went apartment hunting in Jacksonville so I know all the good places. Hopefully they can squeeze me in within 2 weeks since I dont want to waste any time after unemployment. I dont know what my real bankroll will be after home sale and all, but I'm hoping to have about 8k in the checking account when I touchdown in Florida (plus $0 balances on my credit cards netting me 20-30k as a parachute). I will immediately begin scouting new jobs as a backup just to get the ball rolling in case I go on instant poker downswing. Granted I'm only giving myself a 2 week headstart but it's better than nothing.

The guy I stayed with through Airbnb is an "IT project manager" of some sort, and he told me to give him my resume so hopefully that can jumpstart things. If I hit it off playing poker I'll postpone any interviews. Or maybe I'll go on them anyway, get a job locked up, and then depending upon my risk tolerance just bail at the last second.

I figure worst case scenario is that since I stand a good chance of losing my current job anyway, I might as well be unemployed and fully relocated to a new city so that poker is within arm's reach so I can keep that opportunity available to me in the future.

Longterm objective is to crush 2/5, gross 80k as poker salary, then look at moving to vegas or SoCal so I can take it to the next level and play 5/10. Going to florida is just easier logistically right now since I live in SC.

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bye nowLast edit: 19/09/2015 03:38

devon06atX   Canada. Sep 19 2015 04:06. Posts 5459

Crazy bastard. Best of luck man

iop   Sweden. Sep 19 2015 04:53. Posts 4951

You think you will have $8K in your bank account and you're giving poker a shot full time?

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

K40Cheddar   United States. Sep 19 2015 05:37. Posts 2202

live the dream. Try not to crash and burn.


whamm!   Albania. Sep 19 2015 05:46. Posts 11625

what did the wife say? she mad?

NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 19 2015 07:58. Posts 4946

  On September 19 2015 04:46 whamm! wrote:
what did the wife say? she mad?

We split. I found out she cheated on me a few years ago, she confessed, couldnt forgive her for it, so we called things off.

bye now 

ggplz   Sweden. Sep 19 2015 08:44. Posts 16784

Pretty risky decision, good luck & hope it works out

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Sep 19 2015 09:05. Posts 9634

Props for following what you love, best of luck

Trav94   Canada. Sep 19 2015 09:19. Posts 1787

As someone whose played a reasonable amount of 2/5, you're going to have to run really really well at the start to make it playing on 8k... At least you don't have wife/kids to worry about. good luck man.

 Last edit: 19/09/2015 09:21

4TM   United States. Sep 19 2015 09:28. Posts 712

  On September 19 2015 08:05 Spitfiree wrote:
Props for following what you love, best of luck


jvilla777   Australia. Sep 19 2015 10:42. Posts 1348

goodluck bro

longple: ur missing the point! this is an attempt to get away from the bumhuntmentality! 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 19 2015 11:09. Posts 15163

  On September 19 2015 06:58 NewbSaibot wrote:
Show nested quote +

We split. I found out she cheated on me a few years ago, she confessed, couldnt forgive her for it, so we called things off.

Major props my man, a really great decision!

93% Sure!  

Highcard   Canada. Sep 19 2015 12:17. Posts 5428

Now that is a 180 life spin man, good luck

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

hiems   United States. Sep 19 2015 12:49. Posts 2979

Do you have any other assets that you aren't mentioning such as 401k? 8k after sale of home and mustang seems on the lower end. for example if you had xxxxx in 401k while it would not be liquid enough to use as a bankroll or anything for your venture, I do think an established nestegg would be relevant to mention.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 19/09/2015 12:50

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 19 2015 15:43. Posts 15163

Don't think it matters really, especially after leaving the wife behind NewbSaibot deserves to do what his heart desires for a while

93% Sure!  

ClouD87   Italy. Sep 19 2015 17:26. Posts 524

have fun bro, best of luck

traxamillion   United States. Sep 19 2015 18:34. Posts 10468

If you are good 8k should be enough unless u hit a sub 5% run right off the bat.

How old are you?

Rinny   United States. Sep 19 2015 19:45. Posts 600

assuming your home is 100k (conservative) the sale of it should deviate by a couple of points each worth 1k . so 8k is just a guess. It seems like it would be smart to grind out another 2-5k to be conservative.

I think you mad an error in your salary negotiation. Since you are actually prepared to leave you have huge leverage in that spot. I think it would be better to ask for 120k planning on settling at 90-100k .

Nitewin   United States. Sep 19 2015 19:48. Posts 1552

Good luck. LP has your back.

MARSHALL28   United States. Sep 20 2015 01:54. Posts 1897

what you are doing is going to be very tough. i wish u good luck ....

one thing i'd recommend is re-thinking your long term goals. just 'crushing 2/5' for one isn't too reasonable (for me either) and for two you have better options to make larger sums of money than doing that.

i found this site helpful in forcing myself to set goals and figuring out exactly where i want to be and what i want to do...


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