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ZoomWatcher ex-player -> web developer

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Zetsnotdead   Poland. Mar 24 2016 21:43. Posts 1327

I was never active in the forums but I've been in contact with a bunch of Lpers over the years. It's also been my starting page for a long time and it's the only poker community I feel close to.

I'm 25. I started playing poker in high school. I spent 2 weeks in uni but I couldn't stand it. I'll be honest with you, LP. I was never the type to hit the books hard.
Oly coached me during my nl years and I'll never forget the HOURS of coaching and talks. Thank you!!!
Then I made a switch to PLO and got in contact with Mipwnya. He taught me a TON and became a great friend. I really appreciate everything you did for me Quentin.
I also got to play a bunch of Unibet Open events where I met some of Lpers.

Then inspired by Panorama's and AndrewSong's blog posts, I decided to do a cold turkey switch to programming full time. Kevin, thank you for sharing your story and the emails we've exchanged. They were very helpful! You put in a lot of effort without us even knowing each other first. I'm very grateful.

I decided to learn web development and I've been doing the Odin Project. 4 months into the learning, I decided I was ready to test my skills and I want to share the results with you.

ZoomWatcher provides free statistical analysis for pokerstars players.

The site is meant to be used as a game selection tool for stars zoom players. Even players who play any line up will find the statistics presented on the site interesting.

If you were ever sick of scrolling the lobby and adding the entries in your head, then I think you will be happy to use the site.

You can use the charts to analyse trends. Last 15 and 60 minutes trends can help you make a decision about ending or continuing your session. If the one entries keep going up, you continue playing. If they keep going down, you might decide you're done for the day.

Last 24 hours section will let you know how the games looked like yesterday at the same hour. It can be helpful when deciding whether to grind for another day or take a day off. If the games are 20% better than yesterday, you might skip a party and grind instead.

I am happy to answer any questions you might have. I would love to hear what you think about the site. All the information on the site is free, however there is a donate button for those who find the site helpful and want to support it.

Defrag, pozdrawiam i dzieki za mozliwosc napisania o tym
Shout out to Python, EvilSky and HeroesEnage for talkin no limit hands with me years back.
I also talked a bit with Marshall and Tian, more recently.
Salute to Dusty, we even got to meet at a live event...

JoeIngram, I never had a chance to talk to you but I played some hands vs you and I'm a big fan of your podcast.

0 votes
Facebook Twitter Free statistics of the zoom games at PokerStarsLast edit: 25/03/2016 19:43

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Mar 24 2016 21:58. Posts 5230

cheers for the shout out mate
im actually using your watcher quite a bit, pretty good tool to choose whether or not to play
now get it working for zoom500 :D

Oly   United Kingdom. Mar 24 2016 23:47. Posts 3585

Super impressive work dude. You learn very quickly! Good luck with it...

Researchers used brain scans to show that when straight men looked at pictures of women in bikinis, areas of the brain that normally light up in anticipation of using tools, like spanners and screwdrivers, were activated. 

traxamillion   United States. Mar 25 2016 04:09. Posts 10468

Nice man sweet tool you created. I set it to pacific time and I am assuming 00 is midnight?

traxamillion   United States. Mar 25 2016 04:11. Posts 10468

wouldnt have thought plo200 would have 50% single entries; although this may be a deader time for all the stars players in europe?

traxamillion   United States. Mar 25 2016 04:13. Posts 10468

how difficult to add other sites that run fast fold games?

PanoRaMa   United States. Mar 25 2016 08:50. Posts 1655

Well done man 

Zetsnotdead   Poland. Mar 25 2016 19:17. Posts 1327

Thank you for your replies!

Trax, 00 is indeed midnight. Check out your inbox for a PM from me.

Right now, I'm focused on stars games. If people show enough interest in the site, I will consider adding more sites.

Currently, my to do list is:

- country based distribution (how many brazillian players are around? etc.)
- Zoom 500
- getting enough people to care about the site (if there is no interest, I can't afford to invest too much time into it)
- automatic time zone detection on the site

As for the last point, if you have any way of promoting the site I would appreciate the support. If you know anyone who might be interested in the site, please send them a link. Free statistics of the zoom games at PokerStars 

Zetsnotdead   Poland. Mar 26 2016 19:26. Posts 1327


I just implemented demographics into the site. You can check out top 10 most represented countries in any zoom pool.

Btw, how important do you think developing a mobile app for the site is? Free statistics of the zoom games at PokerStars 

TianYuan    Korea (South). Mar 28 2016 08:19. Posts 6817

The time of day/entries thing is very interesting. Although I suspect it will just confirm what I already knew - that games are very good during asian morning/noon

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

Zetsnotdead   Poland. Mar 28 2016 14:38. Posts 1327

Yesterday I added zoom 500 to the site. I experienced some technical difficulties this morning but everything is running good now. Last 24 hours overview will be back later today. Free statistics of the zoom games at PokerStars 

TimDawg    United States. Mar 28 2016 21:56. Posts 10197

I was actually just recently introduced to the site. Very cool stuff.

Best of luck going forward with whatever you do!

online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball 

AndrewSong    United States. Apr 02 2016 07:00. Posts 2355

Awesome stuff, very impressed with your creativity in the project. I like your selection of books in your page, got one of the books using your link.

longple    Sweden. Apr 02 2016 18:10. Posts 4472

Rinny   United States. Apr 03 2016 13:49. Posts 600

Very impressive for 4months

careface_   Canada. Apr 05 2016 22:29. Posts 788

I look at the PLO pool and find some things odd,

You look at PLO25, 237 entries, 21.5% are russian 13.1% are german. The 21.5% russian seems huge and odd

You look at PLO50, 137 entries, 23.4% german, 10.2% russian. Numbers are somewhat inversed.

You look at PLO100, 131 entries, 15.3% russian, and almost no germans.

You look at PLO200, 102 entries, All numbers seem fine, but basically no germans at all.

Looked at this I don't know, felt odd. Doesn't seem natural. The ratio of Russian and Germans at plo50/plo100 simply seems off the chart

austrian oak   Belgium. Apr 08 2016 19:11. Posts 520

Bots gonna bot

Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you! 

careface_   Canada. Apr 10 2016 03:41. Posts 788

  On April 08 2016 18:11 austrian oak wrote:
Bots gonna bot

That's what I was wondering.

thewh00sel    United States. Apr 12 2016 15:51. Posts 2734

  On March 26 2016 18:26 Zetsnotdead wrote:
Btw, how important do you think developing a mobile app for the site is?

seems unimportant/waste of time. Anyone interested in this can access the basic website from their phone anyways if they're away from the computer. And most people interested in the information on the site will be at their computer anyways deciding whether or not to start/continue a session.

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn RandLast edit: 12/04/2016 15:52

Smuft   Canada. Apr 21 2016 21:50. Posts 633

you done with this or legit down for maintenance?


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