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Forrest Gump   Argentina. Mar 25 2016 20:07. Posts 1217
Hi, Im back. Little story first: This week a friend graduated in computer science with a thesis about mimicry in conversations. That is, with a conversation game, samples between pairs of persons, they tried to build a metric to correlate certain stats (volume, frequency, speed, change in tone, etc) to certain behaviors (cooperation, boredom, etc).
Now, what I thought after: What is the importance of mimicry in online poker? What does it mean if my opponent (or me) mimics game speed? In HU games seems to be common. Sometimes, someone plays too fast and the other plays slower to think and not give easy tells or as a way to antimimicry to slow the speed pace. Or viceversa, becouse someone plays slow, the other guy has time to play fast when its his turn to act. Other times I find myself slowing the speed when someone plays slow and I dont even need to play slow against him. What does it mean? That Im not strong enough to enforce the game speed? That I want to feel the other more comfortable by playing at his speed? Can the other player exploit me if he knows I tend to mimic speed?
What do you guys think? Is there anything written out there about this topic?

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traxamillion   United States. Mar 26 2016 08:09. Posts 10468


I know when someone wants to play with insta decisions in HU SNGs i'm generally down to play the same. IF he were playing slow i likely play slower too in spots maybe cause i just figure he is thinking more or something will have to give it some thought never gave it much consideration beyond not wanting to give away any timing tells. Might be an ego thing too like if he is capable of making fast decisions well shit i'll show you i'm better at it and will beat you regardless even if it may reduce overall edge (ego will override this consideration, plus if you are getting in repeat games with an edge even if your winrate goes down a small bit if your h/hr go up a ton it will be made up for in hourly. Same for cash but generally not snap making huge river bets for 100+bb)


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