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Thoughts at the time

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RiKD    United States. Sep 30 2016 20:02. Posts 8864
Tyler Durden, super hero, anti-hero. I was just thinking how it is ironic that anti-materialistic, squatting Tyler Durden is dressed by a personal stylist. One scene deriding underwear models, the next more shredded, and sculpted than any Michelangelo. It is mixed messages. It is fantasy. I now know some people who have been homeless and that have squatted. It is not as glamorous as the moving pictures make it out to be from their stories.

Where am I going with this?

I am in this weird space of wanting monk like serenity but being hooked on dope. I am spending too much on clothes. I am a slave. I am not a personal stylist and thrift stores are not all that great. I need to wear clothes though. It is illegal not to. It is getting cold. It is getting rainy and soon to be slushy and icy. I do not want to follow the whims of any industry but there are certain taste makers that I am drawn to. I went through a period where I literally just grabbed the first thing I saw and ran with it. That was pretty cool. I do not want to start having to mix and match all this stuff all the time causing unneeded anxiety.


I want to talk more about fantasy. I watched Eyes Wide Shut a while ago. Really cool movie imo. I love Kubrick. It sent me on a wild adventure through pornography. I became cool with some of my darker fantasies. Then I realized it was becoming an obsession. I have been celibate from everything since. There are times where my purpose in life becomes chasing fantasy, chasing dreams. This has gotten me in trouble in the past. There were times when I reached the fantasy/dream and was left almost numb. I suppose it is like what Socrates says: Happiness is the pursuit of happiness.

I do not think I could ever go full monk. I think it is weird how much worship the buddhists give to their spiritual teachers. I also think it is weird that many spiritual teachers are chosen as children. I also believe in love. I believe in companionship. It may mean suffering but many things lead to suffering. Perhaps, meditating and helping people all day does not lead to suffering but that is a large leap to take.

One thing I have found is that it is very difficult living on monk'ish principles in the USA. I am constantly being bombarded by messages and signals. My third eye gets tired.

I was talking to a Parisian the other day. It came out in conversation that I have a fantasy of moving to Paris, winning a Parisian girlfriend, learning French, and enjoying the city. He wisely and soberly mentioned I would need a job offer in hand. That is truth. Many times I like living outside of truth. Imagination is more fun than reality.

One of my fantasies is to have a 3 some with a red-haired Rihanna and red-haired Nikki Minaj. I thought that was a good one. A kind of Eyes Wide Shut remix. I also have a fantasy to have a harem of women. Hand picked based on fantasy compatibility. I would design their outfit. Then time to have fun.

It is time for me to go now. That was definitely my thoughts at the time.

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Nitewin   United States. Sep 30 2016 21:52. Posts 1552

my thoughts on your thoughts

you don't need to follow clothing trends. buy quality and comfort. think classic, something that will not go out of style. that way you can build core pieces of your wardrobe and rarely have to shop.

why does believing in love/companionship mean suffering?

i don't think you have to literally abandon everything and go live in a temple to live by monk principles. you can live as you are. you just need to be aware of the environment, yourself, and your desires. then do nothing. be content, be on your path of purpose.

it seems like women are a huge desire in your current path right now. are you doing what you need to do to attract them? once you conquer that quest they will have no power on you. you probably won't even fantasize about them.

conquer your desires one by one. it does not necessarily mean attainment although it could. it means objectively understanding all aspects of it, then letting go of its power over you.

gain control of yourself, gain knowledge, gain power, do good, live fully, gravitate towards happiness. then die in peace when your time's up.

Nitewin   United States. Sep 30 2016 21:54. Posts 1552

by do nothing i mean don't be swept away by the tides of desire. be in control. decide who you are and move forward.

asdf2000   United States. Oct 01 2016 20:25. Posts 7695

remarks on buddhism:

what do you think a buddhist is?
what do you think a monk is?

do the nonsense traditions of specific sects or cults have much to do with what buddhism is actually about?

suffering does not result from any sort of endeavor. this or that doesn't matter. just be honest with yourself and try to be a better person and that is what you will become.

Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right. 

dnagardi   Hungary. Oct 01 2016 20:54. Posts 1776


Big_Rob_isback   United States. Oct 01 2016 22:14. Posts 211

Funny you mention clothes. I have talked to some people like shamans recently about this (yeah, quitting poker made me want to meet people waaay new). Anyway, they agree dressing nice and loving the way you look is very healthy, even if it means spending money.

Also, you can do a short meditation on how thankful u are for the existence of these nice clothes from designers all the way to the material producers and then the people that actually make the clothes (yeah thats you 'made in China'). Thinking in gratitude that way kinda humbles me to thinking how to contribute to society and how thankful i am for others that do.

just playing live poker for funLast edit: 01/10/2016 22:24

Big_Rob_isback   United States. Oct 01 2016 22:23. Posts 211

Also I went and saw Eckhart Tolle in person. In relation to your monk thoughts, he had a bit to say. He said meditation and spiritual practice is all good, but ultimately you have to return to normal life and then what? Sometimes dedicating yourself to 'spirituality' is more harmful and avoidant. One of the most spiritual things someone can do is get rid of all their emotional baggage with past relationships, and start a new one with a romantic partner. We are talking real life tangible shit here lol. I think that scares people who are interested in spiritual practices more than they will ever let on. I know because I WENT there. For years.

Hit me up sometime, I understand half your thoughts, I would say thats not too shabby

just playing live poker for funLast edit: 01/10/2016 22:24

shootair   United States. Oct 01 2016 22:24. Posts 430

Don't worry. As you age, you gain experience and knowledge. Come back to this post in 5 years and laugh at the complete absurdity of almost everything you mention.

Big_Rob_isback   United States. Oct 01 2016 22:35. Posts 211

  On October 01 2016 21:24 shootair wrote:
Don't worry. As you age, you gain experience and knowledge. Come back to this post in 5 years and laugh at the complete absurdity of almost everything you mention.

I don't think it is an absurd post by him. I just think it is him kind of slowly coming around to the fact that eventually you have to live in the real world. Once you travel to your inner world, the 'real world' is incredibly more difficult to face. Lots of mental illness comes from having consciousness expanding experiences, but then being too afraid to actually return and apply these lessons to the real true world. Lots of times we can only see the fear and suffering of the unknown, and not the positives of living a more peaceful and free life.

just playing live poker for fun 

jeremy5408   United States. Oct 02 2016 01:09. Posts 122

fuck that rikd. you really think a small thing like a job could stop you from going to paris and getting a parisian gf + learning french and all those things? people are capable of so much more. it's only when you commit feet first do you see the way to achieve those things.

there are way too many immigrants in america constantly reminding me what a coward i am and so many of them share the same message to me.

you are capable of so much more. you have more strength than you know what to do with. you've just never put yourself in a all/none scenario where failure is simply not an option.

RiKD    United States. Oct 02 2016 03:30. Posts 8864

Before reading responses some clarity on my OP has come to me. I get sexually frustrated at times. I get creatively blocked at times. I get spiritually blocked at times which is typically the basis of my problems. If I am unblocked spiritually the other two are typically not an issue. I struggle with spirituality. Current day USA messaging can add to blockages. Ok, that was some stuff real quick and I will read comments.

RiKD    United States. Oct 02 2016 03:44. Posts 8864

  On September 30 2016 20:52 Nitewin wrote:
my thoughts on your thoughts

you don't need to follow clothing trends. buy quality and comfort. think classic, something that will not go out of style. that way you can build core pieces of your wardrobe and rarely have to shop.

This is good advice. I typically follow it except I get carried away and want a sneaker and a boot in like white, grey, brown, black. I currently have a thing that I want to customize and tailor my jeans. It may be a fun hobby. It may be silliness. I have been active and occupied since writing OP and out among people and the slave aspect of it seemed to have drifted away. I was at a gallery hop and there were some art pieces that I wish I could have bought but really it just inspired me to continue painting practice and working with garage band and getting outside with people I care about doing fun stuff.

  why does believing in love/companionship mean suffering?

Believing in love/companionship does not mean suffering. Being involved in love and companionship can. Intimacy as friendly intimacy is one thing. Intimacy as sexual intimacy and dating and relationships there will be suffering involved. At least that is my experience. There is a lot of magic there but there can also be a lot of pain and I seem to remember the pain more.

  i don't think you have to literally abandon everything and go live in a temple to live by monk principles. you can live as you a]re. you just need to be aware of the environment, yourself, and your desires. then do nothing. be content, be on your path of purpose.

it seems like women are a huge desire in your current path right now. are you doing what you need to do to attract them? once you conquer that quest they will have no power on you. you probably won't even fantasize about them.

I am doing my best which is all that matters. Being honest, my current circumstances are not the most attractive. I am working through it. Frustrations in all forms will show themselves.

  conquer your desires one by one. it does not necessarily mean attainment although it could. it means objectively understanding all aspects of it, then letting go of its power over you.

gain control of yourself, gain knowledge, gain power, do good, live fully, gravitate towards happiness. then die in peace when your time's up.

Yeah, I like this. Thank you.

RiKD    United States. Oct 02 2016 03:56. Posts 8864

  On October 01 2016 19:25 asdf2000 wrote:
remarks on buddhism:

what do you think a buddhist is?
what do you think a monk is?

do the nonsense traditions of specific sects or cults have much to do with what buddhism is actually about?

The last question is a great one. No. Specific sects or cults do not have much to do with what buddhism is about. I am newer to actually reading stuff about it. I understand reverence for spiritual teachers. I have a reverence for anyone who has consistently helped me with spiritual woes. I do not like the idea of worshipping human beings. Anything that mentions that will turn me off and most spiritual teachers in buddhism pass down the "wisdom" of worship from my experiences. So, to actually answer your question... I do not know whether or not that is what buddhism is about. Enlighten me. What readings do you suggest?

  suffering does not result from any sort of endeavor. this or that doesn't matter. just be honest with yourself and try to be a better person and that is what you will become.

From my understanding and experience any attachment can lead to suffering. So, there is a potential for suffering from any endeavor. There is potential for suffering even from meditation and helping others. If I have an expectation there is a chance of frustration, resentment, suffering. Getting to a point of emptiness, of liberation is the goal. Truly being serene with the outcome of this or that is the goal. It is not easy. If my goal is to practice meditation and be as useful to my corner as "God" sees fit that can be a tricky goal. If I am ok with any outcome there is less suffering. Like, if I can truly believe that I am living in "God's" will and living my purpose 100% that is bliss, that is rapture. How is that accomplished is the problem.

RiKD    United States. Oct 02 2016 03:59. Posts 8864

  On October 01 2016 21:14 Big_Rob_isback wrote:
Funny you mention clothes. I have talked to some people like shamans recently about this (yeah, quitting poker made me want to meet people waaay new). Anyway, they agree dressing nice and loving the way you look is very healthy, even if it means spending money.

Also, you can do a short meditation on how thankful u are for the existence of these nice clothes from designers all the way to the material producers and then the people that actually make the clothes (yeah thats you 'made in China'). Thinking in gratitude that way kinda humbles me to thinking how to contribute to society and how thankful i am for others that do.

Yeah. I really like this perspective. I am always in a way better place when I am living in a space of gratitude. I need to wear clothes. It is a means of expression. I still think obsession with fashion is a negative but the way I dress does effect my mood and my being and vice versa.

RiKD    United States. Oct 02 2016 04:05. Posts 8864

  On October 01 2016 21:23 Big_Rob_isback wrote:
Also I went and saw Eckhart Tolle in person. In relation to your monk thoughts, he had a bit to say. He said meditation and spiritual practice is all good, but ultimately you have to return to normal life and then what? Sometimes dedicating yourself to 'spirituality' is more harmful and avoidant. One of the most spiritual things someone can do is get rid of all their emotional baggage with past relationships, and start a new one with a romantic partner. We are talking real life tangible shit here lol. I think that scares people who are interested in spiritual practices more than they will ever let on. I know because I WENT there. For years.

Hit me up sometime, I understand half your thoughts, I would say thats not too shabby

That is actually one of the main points I am dealing with: getting rid of my emotional baggage with past relationships and start a new one with a romantic partner. It is definitely an underlying fear of mine and continues to be.

I need the spirituality though. I do not think I am hiding behind it. I just get blocked in different sorts of ways and it effects my ability to progress as a person. The more I work on it the more fears and resentments I find. It is a lifelong practice.

RiKD    United States. Oct 02 2016 04:12. Posts 8864

  On October 01 2016 21:35 Big_Rob_isback wrote:
Show nested quote +

I don't think it is an absurd post by him. I just think it is him kind of slowly coming around to the fact that eventually you have to live in the real world. Once you travel to your inner world, the 'real world' is incredibly more difficult to face. [Bold] Lots of mental illness comes from having consciousness expanding experiences, but then being too afraid to actually return and apply these lessons to the real true world.[/Bold] Lots of times we can only see the fear and suffering of the unknown, and not the positives of living a more peaceful and free life.

Bolded is very true for me and at its simplest it is pretty much exactly what OP is about. I can still live in fantasy, have more fun fantasizing about fantasy and life. When I was drinking and doing drugs that was my life. Just as the Parisian's truth was sobering, real life sober can be very sobering.

RiKD    United States. Oct 02 2016 04:18. Posts 8864

  On October 02 2016 00:09 jeremy5408 wrote:
fuck that rikd. you really think a small thing like a job could stop you from going to paris and getting a parisian gf + learning french and all those things? people are capable of so much more. it's only when you commit feet first do you see the way to achieve those things.

there are way too many immigrants in america constantly reminding me what a coward i am and so many of them share the same message to me.

you are capable of so much more. you have more strength than you know what to do with. you've just never put yourself in a all/none scenario where failure is simply not an option.

I have put myself in a lot of risky scenarios. Most of them were great. One of them absolutely crushed me, broke me. I am not in a place to move to Paris at the moment. I am ok with that. I have enough fantasies in the city I am living in

asdf2000   United States. Oct 02 2016 05:20. Posts 7695

  On October 02 2016 02:56 RiKD wrote:
Show nested quote +

The last question is a great one. No. Specific sects or cults do not have much to do with what buddhism is about. I am newer to actually reading stuff about it. I understand reverence for spiritual teachers. I have a reverence for anyone who has consistently helped me with spiritual woes. I do not like the idea of worshipping human beings. Anything that mentions that will turn me off and most spiritual teachers in buddhism pass down the "wisdom" of worship from my experiences. So, to actually answer your question... I do not know whether or not that is what buddhism is about. Enlighten me. What readings do you suggest?

If you're interested in buddhism, the teachings of buddha. In regards to "schools" or "sects", Theravadan Buddhism cares the most about Buddha's teachings and the least about nonsense. But always remember one of Buddha's most important teachings: question everything and find the wisdom in the teachings yourself.

It's obvious you do have some idea what buddhism is about. Buddhism is ultimately a style of life, with Buddha's teachings as the guide. The goal is to overcome suffering by overcoming craving by becoming one with reality, which only exists in the present moment. So it could be said that the goal is to live in the present moment.

The actual teachings from Buddha available in the Pali Canon are good stuff, but they can be confusing. That's because Buddha is trying to break down something that seems unscientific in an extremely scientific way.

Almost no one attains enlightenment (living in the present moment). That's because even if they understand the way there, you have to actually live it in practice. And that's hard. Life gives us distractions, and we decide reasons why the distractions are important. But that doesn't mean we can't strive for it - because we should. I think most religions actually are based around the things Buddha taught, in their core. Sure, they are filled with tons of other absolute nonsense - but these are almost never core tenants that the religions were based on. Compare teachings of Jesus to Buddha and they agree on basically everything.

Someone who was likely enlightened within somewhat recent times is Ramana Maharshi. He did not label himself a Buddhist. I think people say he was Hindu, but it was likely they say that because he lived in a place where people were Hindu. People recorded the stuff he said, and there are some youtube videos of him. If you read and see what he did with his life it's hard to not believe him when he said that he was able to live in the present moment.

Show nested quote +

From my understanding and experience any attachment can lead to suffering. So, there is a potential for suffering from any endeavor.

I agree. What I really meant was that it doesn't come from any particular sort of endeavor. It doesn't matter what an enlightened person does, but they are certainly more likely to do some things than others because those things make sense and other things don't make sense.

There is potential for suffering even from meditation and helping others.

Yes but it has nothing to do with what you are doing that does not cause it.

If I have an expectation there is a chance of frustration, resentment, suffering.

I definitely think you have a good idea of what is going on. I would make a suggestion that one virtue Buddha taught to be of great importance is discernment, and that even if something you say is "pretty true", it's of utmost importance to be more accurate about what is actually true if you can. Because gaining understanding about your own nature requires that you try very hard to be accurate about it.

Getting to a point of emptiness, of liberation is the goal. Truly being serene with the outcome of this or that is the goal. It is not easy. If my goal is to practice meditation and be as useful to my corner as "God" sees fit that can be a tricky goal. If I am ok with any outcome there is less suffering. Like, if I can truly believe that I am living in "God's" will and living my purpose 100% that is bliss, that is rapture. How is that accomplished is the problem.

If you live in the present moment you do things naturally. If you do things naturally there is no problem. I mean we are going to do what we do regardless, so why not actually experience it in the present moment. It just so happens that if we get there we stop doing nonsense created by our egos.

The reason people have trouble living in the present moment is because the ego distracts us from that in various ways. We get distracted by wanting things to be different, the wanting itself is a distraction from the present moment. We want to feel like we exist, we have thoughts, desires and cravings, we even experience our senses outside of the present moment and this too is a distraction. It's all better in the present moment but because of habits we live a story outside of what is actually happening.

So, yeah. Live in the present moment. It's easier if you try to love yourself and others and do the best you can, in general.

Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right. 

YoMeR   United States. Oct 02 2016 06:20. Posts 12438

damn son i want some of the shit you're smoking.

also cool post

eZ Life. 

lebowski   Greece. Oct 02 2016 22:15. Posts 9205

tyler durden in fight club is just the way Norton's character wished he'd look (and fuck)

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 


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