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Thoughts on a number of things

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RiKD    United States. Oct 09 2016 00:51. Posts 8864
So, one thing I have been thinking about. I got a pretty great haircut. Bravo to the stylist. A great haircut is one of those things that just seems to improve life. I feel better about myself, it feels like other people feel better about me in one of those continuous loops that seems to raise confidence and attractiveness. I think haircut and shoes are 2 things that really have a big impact. But, then I am thinking this is superficial. I am not my haircut. Am I really spending this time in the morning in the mirror. There is a life that we are all living though. And, in this life, there are things that matter to different people. So, I can understand the viewpoint that we are all energy and this energy may do this or that in our lifetimes and do this or that post our lifetimes. But, in this lifetime when that energy is contained by organs and flesh and bone and shoes, and coats, and haircuts and their are people that care about the symmetry of that flesh and bones and ...

Man, why are shoes sexy? Why? Are they a window to the soul? It's really crazy. Shoes and haircuts. I can't take shoes and haircuts with me but they do improve my life in my current reincarnation. Not that I believe in that I am just thinking in my mind on how I disagree with certain buddhists. Going the shoe and haircut route and exchanging some great eye contact and conversation with that spark for where could this go? No, no, no, just stay in that magical moment. Those eyes, those lips, that voice. Yet, it is also important not to fixate. I think that initial eye contact and feeling mutual attraction and eye dilation is setting off that dopamine. Best drug on the planet. But, is she smart? Is she funny? Is she as sweet as honey? The mystery is beautiful. Why would I give that up for robes and meditation? I can still meditate. Fucking as meditation... No, no no no, I mean yes but no. I have to watch it when I mix drugs as meditation. Dopamine. Flow.

That is another thing I was thinking about. I have a past that haunts me. I have facts about myself that haunt me. One of my good friends was telling me one day about how the goal is to get acceptance with everything. EVERYTHING. Freedom comes in not being haunted by anything from the past. I think one of the reasons I am feeling good today is that I am ok with a lot of my past. Not ok enough to just air it all out on the internet but ok with it. It comes back and stabs me sometimes. Especially if I think in terms of "well, what if x, y, or z would know about that" and I get tight again. But, acceptance is not a permanent state from my experiences.

I don't know why I obsess about the who is me aspect. Branding, and marketing has had such a pronounced effect in my life unconsciously and sub-consciously. I think it is good to be aware of this.

Getting back into jiu jitsu is always a positive. It makes me humble. It makes me humble to realize I am made up of joints and carotid arteries. I am vulnerable. In this reincarnation I am vulnerable. I can easily get injured or die. I do not know what will happen after that. I do know serenity is available in this consciousness. Another thing BJJ does is it makes me more confident in my ability to handle myself. So, yes, I am really vulnerable and this body is not the best of armor against the powers of the universe which is humbling. But, I do have a lot of practice in battles "to the death," I am in pretty good shape. Being in shape and handling oneself are both positive attributes in any tribe.

I also just wanted to add that I currently live with my parents and am somewhat unhappily driving Uber to cover expenses and it is disheartening that I do not really like driving Uber and that that income will not get me out of my parents' home + covering expected expenses. These are some things that haunt me. I am honest with everyone about these things including women I am attracted to and I would say my life is definitely better as the result of honesty. Living with my parents definitely hurts my chances with women but being honest about that fact does not, if that makes sense.

I am unsure if I want to go down a more machine learning engineer route, go back to school for a philosophy PhD, go back to school to become a therapist, or just continue driving Uber and applying to jobs I am just not all that excited about. There are certainly some other options that is just what came to mind at this moment.

hmmmm, that might be it for now. Time to click post, no edits, fuck it.

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traxamillion   United States. Oct 09 2016 04:23. Posts 10468

incarnation not reincarnation in the sense you are using it.

studying computer engineering seems like a good option if you have interest

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 09 2016 06:35. Posts 34261

Shoes and Haircuts improve your life?

Are you a woman in disguise?

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

RiKD    United States. Oct 09 2016 08:17. Posts 8864

Not a woman in disguise. I just do not disguise my feminine qualities. My anima to get all Jungian. I believe repressing the anima is not healthy even though where I grew up repressing many things was the norm and expected. I like haircuts and shoes. Yes, yes I do. I like art. I like yoga. I like women in yoga pants, I like women not in yoga pants, pant-less women is something that I like. The last 3 makes everything cool? What is cool? Prince is cool. Elton John is cool. I do not really know anyone in the transgender community. Caitlyn Jenner, I am unsure if she is cool. Pretty fucking cool that a super jock was like YUP , now this is happening. So, yeah, that is pretty cool assuming that is what she wanted to do and did not lose her mind or want more fame or something.

I don't foresee any sex changes in my future. Cross dressing perhaps possible. I am wearing a kilt in a wedding. A skirt that is considered manly in Ireland and Scotland. I would consider wearing a kilt anytime I wanted to rock my Scottish tribe's colors. Way cooler than wearing like favorite football team bullshit. Or is it? I have no choice in Scottish heritage but I do in who I like to watch play football?

Man, it is getting cold outside. I want to dress like the wildlings. Go up North. Kill a bear. Make some furs. Oh no! The vegans might come and get me. lol. Factory harvested furs is pretty gross though. Man, I don't know. It's time to go.

 Last edit: 09/10/2016 08:32

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Oct 09 2016 16:24. Posts 8648

fuckin millenials man

Truck-Crash Life 

RiKD    United States. Oct 10 2016 07:20. Posts 8864

I hear ya man.

This brain and this society that has created me,
like a worker bee,
foraging for honey,

Conflicted by hair cuts and shoes and enlightenment. Why don't I have a good job? Follow my bliss? What if it brings me back to writing posts on liquid poker. I can't feed my 100 trillion bacteria friends doing that. That is a lot of mouthes to feed. If I want a special lady friend that is another staggering 100 trillion bacteria mouthes to feed.

One day I may write a book:

How to Make Rent and Not Want to Kill Myself.

Don't steal that, I might use it one day. I have some experience on that but should probably have experience in the present to write it.

I am not an author of my own experience FUCK
am i an author of this? FUCK
what does it all mean? FUCK


Do ants get excited if they find a really juicy piece of watermelon at a picnic?

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 10 2016 09:55. Posts 34261

in-before Rhaegar all over again

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

RiKD    United States. Oct 10 2016 21:36. Posts 8864

I don't remember the whole Rhaeger thing. I have had mental breakdowns in the past. I have been in the psych ward twice. I have diagnosed mental illnesses that I take medications for, receive treatment and therapies for. That was just some millennial expression coming from a millennial. I am pretty stable at the moment. Stable trending towards depression from my estimations. If I am getting real manic crazy I usually take that stuff outside. It is more fun to be manic and crazy out and about among people and stimulus.

While I can see how above does come off a bit psychotic my psychotic writing is waaaayyyy more than that. A lot of misspellings and missed words, inappropriate capitalizations on purpose, extremely grandiose save the world assassinate people not tongue in cheek type stuff. In the moment of psychosis, many times I think my writing is going to have a crucial impact on global revolution.

Above I had just read a convincing book about the illusion of free will ("Free Will" - Sam Harris) and felt compelled to write some stuff. I did not know that is how it was going to turn out. It just happened. Just as I am writing now. It is happening. I do not know what I am going to write next but here it comes. It is a mind fuck considering I just assumed we all had free will my whole life. I am going around today asking myself, "What made me wake up at that time?" "Why did I go back to bed?" "Why do I always come back to liquid poker to write and discuss stuff?" "What does it mean?" "What does it all mean?"

Big_Rob_isback   United States. Oct 11 2016 20:53. Posts 211

Just a quick note, the last highly "spiritually motivated" person asked me if I liked the way I presented my hair, because it is a good thing to be happy with the way you look. It doesn't have to be complicated, just don't overdo it or over think it I guess?

Also Idk if you realize it but some comments from people on this post are people being total fucking assholes. But, you really should expect a poker site to be one of the last places for an audience to post this kind of stuff.

Keep it real, wish you the best man.

just playing live poker for fun 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Oct 12 2016 00:03. Posts 8648

  On October 11 2016 19:53 Big_Rob_isback wrote:
Also Idk if you realize it but some comments from people on this post are people being total fucking assholes.

i was just giving him shit, rikd is the man. i doubt anyone took offense to any comments in this blog besides you.

Truck-Crash Life 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Oct 12 2016 00:06. Posts 8648

  On October 10 2016 20:36 RiKD wrote:
While I can see how above does come off a bit psychotic my psychotic writing is waaaayyyy more than that. A lot of misspellings and missed words, inappropriate capitalizations on purpose, extremely grandiose save the world assassinate people not tongue in cheek type stuff. In the moment of psychosis, many times I think my writing is going to have a crucial impact on global revolution.

so basically like Neilly?

i remember one time i figured out that Neilly is actually Daut, but i may have to go back and see if i missed a third personality.

Truck-Crash Life 

PuertoRican   United States. Oct 12 2016 07:21. Posts 13095


Interesting blog, thanks for sharing.

Rekrul is a newb 

iop   Sweden. Oct 12 2016 07:28. Posts 4951

Hey rik!! With you on the shoes part! Quite a few different routes you can take! What are you leaning towards?

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Baalim   Mexico. Oct 12 2016 09:22. Posts 34261

  On October 11 2016 23:06 bigredhoss wrote:
Show nested quote +

so basically like Neilly?

i remember one time i figured out that Neilly is actually Daut, but i may have to go back and see if i missed a third personality.

lol wat, Daut? where did that come from?

And yes Rik your writing is very manic, you write like the guy who took MDMA for the first time and is grinding his teeth like crazy.

"what it means" about free will is actually just a matter of perspective, its isnt even a very interesting topic nor should have an impact on your life

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro OnlineLast edit: 13/10/2016 10:17

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Oct 12 2016 09:37. Posts 8648

  On October 12 2016 08:22 Baalim wrote:
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lol wat, Daut? when did that come from?

+ Show Spoiler +

Truck-Crash LifeLast edit: 12/10/2016 09:38

lebowski   Greece. Oct 15 2016 12:31. Posts 9205

RiKD's blog entries are always interesting to read wtf don't discourage him Big_Rob

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

lebowski   Greece. Oct 15 2016 12:36. Posts 9205

  On October 12 2016 08:37 bigredhoss wrote:
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+ Show Spoiler +

good to remember this thread, I'm still amazed by the first response, has to be a counter troll?

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man...Last edit: 15/10/2016 12:43

nolan   Ireland. Oct 16 2016 06:03. Posts 6205

one of the happiest moments in my life (no joke) was finding a dominican barber in Madrid

i take haircuts serious

also oddly, all the skateboarders i grew up with maintained that shoe choice was the #1 way to judge a persons character.

nice blog post, i remember reading an article about the first features humans recognize in other humans (something like gender, skin tone, hair type, size in that order) and it made me wonder if certain fashion aspects stand out first to our subconscious too.

no real substance but tangentially related to your post.

On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalidLast edit: 16/10/2016 06:08

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Oct 16 2016 12:34. Posts 8648

  On October 15 2016 11:36 lebowski wrote:
Show nested quote +

good to remember this thread, I'm still amazed by the first response, has to be a counter troll?

it might be the only thing i've ever done on the internet that i'm proud of. yea i think it must've been a counter-troll.

Truck-Crash Life 

RiKD    United States. Oct 16 2016 23:49. Posts 8864

  On October 16 2016 05:03 nolan wrote:
one of the happiest moments in my life (no joke) was finding a dominican barber in Madrid

i take haircuts serious

also oddly, all the skateboarders i grew up with maintained that shoe choice was the #1 way to judge a persons character.

i remember reading an article about the first features humans recognize in other humans (something like gender, skin tone, hair type, size in that order) and it made me wonder if certain fashion aspects stand out first to our subconscious too.

I would argue seeing someone's character in action is a better judge or hearing some stories from someone who is honest and reliable. If all I get is a look I would tend to agree with the skateboarders you grew up with. That is where the mind fuck is. It is sad to think that our clothes define us but the truth is they do. On first impression clothes is probably the number one thing that defines us. That and a mixture of posture and facial expression. I think where it gets sad is making decisions like "do these jeans define me?" Or, in thinking that we need help in the form of the fashion industry. There lies another mind fuck. A safe way to be cool and trendy is to follow but that is always a chase. That leaves one "cool" for 2 seasons. There is always more to it than the superficial though. I always find more depth and character behind the people who are just wearing what they are wearing. Cool is authenticity.

On fashion aspects that stand out to our subconscious: The first thing I think of is the cocktail dress and stilettos. That is catching my eye. It hits my subconscious "Sexy." I think most women have this in their repertoire. What I mean is someone could say well that signals bimbo, airhead, no substance but I disagree. Most women have this in their repertoire. Smart and dumb alike. All ranges of character and depth. But, being in a hoody and jeans and some sneakers and being funny or carrying on a conversation and being kind, and compassionate and smart is way more desirable than just x woman in shape in a cocktail dress. The cocktail dress still does something to me.


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