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RiKD    United States. Nov 12 2016 21:04. Posts 8864
I figured firing off a blog would be more fun than going to a shitty 12-step abstinence based recovery meeting or watching New Girl. If anyone has any must watch TV Shows I might be interested. I am talking like The Wire good, Game of Thrones good. That is pretty good. I may have just opened up a can of worms. I do not really want to be overwhelmed with tv shows. What about Stranger Things? I hear good things.

On 12-step abstinence based recovery:

I am still a little surprised I went through with it. I really was that desperate. That broken. It is undeniable I have had a psychic change. The folks in the fellowship get testy if I say it was not God. It can be if I can define God. The loophole in the steps is that it is "God as you understand him." The literature is from 1939. It is based on the Oxford Group which was a Christian fellowship. Thank GOD that Carl Jung was involved. I would totally be down to experiment with shrooms plus therapy. Have a guided trip every 6 months or so and be good. Although I would still have to learn how to live. I am unsure if there can be as profound a psychic change on shrooms alone. Therapy guided MDMA. I would totally be down for that too. That might be able to solve anything.

On Trentemoller:

Trentemoller is great. Take me into your skin. The last resort.

I think about immigrating to Denmark a lot. Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, Canada, New Zealand. I think about it more now.

We will see though. I have been in a rut as they say. Things are looking up. I got some work. I have some renewed vigor in a more focused job search that makes more sense for me. This could all crash down like anything can crash down. I will always be drifting whether I am occupied in endeavors that distract me from that or not.

No You Girls - Trentemoller remix is another great song.

On (no you) girls:

I maintain having a great haircut and shoes is crucial... Crucial is a total exaggeration. It is weird how different things work for different people in different settings though. I would say those 2 things are universal though. Having a cool job, cool life, and cool place is obviously way more important (doh). It is all about being right sized though. Finding a good fit in some social spheres and matching up with some good fits. I have always found it is good to be a little different. Never conform to a social sphere. Just be who you are and sort of drift into that social sphere. Being in the right one is crucial. That is not an exaggeration.

On exercise:

I need to get some more exercise in. I feel so good. Endrophins: Feels Good Man. I been going to some muay thai. That is all well and good buy I am not the biggest fan of holding pads. I got front kicked in the nuts the other day and that was horrible. I think I might stick with it though. It is good training and some of the combo opportunities are pretty sweet. I am also eating too much. Like ton of pizza and 2 lbs of grapes. Overload on hummus and chips.

How awesome is Thom Yorke?

The White Flash ft. Thom Yorke - Trentemoller remix - Modeselektor

On LP Archives:

I got caught browsing through old posts on here. It was fun.

Aba joins CR!
Old school discussions on Jimmy Johns!

vino y verde y daft punk

That was revolutionary for me. Still probably my 3 favorite drugs. I can at least still use one of them.

The drama of the New Years 2008 thread.

The exceptionalness of the Looks or Game thread. What an odyssey. What a masterpiece.

Looking through there in some ways I have changed tremendously in many ways not that much at all. We were just a bunch of nerdy kids man just having a blast. At least I was. I think in many ways I still am that nerdy kid. I love coming here for distraction. My life is probably going better if I am not on here as much but that is subjective. It is hard to even judge when my life is going better or not. From my experience, it certainly can not be judged externally. It is also difficult to judge in the moment or looking back. Minds have a way of playing tricks. One day's truth is another day's delusion.

Trentemoller - Vamp

Oh my goodness. Rose McGowan in cat woman latex. Where to go from there? You be the judge.

Now, I can't get sultry images out of my mind. Biological urge to procreate + the nature of thought. Those themes seem to always make it into my blogs.

Fuck God, fuck government, fuck bitches, get money...

Fuck God, fuck government, fuck women, help people.

Just my thoughts. Not right now because that already happened. Right now.... damn. RIGHT NOW.... nope.

Just my thoughts at the time. Just my thoughts. Are they my thoughts?

Their are likely my brains thoughts. Ugh. Why did I start this. The brain fires, I have a thought. What makes the brain fire? What makes the brain fire in the way that it does to produce the thoughts that it produces?

I will end with Trentemoller - Miss You. Last resort.

Thank you if you are awesome. You lucky piece of... If you are not awesome I am here to help. Not sure how much help I can offer but I am here to help.

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PuertoRican   United States. Nov 12 2016 22:22. Posts 13095

No mention of UFC 205???

Rekrul is a newb 

jeremy5408   United States. Nov 13 2016 03:53. Posts 122

i really loved and think these are some of the most critically acclaimed shows: the sopranos, bojack horseman, and transparent.

i also enjoyed "love" on netflix but it's not in the same calibur of shows as the above.

i happened to see arrival, and i cannot recommend it enough.

 Last edit: 13/11/2016 03:56

RiKD    United States. Nov 13 2016 22:41. Posts 8864

  On November 12 2016 21:22 PuertoRican wrote:
No mention of UFC 205???

I had to work. It sounds like I missed out on some quality combat sport.

RiKD    United States. Nov 13 2016 22:43. Posts 8864

  On November 13 2016 02:53 jeremy5408 wrote:
i really loved and think these are some of the most critically acclaimed shows: the sopranos, bojack horseman, and transparent.

i also enjoyed "love" on netflix but it's not in the same calibur of shows as the above.

i happened to see arrival, and i cannot recommend it enough.

I have seen sopranos. I think Bojack Horseman will be my pick. I am a sucker for existentialism and absurdity.


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