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Charleston thoughts

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RiKD    United States. Jan 08 2017 03:53. Posts 8864
Greetings LP,

I write this on the eve of the day I drive back home from Charleston, SC. Quite a trip it has been. I am back in the pleasure trap baby! That is half serious exclamation for the added enjoyment of food and half sarcasm in that is what the trap entails. I was going to link a vid but just youtube it if you are interested. Cliff notes is that I am loving all the food I can at the moment and am compelled to eat that food. I am talking shrimp and grits, fried chicken, burgers and fries, red curry fried duck, lobster mac and cheese. Oh, it is delicious. Charleston is a fantastically, exceptionally, amazingly excellent city for food. I highly recommend a visit. I was walking on the beach just about every day in January. The architecture downtown is to splooge for. je ne sais quoi out the whazoo. Best ironwork in the USA.

What am I contemplating? How good the fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and collard greens were tonight. As I tried to enjoy the key lime pie, news that my brother's father in law was in poor poor condition. He had a serious stroke and it has been a roller coaster ride for my brother's wife and mother and my brother too. Myself? I just wanted to enjoy the continued gaiety of the evening with a piece of pie. That was over, that was ruined. My mom is now upset. I want to say something stupid like "Jim Morrison always said none of us get out of this alive." I am upset that my brother and my sister in law and her mother are upset. From my perspective, this is existence. It is rough though. The roller coaster of surviving the first major stroke and brain surgery and hope. Hope can be such a double edged sword. Hope that he will survive only to find countless blood clots and a temperature of 104. None of us get out of this alive. Our order can be shaken at any moment. Chaos is waiting around any corner, nook, and cranny. Robotically I eat my key lime pie. It was not a celebration of the senses as I would have hoped. More so a systematic endeavor mixed with some tension in my body and the air. My brother's father in law is going to die. Most likely sooner rather than later. This sucks. Everybody grieves in different ways. Denial is strong. Very strong. It is like some giant, bad ass gundam with missiles and giant swords and a bad attitude. It can be overcome. Acceptance is like looking out from a peak onto a magical Shangri La of fairies and dragons and butterflies and discovering where the next path is. A blow job from the high elf priestess with the gifted lips and eyes that was looking your way, yes! of course!

I need to get a decent enough job and move out of my parents' place. That was some clarity from the peak for me. It has to be a part of my path. Or else no blowjobs! High priestess or otherwise! Getting a decent job seems like a bit of a ridiculous thing to be a dragon for me but I must slay this dragon, however, difficult it has been. I enjoy a bit of chaos though. Always have. I am excited at the prospects of moving to Charleston. I am also excited to get back home and see some friends. This world we live in. So, many choices or none at all. It is quite the choose your own adventure or a choose your own adventure already written. Ah fuck, I do not want to get into that here. I have more reading to do on free will. This is all virtual reality. I just have to get through it like anyone else. Love and understanding for my fellow man is all I can do. Man, if i can just slice off a piece of some peace. Much in this world arrives, drifts, then dissipates. That is my fate. Led by the fates. Led by the muses. Who chooses?

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JohnnyBologna   United States. Jan 08 2017 14:55. Posts 1401

My father had two strokes 19 years ago leaving him completely paralised on his left side and unable to speak. He survived it but man has it been a rough 19 years. Sick people have a different mentality than others and it affects the whole entire family. Anywho happy new years.

Just do whats rightLast edit: 08/01/2017 14:56


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