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Day off thoughts

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RiKD    United States. Mar 10 2017 00:12. Posts 8864
Ahhh, it is my day off. No alarm clock. The coffee tastes better. The music sounds better. Time to live how I want to live. You know, I do not hate my job. I do not like it but I do not hate it. It is not really a job I should be at for so long. I think the difference is the last couple of days (and more) I have been making a lot of progression to better situations. It has been like I do my part and then it is out there in the universe and I get on with living life instead of fixating on potential outcomes. Understand the universe is going to unfold however it is going to unfold, clean house, get on with living, be helpful.

I was pretty high this morning. Great coffee, dancing to Nicolas Jaar, cooking up some bomb stew. That is a great recipe.

I have been going minimal. I gave so many clothes away. It was liberating. I think I need to go back to a buzzcut. I was looking through some past stuff I wrote for future authoring and I was way too much into haircuts, boots, clothes, and nice restaurants. It is probably all based in the desire to be cool and fuck attractive women. I am cool with that. I do not see the desire to be cool and fuck attractive women going anywhere anytime soon but I do not have to chase on fleek.

You know it is the weirdest thing. The compulsion to watch porn has vanished. Not to say that it will not come back 2 fold but it is just not a thing for me. It is strange to me that I used to watch people acting at what voyeurs may like. I used to watch it a lot. It has been a while since I masturbated. A gorgeous friend in a backless dress at a wedding overwhelmed my libido. Most times it is a mosquito buzzing around. That time it was a locomotive demanding a hand job. A locomotive with giant bull horns demanding a hand job. The whistle was a blowin'. My hand obliged.

That might have been a weird thing to write about. That's ok.

I think that's about it. Time to go feed the pets. My poor dog is likely to be walked rarely the next 2 weeks due to my work schedule and the weather. I feel bad for him. He is a great guy. Well, it is mostly my parents dog but I am watching him for the next 2 weeks. We'll see when we can get him outside a bit. He is used to 1-2 walks a day. The cats are cool. They are just up to some mischief every now and again and really, really like food.

Ok. Thanks everyone for allowing me to share. We are all just spinning around on this rock in unfathomable depth. We are all going to die. Will it be cardiovascular disease? Cancer? Car crash? Suicide? I do not know but it is all sort of heavy sometimes. I need some stuff to smooth it out sometimes. Make it nice sometimes. Make it sweet sometimes.

Ciao LP

Take care

Consciousness is crazy

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Skoal   Canada. Mar 10 2017 03:12. Posts 460

time/space/universe has been around billions if not infinite amounts of years...particles bouncing around...yet here we sit conscious,'s so strange, it's phenomenal and makes no sense..or does it? there must be something deeper

hiems   United States. Mar 10 2017 08:35. Posts 2979


I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 10/03/2017 19:57

Big_Rob_isback   United States. Mar 10 2017 14:36. Posts 211

no fap is great for the mind and body. It is only in the last 10 years that porn has become so accessible. If I could never fap to porn again I would, but it is hard not to give in. My record is 8 months yo

just playing live poker for fun 

whamm!   Albania. Mar 11 2017 13:02. Posts 11625

im starting to not think about sex anymore. feels good really lol

RiKD    United States. Mar 11 2017 17:39. Posts 8864

  On March 10 2017 02:12 Skoal wrote:
time/space/universe has been around billions if not infinite amounts of years...particles bouncing around...yet here we sit conscious,'s so strange, it's phenomenal and makes no sense..or does it? there must be something deeper

I eat some Korean BBQ and it is great. How do I know I am not a brain in a vat?

Skoal   Canada. Mar 12 2017 19:26. Posts 460


i dont like simulation theory, consciousness trumps it. brain in a vat or not here we are. but how? is consciousness inherent? what is it? why am i me and why r u u

crazy world

failsafe   United States. Mar 13 2017 01:59. Posts 1040

you're not a brain in a vat because the world suggests that consciousness is continuous. if you were a brain in a vat you would either not experience continuity of consciousness or else you would be suggesting the vat itself were a transducer capable of generating or maintaining consciousness.

but then again you could be a vat of LSD!


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