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Boxer briefs + t-shirts

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RiKD    United States. Mar 06 2023 23:29. Posts 8856
Bread and Boxers from Sweden no longer does business in the USA for reasons that I do not know. Anyways, I need a new supplier. Who has suggestions?

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RiKD    United States. Mar 06 2023 23:34. Posts 8856

Unless none of you savages wear boxer briefs or t-shirts or all of you savages shop at Walmart or something.

RiKD    United States. Mar 07 2023 01:44. Posts 8856

I think Chads would swipe right on chicas they sort of know. I am not a Chad though. Virgin me pours through their profile to find out more about them and then sheepishly swipe left even though I want to swipe right so bad. I am kind of embarrassed of my profile though. It's just 1 pic of me which is a good pic and then a picture of one of my paintings and that's it. The rest of it is fairly detailed though. I started it to quell boredom and get inspiration. It is somewhat inspiring sometimes to see what is available. It will only hurt my self-confidence if good dates don't materialize.

RiKD    United States. Mar 07 2023 03:49. Posts 8856

What film should I watch tonight?

I feel like abdicating most of my decisions tonight. My best thoughts are staring at the wall or maybe playing my guitar again. At least I got a lift in.

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Mar 07 2023 09:26. Posts 5328

I shop at farmers, not walmart.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

RiKD    United States. Mar 08 2023 04:20. Posts 8856

Farmers looks like better quality than Walmart at least.

CurbStomp2   Finland. Mar 08 2023 06:48. Posts 263

you can probably get artist pussy if you move to your own place. it's the easiest pussy but has most personality disorders.

 Last edit: 08/03/2023 06:48

PuertoRican   United States. Mar 09 2023 04:02. Posts 13093

I recently switched from boxers to boxer briefs. The compression boxer briefs are legit, it's like wearing an Under Armour shirt as underwear, in terms of texture/feel.

Rekrul is a newb 

RiKD    United States. Mar 09 2023 05:02. Posts 8856

  On March 08 2023 05:48 CurbStomp2 wrote:
you can probably get artist pussy if you move to your own place. it's the easiest pussy but has most personality disorders.

I would never date a woman who had Borderline Personality Disorder. It may feel like a double standard since I have Bipolar 1 but I don't think so. I would be interested in dating artists though. What are other personality disorders? Narcissism? Psychopathy?

No thank you.

Where would I find these artists?

I think I am building up to have a go at Hinge. I just need to pick the right time because if I fail there my confidence will take a hit that I may not recover from.

RiKD    United States. Mar 09 2023 05:04. Posts 8856

  On March 09 2023 03:02 PuertoRican wrote:
I recently switched from boxers to boxer briefs. The compression boxer briefs are legit, it's like wearing an Under Armour shirt as underwear, in terms of texture/feel.

Preaching to the choir. Glad you are happy with the switch. Although I like a boxer brief that is mostly a nice cotton. A little pricier but worth it for me.

CurbStomp2   Finland. Mar 09 2023 19:58. Posts 263

  On March 09 2023 04:02 RiKD wrote:
Show nested quote +

I would never date a woman who had Borderline Personality Disorder. It may feel like a double standard since I have Bipolar 1 but I don't think so. I would be interested in dating artists though. What are other personality disorders? Narcissism? Psychopathy?

No thank you.

Where would I find these artists?

I think I am building up to have a go at Hinge. I just need to pick the right time because if I fail there my confidence will take a hit that I may not recover from.

dive bars but you are an alcoholic so I don't know how to meet artists when they are sober. personality disorders are not fun. this hot girl my brother was fucking stabbed her boyfriend in the back with a kitchen knife because they had an argument. she was miss helsinki contestant or something.

RiKD    United States. Mar 10 2023 02:27. Posts 8856

I love dive bars but I'm not going to hang out there drinking cranberry / club sodas with a lime trawling for artist tramps. I also have a rule that I won't have sex with a woman for the first time if she is too drunk. There is a grey area there but it's probably like 4-5+ drinks for most. I had a girl in my lap (literally and figuratively - she was not a stripper) but she had probably 8-10 drinks and I didn't feel comfortable taking her home. She was really fucking hot too and a doctor. I know I have it in me. It's just bizarro anxiety stuff holding me back and like you said I don't know where to meet people that aren't getting too drunk.

PuertoRican   United States. Mar 10 2023 02:50. Posts 13093

  On March 10 2023 01:27 RiKD wrote:
I love dive bars but I'm not going to hang out there drinking cranberry / club sodas with a lime trawling for artist tramps. I also have a rule that I won't have sex with a woman for the first time if she is too drunk. There is a grey area there but it's probably like 4-5+ drinks for most. I had a girl in my lap (literally and figuratively - she was not a stripper) but she had probably 8-10 drinks and I didn't feel comfortable taking her home. She was really fucking hot too and a doctor. I know I have it in me. It's just bizarro anxiety stuff holding me back and like you said I don't know where to meet people that aren't getting too drunk.

Rekrul is a newb 

RiKD    United States. Mar 10 2023 04:20. Posts 8856

That's pretty good.

RiKD    United States. Mar 10 2023 04:40. Posts 8856

My blog finally has some content.

RiKD    United States. Mar 11 2023 03:55. Posts 8856

Ok. Beyond boxer briefs, t-shirts, and film there are some things I am taking an honest look at. The most important being my motives. It seems what drives me today is money. I want to be able to pay my bills. I want to be able to get out of debt. I want to be able to take a young lady on a date to get some omakase. Getting my own place is quite daunting but I figure I have to do it at some point if I want more autonomy and a girlfriend. I don't know if I make enough money to do all of that. What happened to this strive for the spiritual? Enriching the soul. I get it. Viktor Frankl realized the meaning of life was not giving up and dying in concentration camps. That's great. I still don't know what my purpose is. I get more out of listening to The Downward Spiral by NIN than embracing Covey's idea of The Upward Spiral. I vibe with Hurt by NIN not Open The Door To Your Heart by Van Morrison. This doesn't mean I want to kill myself or do heroine. It is not that I don't experience positive emotions. I just can never fit in that purpose bullshit denial box. I never have been able to do that which is why I walk around with resting miserable face and people tell me to smile. People tell me I have a lovely smile but that does not mean I want to just smile on command like some clown.

Motives. I don't have some God-related purpose. My paintings may outlast me but that doesn't mean shit. I'm not having children. No, my work at work definitely does not qualify as some eternal project. I am not holding a bright torch to pass on to the next generation. I am a flickering candle that can go out any day of the week. A fleeting orgasm or smorgasbord of ice creams are not going to make a dent on that fact.

Motives. Kant's always on about motives. What matters is the motive! While I tend to agree with Kant's moral philosophy there is a chance that all of my motives could boil down to sex or at least a relationship with an atopic Other. Rather mundane compared to most other-worldly motives. I think this is probably closest to the truth and it is why I suffer. I spend 40 hours a week plus commute to work at a job that is a mundane job like all of them are and then I toil in isolation as my true motive goes unanswered. I need the job to have a shot at succeeding in finding an Other yet I never succeed. I toil in isolation. It's all distraction. What can fuel my fancy to forget about the pain? The pain of not having an Other or Others. Yet, I sit here still typing. Listening to music. I am resting for work. Not simply resting. I have found I need at least 3 or 4 days off and then an additional 3 or 4 days off to truly get out of rest mode but it is irrelevant because it is still rest for work. I didn't truly reach restful status until I was unemployed for over a year during Covid but then I had no money and went further into debt. That is not very restful either. Former NEETs have a shot but NEETs are just about dead in the water.


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