Daut   United States. Dec 18 2006 01:00. Posts 8955 | | |
So the other day was going just awesome. During the day this girl I was kind of seeing at the beginning of the year came over and ended my bad run, woohooooo. About time I caught some cards.
Anyway, there is this girl Laura who I kind of wanted all semester, but I never really got to hang out with her, and from what was relayed to me through others she wanted me too. My roommate Joe is good friends with one of her roommates, but we never got the chance to all hang out together. Joe told me that tonight was going to be her last night before xmas break, and she wanted to go out, YESSSSSS, WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS BABY TONIGHTS THE NIGHT.
Anyway, we go out to some bars and her roommates are acting all sad the whole time, saying that its so sad that this was her last night on campus. I was thinking to myself "you guys need to chill out, youll be back in like 3 weeks". I was kind of bummed out because bad beat city arrived and her brother showed up to the bar. I was like oh god wtf. First off the kid was like 6'3 220, a lot bigger than me, second off, he seemed kind of protective, and third off I didnt really feel like disrespecting him.
So I told her roommate, Anna, that I wanted to hit on her so bad but I didnt want to disrespect her brother. so she goes "ill tell laura that". THANK YOU ROOMMATE WINGMAN!!! So she went over to relay the information to laura and man was i pumped.
Ok, so her brother goes to some other bar or something, but we were going to meet up with him later, so i saw a chance (which seemed like the only opportunity id get any time to talk with her without her brother there). I walk over and say "so i really wanted to ask you out all semester but i never really got the chance, and now were with your brother and i dont want to hit on you and disrespect him, do i have to wait till next semester to get some time with you?"
she looked up kind of surprised and i thought i was in until i hear "why didnt you ask me out all semester, this is my last night here im not coming back" OMG SUCH A TERRIBLE BEAT. i got owned so hard, apparently shes going to ENGLAND next semester then who knows after that. at least i have the satisfaction of knowing i WOULD HAVE BEEN IN if i wasnt such a retard timing wise lol.
so the night ends up unsuccessful, i decide to not try to viciously hook up with her that night while her brother is there, so i go home and notice the grim reaper of blue screens of death on my monitors. i try restarting, but something is wrong with windows and it wont start. so i go to bed and decide to fix it the next day.
i wake up and mess around for a little while, but no matter what i just cant get windows to start. so i say fuck it, do a system restore back to october, and manage to get windows back up and running. oh yeah, i rule. so my computer is up, im happy, decide to open minesweeper and play a little and then i realize IT DELETED ALL MY SCORES. Then my mind quickly runs things over and realize not only did it delete my minesweeper high scores, but it also deleted all my PT stats since october AND MY PORNO.
oh well, at least that day started off well, i guess i am still running bad.
gotta go study for my 2 finals tomorrow. math 501 and math 535, gonna be a fucking blast. lets just hope and pray i dont fail my ass out of here.
NewbSaibot: 18 TIMES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. Because FUCK YOU, Daut | |