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Pretty obv session

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Trey   United States. Jan 16 2007 06:05. Posts 5616

A few hands from my session:
Losses: - Zeebo Theorem.. sigh - Misclicked the turn bet, my wheel didn't scroll up enough. I paid for it on the river. - Figured villain would call with AcXc or something that improved on the turn, oops.

Wins: - Board was dry, figured I could flat call the donkbet, and the hand played itself. - Another hand that played itself.. pretty easy game. - Figured I would be good here, this guy was really trashy and I think he's down 2 buyins in a couple hundred hands in my db.

Also had AA v KK and a guy that donated a stack with 99 vs my AA. Almost back to even, I gotta finish up my session soon, I need sleep.

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 Last edit: 16/01/2007 12:29


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