Hello. My name is Antoniel, I'm 21 and I'm from the small but nice city of Joao Pessoa, Brazil. Well I don't really know what I'm going to write here, especially because I pretty much don't play poker, I played a little in the past, but lost the whole 50$ deal and I'm considering trying to play again in the future, but who knows.
Anyway, I read some blogs and thought it was nice to write some shit here, there is also the part where I can practice my always sucking english, maybe it will help me giving me more vocabulary and how to form the phrases better, as person who has english as 1st language would do. That's it. I would like to thank the 3 people that pretty much work for this site (joy roald and nazgul) for this nice feature and hope an improved me in the future can find something good in what I will write here.