nolan   Ireland. Feb 01 2007 18:53. Posts 6205
Hey all, figured I'd maybe try updating this thing once in awhile since I said I'd try. Not too into blogging but might be a few of you out there interested in how I'm doing. Put in a few sessions to start the new month. Ran pretty bad overall but played pretty well. Definitely happy. Been playing 100nl on PS since I withdrew all my FTP dough because I'm a scared American. I'm a full ring player for the uninformed, but I've been dabbling in six max trying to get the hang of it for when full ring table selection is poor (which is more and more frequent).
I'll have to get imageshack or something up so I can put up some graphs and PT ss's. Here are some hands of note though:
I played this pretty poorly against bluffmaster corwin. Definitely should have shoved the turn. He claims he was on air, who knows.