Damn, it's been a while since I've updated this. Anyway, things haven't been going too well lately. I went on a small downswing at NL $100, and wasn't really sure what to make of it. Nothing big, less than -5 BIs or so, and I was still up at NL $100 overall. It's not really the money which nagged me either, but just the losing, and I'm not sure whether that's a good or a bad thing. I decided to play some NL $50 for a little bit, and that's only gone so-so. My BR is still over $3500, so obviously I haven't lost a whole lot, but something just feels off. Just got done with a short session at NL $50, was up like $36 after 466 hands and just had no desire to play any more. With that said, I think I'm going to finally actually take a long-term break from NL cash-games and give something else a try. Nothing too serious, but maybe like a week or so break to give SNGs or MTTs a try (UB SNGs seem really soft, only have a very small sample size, like 2 dozen, but my ITM is like 70%, and people seem to donk their chips off easily). They fill very slowly though, so I might have to keep playing NL $50 until I set up ePassporte and can get some money onto Stars. Either way, with February RB, my BR is still in decent shape, so I'm hopeful that I can still reach my 10k goal.