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tere here   Canada. Apr 06 2007 16:31. Posts 949
So I was at 4450 yesterday and now Im at 2500...

Standard minus 2000$ day...I lost about 5 buyins to shitty tilt...The other 1000$ I lost because I just cant seem to beat NL200.

I hit a point where I was hovering around 3500$ and this was before I went crazy and tilted everythign away...

As I was losing I posted every bit pot that I won or lost...

here it is...
it feels like my entire session was filled with 'coolers' before I tilted everything away...
I'm going to count all the Dollars I lost on couldnt fold situations....

1TT vs flopped 88 set vs shortstack I think this is standard agaisnt short stack but on second thought maybe I should start folding these....(45$ after flop bet)

2Standard couldnt fold situation... This is situation # 1 and it cost me 40$ (only countin river bet cause I think cbet is okay)

3Bluff gone right... this is probably a spew but it felt like the guy was weak this time and it looked to me like I was chasing a flush draw

4couldnt lay down 88 to over pair on low flop Situation #2. -150$

5 standard BB flops 2 pair vs some guy with overpair only to see turn and river pair board Cooler #1

6 99 vs shortack but EASILY shoulda folded... Situation #3 -81$

7 Flopped straight played bad luckily didnt lose any money *didnt even see flush on river..

8KK vs TT finally winnin back some money...

9 AK vs QQ all in preflop vs shorty Standard cooler??? cooler situation #2???

10 Ak on KQx flop all in vs short stack who has KJ this was 3 almost 4 bet...i wonder if it was okay to call this in long run vs short stacks

11 AJ vs short stack on T23 flop, he calls my c bet and turn brings jack so i push him all in

12 I dont know why I called this on flop ...Would like feedback on this one I cant really say what I was thinking here...A lot of the times I will call 1 bet to see if the guy has AK or will slow down...I wonder if this is a good idea...FEEDback pls

13 flopped 2 pair vs a chaser he hits straight on river and I cant fold....though he made it relatively cheap... CAnt get away situation # 4 Minus 40$

14 TT vs AA He 3bets pre and I still call his flop all in...sigh........Cant get away situation #5 -230$

15 BB flush draw and pair....flush hits on river...somebody has higher flush Cooler situation #3

15 AcJc on 7c5c4 flop, somebody has top set, somebody else puts in alot of action, I am yet to act, and I still push flush draw... <-feedback please, Cant get away situation #6 -200

15 KK vs lower pair and I scare him away on turn <--Feedback please, should I check turn?

16 TT vs a guy with straight Cant get away situation # 7 -125$

17 BB Two pair situation

18 Raised preflop, get called on cbet, now holding 2nd nuts Unfortunately I bet him out on turn...Similiar to situation 15 where my KK bets out the guy on turn...Should I check in these situations?? Will I gain more value by checking turn?

19 22 hits set on turn after somebody calls my cbet Instead of bettin turn I try checking it...(unlike situations 18 and 15)...Instead he checks it...I lose all value as flush comes and he puts me on flush

20 AK vs who knows what Cant get away situation #8 -136

21 KK on AK8 flop... FEEDBACK PLEASE... On this hand I didnt want to 4 bet cause i thought that would scare away action...when he checked flop I thought he had QQ then when he pushed river I thought he wud never put me on jacks and I called...instead he had a straight...How would you guys play this differently, what do you guys put him on?

Cudnt get away situation #9 though I didnt even think I had to get away from this sitaution... -$204

22 KK vs AQ on AKQ flop... It seems the only way I make money is when coolers happen except in my favour...

23 A6 on A7h5hJ5 board...he made turn cheap so i called...river seems like suspicious overbet...fold is clearly okay right?

24 Flop 2 pair chaser hits flush Standard cooler #4

25 Ak vs QQ all in preflop lose another race Standard cooler # 5

26 Flop nut overcard flush draw... finally get someone to pay me off...

27 AQ vs full stack who mini raises on turn...Who folds turn?

28 TT flopped set vs probably higher overcards... similiar to situation 18 and 15...I scare player away with bet on turn

29 TT on 892 flop and short stack pushes standard

30 88 vs short stack on 643 flop...I'm wondering if I should fold this in future??? he had 77 and turned a 5...I dont know if this is a "cant get away situation or cooler" I think it leans towards cant get away...

31 flopp full house nothing special

32 flop top set vs over pair nothing special...

33 flop 2 pair vs AQ who cant lay down one of the few hands that doesnt feel like a set up...

34 Top set vs AK who short stack who has nothing but chases anyways nothing special just a bigger donk than myself

35 AQ on Q56 flop facing raise...and strong turn bet Folded this...

36AQ on AK9T board Couldnt get away here but I got respect and the guy folded....Because he laid down I can suspect he didnt have AT AK ...I must have been ahead, but I dont know the best way to have play this so I appreciate feedback..

37 Cant get away situation # 10...TT vs JJ shoulda folded river - 45$

38 pushing 99 vs short stack...I get lucky and hit straight on river... How would you play this differently?

39 AQ river 2 pair bet it too strong...

40AA on KTXQ <--Q on turn scares me and I check..river is 9 and he has QJ Cant get away situation 11 -45$

41 77 vs 89 on 765 flop Cooler situation - 350$


That was my the first half of my session. After that I proceeded to tilt away another 1000$ which I think shouldnt be reviewed. I surprised myself cause I played so hard and tried to play so well and yet I still lost SO MUCH money and played so bad...

I'm now gonna add up the total $ I lost in cooler and 'couldnt get away situations'....

I will edit this post to enter the total

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im gonna rich, you can quote me on thatLast edit: 06/04/2007 16:38

tere here   Canada. Apr 06 2007 16:37. Posts 949

In total Coolers cost me 730.65$
Cant get away situations cost me 1341$

Up to this point I was down about 1000$ so I am guessing that my wins offset much of this. Although it is clear that I am losing money because I cant get away from my hands..........

With 2700$ I dont think I can play 200NL

I may jump down to 100NL now or 50NL because I dont even know how comfortable I will be at 100NL....

We'll see....

Oppinions appreciated...Especially on those hands where I seem to push ppl off because Im too strong...shud I check instead?....
The 'cant get away situations' i dont know how you can help me there, I really have to do that myself but if you have a suggestion I'll give it a shot

im gonna rich, you can quote me on that 

Refrain[FriZ]   Canada. Apr 06 2007 16:56. Posts 1395

Jeez, what a nightmare session. Is ~8 buyins is not atypical of a downswing for 200NL SH?

Click the mouse, lose the house. 

ploper   France. Apr 06 2007 17:49. Posts 608

move back to NL100 and play ABC poker for a while


TwistedEcho    United Kingdom. Apr 07 2007 03:55. Posts 3539

#1 yaawn cooooler

#2 fold river, hes not going to bet a worse hand here for that big a bet, hes not bad enough to have 9T here and since Qx AND hearts beat you, i don't get what you are putting him on to call river.

#3 mehhh when people bet like this, they usually have a better hand than me AND they don't fold. FLop call is ok i guess, if he had bet more on turn (like 26/28) i prob just fold vs a random, but since his turn bet is smaller than flop it means he doesnt really lke his hand, and you have 9 outs if wrong anyway. River i would just call, im not sure he folds a better hand to that much really.

#4 meh, i probably fold

#5 I bet bigger on the turn, around $45-50 but whatever, i hope you were checkfolding the river!

#6 meh i probably fold, you use pokertracker/pokerace HUD right? stats on people make some of these hands easier

#7 seems ok?

#8 bet bigggggger, i don't mind the flop check to TRAPZ but since peopel are fucktard morons i prefer this hand to just go BET BET BET

#9 yawn standard

#10 i reraise preflop like 99.99999%

#11 Fine, if turn had been my ace i prob check, since the J is a ''blank'' looks good to stick him in

#12 honestly, the way blunty was playing i repop him preflop to like $100 and prepare to play for stackzzzzz. The flop i just fold, hes betting into two people and you don't close the action. He also has so little left hes going to shove the turn like always, so you basically have to call both streets hoping he has AK/air.

#13 bet bigggger on turn! seems fine otherwise

#14 fold to the 3bet, thats a buyin spewed off

#15 I make it a touch more preflop, like $25. Assuming they both call flop is now $75 and we have about 190 left, so we bet $60 now, get one caller and pot is ~$190 and we have 135 left to shoveeeeeeeeeee. Got to think about stacksizes, and what you'll have left to bet on other streets.

#16 fine the first time, note what that turn bet means once it happens

#17 again i pot turn/river. You have the nuts since a set would have raised you somewhere and no one has AK, so he either has hearts or a weaker ace, and people don't tend to fold here. IF u bet $25 on turn you can bet $65-70 on river and win an extra $20-25

#18 seems fine, hes not a moron so its going to be tough to win much more here since it looks like you have a decent overpair or big draw since your not scared of board pairing. Just one of those hands where you won't win that much. Check seems ok to make it look like you missed - if it goes check check i would certainly consider checkraising the river vs some opponents, vs steal i'd just 1/2 pot it and hope he has 99 (altho its close cause he might bet 99 hoping you call with Ax)

#19 dude he could have anything! Bet turn to build a pot, get value from worse hands, and charge draws. Think you have too much behind to checkraise well here

#20 spewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. If you want to cbet here, cbet more. I check like 70% into 2 people, bet occasionally. Turn i just check fold.

#21 Preflop i can go either way, it depends lots on your image at the time, his image etc, with my image i tend to just 4bet here, but calling is perfectly fine too. When he checks the flop, you should bet since thats what he expects to happen. I doubt hes checkfolding QQ/JJ/TT to one bet, so fire out like $35 to look like a 'steal'. When he calls this u can bet a real amount on the turn since he'll now drop most of those hands, but the other possible hands he can have will stack off. After checking i like to bet more the turn, he either has nothing or is still getting tricky so might as well bet $40 and hope he has something - if he has nothing shouldn't matter what you bet. River is close, but i'd never be in this spot.

#22 bet moreeeeeeeeee on flop. Bet like $55-60 on the flop, you have to think about what is calling and what isn't. All the hands that call $42 will call 55-60! And the bigger you make the flop bet, the better his odds to call the turn push will be (also you can check turn and induce him to push more often since he sees you checking as weak and the pot being HUGE) I push/check this turn prob 50% depending on the opponent

#23 Again i bet more on the flop, turn call seems fine and river push doesn't really make sense but vs randoms i dont think a hero call here with no history is that good

#24 bet more flop/turn and river is gooood!

#25 flipssssssssssss are fun.

#26 fine

#27 honestly, im tempted to shove on river when he makes that retarded sized bet. You probably should fold if he pots river, i never manage it tho!

#28 fine

#29 standard

#30 meh, he has A5 5x here tons, but depends how hes playing. I really dont think it matters too much either way. You could fold since you have a nice stack and match the other random who has 400, and when you double shortstacks they often leave. I really think this is a true flip, so honestly doesnt matter

#31 was about to reply saying boring hand, but honestly i just shove on river when he minraises me since he has nothing or Ax too, and randoms don't fold TRIPS!!!!! Also lead flop, you aren't going to win much unless one of them has an ace/flushdraw but it will just be easiest to get more chips in on three streets. Its just a spot where they fold a ton, but when they don't you win a big pot. I quite like betting $5 on flop, random will call. Turn i will bet $15, random calls. Now river pot is $45 and we basically have the nuts. This seems a really good spot to checkraise allin since Ax will bet the river always, and anything else prob folds. We check he bets any amount, you think for 5seconds and shove. He calls, and you stack him... laalalal. Should have doubled up this hand somehow

#32 luckbox.

#33 again, ber more on turn so you can push river easier, the more money in the pot, the more likely donks make crying calls, or 'good' players call justifying it with pot odds.

#34 free money

#35 seems good

#36 I probably just call turn

#37 I play the same

#38 nice suckout fish! i play same too

#39 I prob bet $100 on the river since i have no idea what he has, he can't have an ace and doesn't look too strong

#40 I often bet turn, but looks fine if you don't

#41 cooooooooooooooler

pwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwLast edit: 07/04/2007 03:57

TwistedEcho    United Kingdom. Apr 07 2007 04:02. Posts 3539

Ok you posted #15 three times, so the two i missed down here

#15(J2h) haha, i get more money in here somewhere. I fold preflop though

#15(AJc) meh, im not sure i like this vs two people since best case its a flip if you get HU vs one, and worse case its 30/70. When you can never be crushing them, and its unlikely you have FE i think its probably better to just drop this While the straight is unlikely, they could have straights or sets (slave wasn't a total moron, so his lead worries me a bit) so i wouldnt be suprised to see slave with 2p/set/straight and blunty with an overpair.



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