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kNkiDDa   Germany. Apr 06 2007 19:44. Posts 83
If it wasn't for the bonus i got from PP it would ve been an average day. But because of the bonus its been a good day =). Finally won some money on NL100, not because I made a great read or something but i managed to hit my first set on that Limit + Payout. French donk decided to go broke in an unraised pot with bottom two.... vive la france.

Completely recovered yesterdays losses which i suffered with myth. Tomorrow will be next session. Expect me to play my usual A game but still get coolers and sick beats... myth has a baaaaad curse around him hahaha!

Had two 1k hand sessions today. First one was before I went to the movies - the other after. I shipped another 500$ onto PP cuz they gave me a 20% up to 100$ bonus(After insisting cuz they dont seem to give reloads to players who are tearing up the tables as I do). First session was just a f*cking waste of time. Made 1 BI after 1,2k hands.

Then i went to the movies and watched "300". Awesome movie. It was everything I expected and hoped for--a couple of hours of carnage. The hot queen even inspired me to go home and have great sex with gf. Oracle girl was burning hot too! I just love fair readheads:

Every woman in that movie who happens to be in front of the camera actually has erected nipples... Quite funny!

Overall i drank 5 beer before+in+after the cinema. Caused hell of a noise in the cinema because I got soaked up into the bloodbath >_<. Got home, ate alot then took a 30 min nap and played a session. The booz had quite an effect on me - but not negatively...showed some balls and repopped couple of donk leads. Overall played my B+ Game and made some bucks.

+400$ today. ship it.

*****1 votes
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Practice, Practice!Last edit: 06/04/2007 19:54

Sheitan   Canada. Apr 07 2007 05:34. Posts 4217

i have erected nipples all the time.

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

DaEm0niCuS   United States. Apr 07 2007 05:43. Posts 3292

id hit it


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