Well, not really.
Playing shitty, tilting, getting bad beat to hell, meh.
Also spewing incredibly vs certain opponents, especially vs the kind who donkbets into you frequently.
If you are a microstakes player on stars you should know what I mean - these guys think they are playing limit and like to donkbet into you for like minimum to 1/3 pot size with air, draws, top pair no kicker, the nuts, 3rd pair and so on.
Well, on UB they like to bet pot into you.
On stars I'd just auto-reraise them the size of my cbet and that'd win the pot a large % of the time without risking much, on UB it means investing like 20% of your stack -_-
So I guess I gotta stop doing that.
Bought Pokeracehud, should be pretty helpful.
But you can add in around 80$ from my bonus + 85$ that I made in my first session that I didn't record handhistories from.. So basically I'm down from 640 to 500ish and now playing NL10 to figure out what the hell I'm doing wrong.
I'd post hands but the UB handhistories tilt me so I haven't saved many (on the site), will update with a few later I guess.. Tired, played 18 hour session then slept 6 hours then played a few hours again.
Latest session was kinda meh, one of the first hands I did an incredibly stupid shove with AK instead of checking behind, only thing I can blame it on is just getting out of bed because there was NO WAY a worse hand would call (558KQ, 3 hearts, board). He had 88. So I basically lost 1 buyin instead of 2/5 of a buyin, stupid stupid stupid.
Made quad 9s vs AAA22 (I flopped a set vs his two pair, so it was a suck-resuck).
Then I had one of those hands where you just curse and call, some guy with like 30/6 stats limp-reraised me from UTG when I had KK.
You feel so certain that he has AA but eh, I've been indoctrinated to not fold KK preflop =[
Also made what might have been a stupid shove with 555 on the river when a possible straight hit, however I don't think I could have folded anyway so I figured I might get value from one of the many two pairs.
But he folded so maybe I lost value or he was on some other draw..
My PT stats are somewhat ridiculous, like 27/20, but it's mostly because a signifcant portion of the hands were HU or 3 handed, where I think I've done ok at least.
Also I was being overly aggressive in my first sessions, probably getting a bit too confident after the good first session.
Yeah this is rambly, I'll just end it now, maybe it was interesting!
What really makes me feel bad about all this tho, is that if I hadn't tilted I'd still have like 550++++
(I had two REALLY bad tilt plays, like I turned an open ended straight + flush draw after calling a cbet, and the guy open shoves, I was planning on check raising, and I instant call - OOPS TILT, also shoved JJ vs KK).
Then again, if I hadn't gotten undersetted and under-fullhoused so much I'd be above 600.