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Doing fine

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DarkMigore   Brasil. Apr 20 2007 19:25. Posts 479
I'va been doing good lately, it's been a few days since the last day I lost money.

I'm 6 tabling, today I could open a 7th table, but I lost some money in a dumb play and had to come back to 6. I'm playin a decent number of hands/day, but still can play more.

Stupid hand that made me come back to 6 tables (closed tables and I don't want to look for it in HH):
I got pocket Aces, 2 callers to my raise, flop came KK5, I raised, the guy next to me went all-in, the other guy called all-in, and I made a dumb call. Pretty stupid, kinda obv that one of them had a King...

I thought about trying SnG and tourneys, but I decided to play a PlayMoney SnG to check it out. I lost... Two bad beats though. I was second chip leader, 6k chips, first had 8k, and the other 4 or 5 like 2, 3k each. So i got pocket 8s, and hit a set in the flop and went all-in, the guy called and he had KhQs, and came 4 hearts in the table and I lost. The next hand I got QQ and went all-in PF, the chip leader called me with 5Xo, and came two fives on the board. I think I did good though.


Almost forgot, I want to make a transfer at partypoker,
Is it safe? I mean, someone ever had a problem with it?
Is it insta transfer?
Do I need to do something else in the transfer? like a confirmation e-mail or something?

I'm very suspicious about those things.

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