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Vegas Day 2

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Apr 23 2007 15:20. Posts 7292
So I woke up on Day 2 super hung over at 4pm. My sleep is totally screwed now. So after I wake up and take a shower me and Myth went to Ceasars Palace to play some 1-3 NL (they have a good game with a $500 max buyin). So I decide not to sit at Myth's table, and found my own table which was just loaded with weak/tight total passive nits. It was terrible... probably the most boring 5 hours of poker ever? It was very variance free session for the most part, as I played one big $200 pot w/ AK vs JJ. Everything else was just small pots chipping up. At the end of the session I was up $405.

Daut, Lyric, and Myth

So later that night we met up with Daut to goto PF Chang's. He was down to 28k in chips after Day 1 of the tournament. We ate lots of good chinese food, and basically decided to take a chill night as we went back to the hotel and crashed. I woke up today at 1pm as Daut came back up to the room and told me he went busto to Kido Pham when Pham woke up with QQ on the button and Daut had AQs in the big blind. BodogAri just came in here and informed us he was at 85k in chips, but is at a tough table with David Grey, two other tough pros, and ZeeJustin who is just a total monster.

Ok, going out to get something to eat. Will update more later.

*****1 votes
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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

Red9   Canada. Apr 23 2007 15:53. Posts 7447

wearing a ps shirt is balla

I will grind you into dust. 

SakiSaki    Sweden. Apr 23 2007 16:47. Posts 9685

wow myth looks sooooo much like a east european mobster in that first picture.


what wackass site is this nigga?  

Joe   Czech Republic. Apr 23 2007 16:57. Posts 5987

yea lol, ukrainian mafia boss

there is a light at the end of the tunnel... (but sometimes the tunnel is long and deep as hell) 

[vital]Myth    United States. Apr 23 2007 17:11. Posts 12159

dude cosmo why did you post the shitty group picture?

the first one is so much better. you're an idiot.

also, i'd like everyone to know the following. so we were waiting for dinner, and we all found this $1/2 NL table with $200 max buy. so Lyric sits in seat 1, mangoD in seat 2, me in seat 4, and cosmo in seat 8. cosmo goes broke on this really stupid hand where his opponent REALLY obviously had a huge monster (yeah that's right, eat it cosmo), and then daut takes his seat. then this hand comes up:

i've been playing like 40/35 at this fullring table of nits, except lyric who is a loose/passive fish. my cbets are getting massive respect. i have only shown down one hand, where i raised QTs in EP, got called in one spot, lyric shoved and i was getting like 3:1 so i called, and the other geek called. we checked down and lyric held with AJ.

so then i raise KQo in EP and the same geek cold calls. daut flats on the button. flop is AAK and i cbet very standard 2/3 pot. geek folds, daut flats. turn is some brick like a 7. i check because daut obviously doesn't have an ace and his float/resteal is so blatant that i insta c/r ai. he says "you wanna see my high one?" and turns over a 9.

eat it daut. "you cannot fucking float/resteal me, i am a psychic"

Eh, I can go a few more orbits in life, before taxes blind me out - PoorUserLast edit: 23/04/2007 17:12

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 23 2007 18:52. Posts 16784


if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Ket    United Kingdom. Apr 23 2007 18:53. Posts 8665

wtf, why didnt u c/c twice with that read

Red9   Canada. Apr 23 2007 19:02. Posts 7447

in that group pic, the only human face is ryans, rest of you look like statues

I will grind you into dust. 

[vital]Myth    United States. Apr 23 2007 20:12. Posts 12159

  On April 23 2007 17:53 Ket wrote:
wtf, why didnt u c/c twice with that read

good point...too excited about owning daut

Eh, I can go a few more orbits in life, before taxes blind me out - PoorUser 

Bigbobm   United States. Apr 23 2007 21:16. Posts 5511

cosmos face
in the second picture


if i put some effort into it the captions could be amazing

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

Syntax   United States. Apr 29 2007 01:14. Posts 4415

  On April 23 2007 19:12 [vital]Myth wrote:
Show nested quote +

good point...too excited about owning daut


wut wut wut 


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