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TianYuan    Korea (South). Apr 30 2007 09:10. Posts 6817
Yay for my original title

I got my money back from neteller like, april 17th, and I've been having a very swingy month, because of tilt, usually caused by an at times very cold deck.

But also because of me not being used to playing on UB and trying to 4 table, which is very very hard when you can't really use the handhistory as easily as you can on PStars.

PAcehud helps immensly with this tho, although I'm only 2-3 tabling now.

Anyway, I'll post hands/graphs and shit later, thanks to the deposit bonus and 'turn points into cash' promotion I'm actually in the green + there's an unrecorded +85$ session (the first one I played actually) skewing my stats further.

Played 10k hands NL10, 10k hands NL10 (I actually lost 30$ on this wtf? but it helped me find my rhytmn again after I had a horrible day at NL25).

Oh well, with the rakeback I should have like almost 800$ish, won 100ish today in 300 hands, so felt like this was a good time to make an april update!

Currently going through my sessions in pokertracker and I remembered these hilarious hands, look at them in order:

Hand 1, the war begins -

Hand 2, wee

Hand 3, this one seems familiar..

Doubled him 3 times, gutshots > queens? I was somewhat tilted after this (shortstacks tilt me like nobody else) but now I find the 3 hands hilarious :D

Here's the handhistory numbers for the 3 hands:
Hand 1: 6013
Hand 2: 6016
Hand 3: 6019

Regular like clockwork

Looking through my second-most recent sessions (where I thought I was tilting like a madman), I see that I had much worse luck than I thought, although I'm really questioning my play in this hand:

JJ in re-raised pot, 3 handed.

Any comments would be appreciated, I have him at 21.56/9.43/Total AF 1.34, flop AF of 0.71 over 371 hands.

Didn't play any big hands with him before this as far as I remember.
I guess he'd play AJ, AK this way, but I doubt he 3bets AJ. At the same time I don't think I can fold JJ to a reraise, when in position, on a 3 handed table..

And when you then flop your set.. I mean, I'm pretty damn sure I can't fold, it just felt stupid >.<

Just ran the numbers in pokerstove and vs a KK-AA + AKs/AKo range of hands my equity is still 52.434% (for some reason I got a lower number last time, by like 2%, I'm pretty sure I had the exact same cards input ><).. I guess this was a trivial call, and I'm just being results oriented.

Usually when I get oversetted I don't feel like I made any mistake at all but this time it felt weird I guess.

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Hm.. Off-suite socks..Last edit: 10/05/2007 11:22

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Apr 30 2007 09:19. Posts 8623

Don't tilt and u'll make a lot of money in no time. You're obvisouly geeky enough and ur problably smart n' stuff.

Alsio; I'm drunk so dinä't mind my spelling.

TianYuan    Korea (South). Apr 30 2007 09:22. Posts 6817

Ye, I never used to tilt cause I'd be a mass tabling while watching south park or some shit, and when you watch south park tilting is almost impossible ;D

Hm.. Off-suite socks..Last edit: 30/04/2007 09:23


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