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April Summary

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trukpoker   Australia. May 01 2007 07:52. Posts 901
This is my first blog entry, i'll give some personal details later for now ill just explain my month.

Aprils been pretty good, I think im playign way to tight, though at the limits im playing i think it is the best strategy. I dont really wanna loosen up much more till i get to some higher limits.

I'm focusing on improving my game alot, but theres so many leaks its hard to know where to start. I pay ppl off to much on their draws and often dont bet enough to stop them drawing to them. It also seems playing AJo and KQo from utg is a losing play. It's a tough hand to play OOP verse a few opponents. I have been raising any pp from all positions and i dont think im con betting it enough on flop verse 2 opponents. I always bet verse 1 but not enough verse 2. So heres my results, For nl25

And Nl 50

Starting to get into tourneys again this month, first ill read the 3 harrington books i bought 4 months ago and am yet to start readn them. I got a decent finish in april taking 2nd in the 3 rebuy on absolute.

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A small leak will sink a great ship.Last edit: 01/05/2007 08:07

trukpoker   Australia. May 01 2007 07:54. Posts 901

Sorry about double post!

A small leak will sink a great ship.Last edit: 01/05/2007 08:07

spets1   Australia. May 01 2007 08:13. Posts 2179

hot stuff!!


ggplz   Sweden. May 01 2007 08:26. Posts 16784


wondering how the prizepool was 3000.27 =o

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

ggplz   Sweden. May 01 2007 08:26. Posts 16784

u put my month to shame ;(

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

trukpoker   Australia. May 01 2007 08:28. Posts 901

lol no idea

A small leak will sink a great ship. 


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