All in all I wasnt too impressed with my april...I did not play as many hands as I would have liked and I just felt like I wasnt focused the whole month...In 200nl I played like shit for the most part and didnt run too well either...I did own FTP HU cash running at like 28PT BB in 2/3k hands. Small smaple size obv but still good moniesss. So in cash games I ended up about 2k which is not that great.. I played in maybe 2/3 donkaments and FTd 2 of them so I was up about 2500 in MTTs.Turbo SnGs I played like shit in the beginning of April but played very well towards the end but I think I was down a little overall. So all in all a decent month, prob just over 4k/ But I am looking to have a huge May and hopefully get 25/30k hands of 200nl in as well.
As you can see the graph is pretty ugly lol..and I was not pleased at all that I played like 16k hands in 200nl for 600$ profits -_-...Def reeady for a huge Mayy
GL peace
1 votes
Hoolz_1907 United Kingdom. May 01 2007 18:41. Posts 2791
btw what u have vs me in that hand? -.-
Look at his hand and equities, what do you expect him to have here, uno cards? - TianYuan
To Hoolz I had KK...was calling on flop to see if you would shut down turn b/c I really didnt beat a whole lot on that flop...after you checked turn I put you on basically AA/AK or nothing