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Colombo218 is Sick, and I Suck Again.

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JonnyCosMo   United States. May 13 2007 00:08. Posts 7292
Decide for yourself... I just dont know whats going on anymore. I can't seem to get myself a winning day. I'm just going to throw hands out in this blog post. Just tell me what you think of them.

Good Hands:

+$194 - Against Colombo218. I can't justify doing this vs anyone else at NL200, but this guy is just so lagtardedly bad.

+179 - Again this is against Colombo218, and me finally getting lucky. So sick how I get coolered in these spots. River one time for me!

+201 - Fast played a set and it worked out vs an overpair donk.

+200 - This is the one hand I think I dont like how I played. The opponent seems to be aggressive and capable of making moves thou. I dont know... terrible turn card thou. Seemed like a fishy call by me.

+200 - Ez set up for me vs an aggro regular.

+154 - I think kind of standard... Meh.

+186 - Top Pair Top Kicker vs a total fish.

+176 - Top two held vs a big combo draw.

And now, the Bad Hands:

-$220 - Set over set, guy was pretty solid thou so... foldable? Maybe? I tank'd this for a good minute before I shoved.

-$118 - This is just totally brain damaged by the fish.

-$170 - Overpair fails to hold vs flush draw.

-$174 - So I'm pretty sure this is a cooler... Ridiculous the spots I get into.

-$186 - Maybe another set up? Does anyone get away from this?

-$137 - Aces gets cracked all-in on the flop. Fun.

-$258 - I just want to know how everyone likes the play of this hand. This is pretty disgusting.

-$250 - Against carrotsnake and his infinite amounts of luck.

-$198 - Got screwed into a squeeze as one of the players flatted Aces to a single raise.

-$178 - Aces against the super fish. Just so sick

Ok that's about it... only down $550 today though over 4200 hands. It got pretty sick towards the end of the session thou... On another note... Colombo218 is sick. For being one of the biggest donating fish on PokerStars' NL200 right now, he's sure got some balls.

You gotta respect that... To read more about his sick 24+ hour session goto 2+2's BBV section here:

*****2 votes
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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUserLast edit: 13/05/2007 00:12

nolan   Ireland. May 13 2007 00:20. Posts 6205


On September 08 2008 10:07 Baal wrote: my head is a gyroscope, your argument is invalid 

FrinkX   United States. May 13 2007 00:27. Posts 7561

too bad hes down like 20 buyins for the day

hes so bad lol

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

FrinkX   United States. May 13 2007 00:28. Posts 7561

gotta love wasting 24 hrs straight of ur life, putting urself in terrible physical shape, and losing a bunch of money in the process

but hey, i guess he got his 15 min of fame

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

Red9   Canada. May 13 2007 00:46. Posts 7447

+ he payed over 2k in rake..hah

I will grind you into dust. 

Red9   Canada. May 13 2007 00:49. Posts 7447

he sure is giving elky a run for his money as a machine

I will grind you into dust. 

Karma    Australia. May 13 2007 01:38. Posts 3538

Wow crazy, post his PT stats... How does he run?

fish mentalityLast edit: 13/05/2007 01:41

royalsu   Canada. May 13 2007 02:04. Posts 3233

everyone on 2+2 thinks he's a god and what he's doing is amazing...sad. Colombo should go broke soon, he's a true degenerate gambler.

royalsu   Canada. May 13 2007 02:19. Posts 3233
hmmm, I dislike chasing flush draws on paired boards cause you're drawing dead a small percentage of the time...but he did give you such good odds. It's so hard to get paid off when you hit because AA QQ wants to keep the pot small so what else can you get value from? I dunno...I probably play it the same and assume he has a slowplayed AK...but it looks very much like KK here.

I guess as a general rule I don't chase on high paired boards so I don't get myself in these situations, but I'm still not sure if your play is good/bad here.

MezmerizePLZ    United States. May 13 2007 03:42. Posts 2598

Hand 1: Fine given your read and running outs.
Hand 2: Meh, I'm not a fan of the flat flop and lead turn, but theres nothing wrong here. I prob c/r this flop alot and also fold PF, but I go broke here also.
Hand 3: Good
Hand 4: I think I 3-bet this flop a lot. Turn shove is read dependent but obviously fine given what he showed u.
Hand 5: Fine, good chance I just shove over his flop bet, protect from gutshots and also protect when you shove over flop w/ draws

MezmerizePLZ    United States. May 13 2007 03:51. Posts 2598

Hand 6: Easy call post-flop, also raise more PF
Hand 7: Obv..
Hand 8: Good
Hand 9: Good
Hand 10: Good
Hand 11: Bet bigger on the flop, fine otherwise
Hand 12: Hmm, I play it the same.
Hand 13: This is fine.
Hand 14: Fine
Hand 15: I'd lead this flop a lot - but when I check I like your line alot.
Hand 16: Fold PF, AA is never good.
Hand 17: Read dependent. This is foldable though.
Hand 18: This is good, I might make it a little more PF.

Joe   Czech Republic. May 13 2007 08:40. Posts 5987

I think the TT preflop (handnr. 191502) vs huge action is a standard fold unless u got some good reads that tell u otherwise.
And I think you should lead flop with the set of 7s (handnr. 191498) with 2 players left to act and so many draws possible, especially when it is button vs sb vs bb.

Rest seems ok on the first quick look.

there is a light at the end of the tunnel... (but sometimes the tunnel is long and deep as hell) 

FrinkX   United States. May 13 2007 12:33. Posts 7561

royalsu lol r u kidding - a SINGLE hand beats you - besides this absolute fluke

this is the absolute BEST SPOT to chase a flush draw - you know you're getting paid 95% of the time for a full stack.

thx for the lol - just woke up

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

royalsu   Canada. May 13 2007 14:51. Posts 3233

only if he has AK.

and his small flop bet doesn't look like AK at all. So you have 9 outs...1 of them might give him a full house. 10% of the time a king comes killing your action. I call this small bet too but in general I'm not calling a 3/4 pot size bet.


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