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Sheitan   Canada. May 15 2007 18:47. Posts 4217
Played a short session today, got KK 4 times and lost 2,5 BI. Deck was horribly cold but managed to not tilt like crazy when it happened wich is enough to make me think i can handle bad beats now. Pretty standarts suck out, i would not even say anything and played good till end of session, i was even amused when it happened (is that a good sign ?).

I registered in a limit donkament by accident yesterday and placed 4th/315. It's so fucking long and boring, everybody draw their hands so it's like a huge lottery, u can make difference only by folding premium hands when you know u re beat, pot odds are always good so it's funny to draw out on people and watch them complaining about how bad you play, and you're a fish and blablabla. These guys don't even know what pot odds are, if they start with top pair and bet, you re supposed to fold even when you're offered 5:1.

Made it to the final table chips leader then got sucked out twice in a row, blinds were huge and i had to go all-in with some marginal hands, whatever, limit sucks, it's so fucking long, requires no skill and is boring as fuck.I'll look after that shit since it was a nice BR boost tho, if i can make more money faster...

well here are the funny hands played today: - Usually this is where u make money off fishies, except this time fish kicked me in the ballz. - He showed me JQ after i folded, that's what i put him on. - standart cooler, 2:1 favorite. - Had a read on villain and didn't give him credit for a flush, thought i was facing 2 pairs or a set.

Now good shit: - so obvious they are beat. Call a pot size bet when a flush is completed on river ? i couldn't even believe it.

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Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt Last edit: 15/05/2007 18:58

KingKory   United States. May 15 2007 18:59. Posts 2083 -- you min-raised? -- not a huge fan limping QTs in early position, but w/e. Tough - but standard - laydown with $0.50 invested. Alright if you have a read, I guess.

Sheitan   Canada. May 15 2007 19:04. Posts 4217

Nope standart 3BB raise on first hand and yeah i usually fold QTs EP but felt like playing this one, mixing shit up.

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

mrwongie   Canada. May 15 2007 20:00. Posts 1710

You played 3/5 hands bad.

 Last edit: 15/05/2007 20:00

TianYuan    Korea (South). May 15 2007 20:40. Posts 6817 - Bet your hand properly, at least 1$ on the flop - Don't minraise man, read muhweli's quote;

"Everytime you minraise, god kills a fish" or something like that
Don't minraise cause you don't want to scare him or some shit, there's times when it can be used but bet your hands hard and fast at these stakes. - I wouldn't call when I hit flush simply because if another heart comes, it kills your action. I mean, if you had raised the turn, you'd have stacked the guy with Qh2h, also you want a set to pay to boat :}

Hm.. Off-suite socks.. 

Sheitan   Canada. May 15 2007 21:56. Posts 4217

-double post-

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt Last edit: 15/05/2007 22:00

Sheitan   Canada. May 15 2007 21:59. Posts 4217 - i usually c-bet for 2/3 of the pot but on a dangerous board i'd rather go for 1/2. I know this is a leak. - same as above. Dangerous board so i just bet to see where iam at, looks like i can't make a proper bet in these spots. - I thought i'd get more action on river from them. Then that heart came and killed my action.

ty for the comments TianYuan. plz Mrwongie elaborate, im here to learn not to get pissed on.

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt Last edit: 15/05/2007 22:00


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