Bejamin1   Canada. May 21 2007 21:59. Posts 7042
Well in a combination of running well and playing my A-Game over the last 4 or 5 days I'm playing a very profitable game at FR 50NL. Although I am not playing near enough hands. I also managed to win and sell a $530.00 seat to the Sunday Million next week. This gives my working 50NL BR a bit more breathing room as I will continue to cash-out funds to save up for school this coming fall. Once I have the money put aside I will shoot for 100NL as quickly as my play can carry me there. Wish me luck.
Working BR: $1500.00
School Savings: $2.9k of $5k goal
0 votes
Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama
Highcard   Canada. May 22 2007 10:55. Posts 5428
I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time
newbie.cjb   United States. May 22 2007 11:48. Posts 3096