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Im a tiltmonkey

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BeMannerPenner   . Jun 04 2007 17:30. Posts 1030
I playd my first big session in ages today. about 3k hands.

/boring aggro text/

2,5k evrything went fine. some minor suckouts but overall my hands held up and i was killing the idiots on my tables.

then i ran into one weird guy. limpcalls evrything suited, raises A6 over 2 ppl on AKT board, folds getting 6:1 etc.

he calls me when i try to pick up a big pot beating NOTHING but a bluff( no he didnt outthink me or anything that moron just htought his hand was good). i get pissed and start smacktalk. some hands later he cracks my aces with 52 on 42729 rainbowish board. im still cool. next time he sucks out against my trips with his great limpcalled 83s. now im pissed. table starts jumping on me(all morons except one guy who was just pissed of cause i kept telling the fag evrytime he made a bullshit move that he sucks. stupid of me ya but i was deadmadcrazypissed)

other table a loose moron steals blind i repop out of bb T8s cause hey im pissed and i want to crush this fuckfish. i flop my draw and bet out. he minraises and i shove.he calls. with bottompair fives. deuce kicker. i ofc dont manage to hit one of my bacrazzillion outs and im even more pissed. so hes now me new target no1. table empty hu i run over him till i bluff into his 3outer straight he just made and i instahit the reset/power button of my computer and proceed to punch into the wall.


/END of boring aggro text/

short version:

Variance: first 3k+hands session in like 6 or more weeks and it was fun overall and im confident again.

Beat: i tilted away ~3-4 buyins against total helped them still im dumb as hell and shouldve quit when i noticed im going into a blind mad donkstomping rage.

Brag: im still up 3+ buyins for today

other stuff:
-i get enough weed tomorrow to keep me calm for the next few sessions.
-departed is a fucking good movie.
-i have more sex atm then when i still had a gf. ya im cool.
-girl i had sex with wrote me a sms that she wants to try out buttsecks. ya im cool²
- i started to play wow cause i can play on a friends acc. the game sucks in so many ways(fly from one town to the other takes 9 minutes? WTF I DONT WANT TO LOOK 10 MINS AT MY SCREEN WITHOUT BEEING ABLE TO DO ANYTHING FU BLIZZARD) but its so mindnumbing and stupid that its a decent timekiller.

if u read all that pls write me a thank you or fuck you for stealing ur time/helping u kill time.

***3 votes
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mrwongie   Canada. Jun 04 2007 17:43. Posts 1710

umm fuk you for wasting my time. I thought there was going to be pics. WHERER ARE THE PICS.

Loco   Canada. Jun 04 2007 18:00. Posts 20968

what are you whining about ur up 3 buy ins

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

doctorstu   Australia. Jun 04 2007 21:02. Posts 362

I only heard buttsechs, pics or gtfo

Myth: Yeah right, so you can hog all the 11 year olds for yourself? no way dude, Im not educating the fish. 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Jun 04 2007 21:25. Posts 5647

you must become one with the wold my son. embrace teh zen of poker. do not try to get back at a single donk. instead, only realise the truth:
they are all donks.

BeMannerPenner   . Jun 05 2007 04:57. Posts 1030

  On June 04 2007 16:43 mrwongie wrote:
umm fuk you for wasting my time. I thought there was going to be pics. WHERER ARE THE PICS.

I NEVER SAID THERE WERE PICS. maybe there will be pics...

  On June 04 2007 17:00 Loco wrote:
what are you whining about ur up 3 buy ins

because im a fucking stupid aggro boy that wasted 4 buyins for no reason but his ego.

  On June 04 2007 20:02 doctorstu wrote:
I only heard buttsechs, pics or gtfo

woowowowooo . as said maybe pics will be coming.maybe not.

  On June 04 2007 20:25 Silver)Z( wrote:
you must become one with the wold my son. embrace teh zen of poker. do not try to get back at a single donk. instead, only realise the truth:
they are all donks.

trutru. but ego + whiskey + idiots taht deserve to be crushed make me an angry panda.

respect my obv wisdom.

one teddy two teddy 


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