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seems like i cant beat anything

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BeMannerPenner   . Jul 27 2007 09:52. Posts 1030
since my sick streak which kicked me from nl100 down to nl25 im not playing much.

but the great thing is when i play it seems like i cant even beat nl25 anymore.

i used to run at 9+ptbb/100 over ~75k hands.

well now ervything is different. i tried different approaches. nitting it up , now im back to my old aggro standarts.

evry session is the same:

i lose 2-3 buyins in the first 500-750 hands to some nice KK vs AA , set < draw or w/e and after that play till i have my losses back(usually around 2-2,5k hands). now im sick and bored cause i again playd 3 hrs for nothing and i quit for the day.

this results in a amazing 2bb/100 winrate over the last 20k hands at FREAKIN NL25!

maybe im just too bad now. maybe all those scrubs outplay me hardcore. maybe this is just ANOTHER joke of the poker god to fuck me over. i dont know.

im pretty much sick of it. i know im multiple times better then 99,5% of the nl25 pla<x>yers. i rarely lose money against the decent pla<x>yers. after evry session my PT shows the 40/5/0,5 idiots as the ones i lost the most against.

imo my stats are ok,my reads are decent most of the time, i get my money in when ahead , steal pots left and right abusing the nits with light 3bets and trap the wannabe rambos.

just dunno what to do anymore. its so frustrating. guess i just have grind and grind and grind till maybe one day the poker god lets me win again.

massive whine post again weeee

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ConquistadoR   Germany. Jul 27 2007 11:33. Posts 1952

that sucks, gl for you in the future. =/
be strong and better times will come again.


NutCracker   Papua New Guinea. Jul 27 2007 16:05. Posts 163

 Last edit: 27/07/2007 16:26

MilZo   France. Jul 27 2007 16:31. Posts 1333

A 20k hands breakeven stretch is no fun, especially @ NL50, but it's not something that should shake your confidence. Shit like that happens to pretty much every winning player once in a while, fight through it, and try to view it as an opportunity to reflect on your game/plug some leaks.


S1KLYF, this is the profession we chose 

NutCracker   Papua New Guinea. Jul 27 2007 18:54. Posts 163

You are not alone!


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