Sigh down like half a buyin at nl10 over 1.2k hands
Busted outta my tournament with two sick sick shit hands in a row. Firstly overs+flush draw vs bottom pair on flop, no help for me, half stack gone. Then i pick up kings, allinpreflop vs 77 and he gets a set, busto. Great stuff.
Cash games was equally awful, so sick session, just nothing worked, the 80/4/6 donk set me up for 2 buyins, im never ever folding to him. Got into mass cooler situations, lost just about every 70/30 i got into and got backdoor straighted backdoor flushed u name it.
I think i played really well, with the exception of a couple of setups i got my money in way ahead each time so thats good.
Made a couple spews but its more minor shit, shame its set my BR back to $460, i was at $490 at one point in the session but nevermind, thats pokerrr
Pokerev says i ran 6bb/100 below what i shuda but fuck pokerev
Nl25 im coming back soon.