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9 Tabling 6 max games on stars.

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Drowsy   United States. Sep 24 2007 16:47. Posts 112
I just attempted,and half succeeded 9 tabling on stars 6 max and mostly fast tables. It was intense as hell, got 700ish hands played in under an hour. I definitely won't be doing that again though, I'm up 2 buyins from the session, but I played pretty poorly, stacked off alot of times when I wouldn't have if I'd had more time to think, and played way looser and more aggressively. I shoved a 3 bet with aks against some 16/12 guy stupidly, and at the start of the session I misclicked and shoved jj overpair on the flop and lost to a set. I'd have thought that playing so many tables would naturally tighten me up, but it strangely had the reverse effect. Here's some stats and shit, these aggression factors are simply hilarious, though it's partially attributable to me raising the endless amount of minbets retards make on the flop.

Hopefully I can get back to a point where I can 8 or 9 table comfortably, I need to work back up to 6 consistently for now, that's about 500h/hour, and that's good enough for me. I'm still using a pirated copy of PT from when I started and was too poor to buy it, planning on buying it sometime this week as soon as I learn how to transfer my database and everything.


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 Last edit: 24/09/2007 16:49

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Sep 24 2007 18:51. Posts 5647

lols, I'm doing the same, 9 tabling NL10 6 max on stars. whats your ID so I can 3-bet you lite :3 I'm evantair

I find 9 tabling helps me stay tighter though? I don't feel like I have to play marginal hands cause I know I'll hit a set soon anyway

dronebabo   United States. Sep 24 2007 18:57. Posts 736

multitabling makes me even tighter, dont know how you got looser LOL
AF is standard, mine was that high too on nl10 and its a small sample size so dont sweat it
hmm i 4table and its 500h/hour for me...are you sure its not closer to 700h/hour?

wolfheart   Estonia. Sep 24 2007 19:07. Posts 7592

easy i play all sessions 9 tab 6max fast

Never give up. 

wolfheart   Estonia. Sep 24 2007 19:08. Posts 7592

and best thing is to raise 5bbs because because then u get some respect not whole table calling and cbets work then .. while 4bb and cbet 6bb wont work most of the time

Never give up. 

Drowsy   United States. Sep 24 2007 22:58. Posts 112

  On September 24 2007 17:57 dronebabo wrote:
multitabling makes me even tighter, dont know how you got looser LOL
AF is standard, mine was that high too on nl10 and its a small sample size so dont sweat it
hmm i 4table and its 500h/hour for me...are you sure its not closer to 700h/hour?

Really? On Stars? 9 tabling stars 6 max games about half fast half normal was closer to 775-800, played for like 52~ minutes.

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Sep 24 2007 23:11. Posts 14026

i played 12 6 max speed tables for 1500 hands the other day and my eyes fell out

Shabbzoy   United Kingdom. Sep 25 2007 10:48. Posts 841

I guess it makes you looser because you have no idea about stack sizes and position so you start raising 10BB shorties with 79s

Drowsy   United States. Sep 25 2007 13:45. Posts 112

  On September 25 2007 09:48 Shabbzoy wrote:
I guess it makes you looser because you have no idea about stack sizes and position so you start raising 10BB shorties with 79s

Yeah that sounds about right, more liberal raising with small pocket pairs on shorties, more mindless c-betting when I don't even pay attention to position or # of villains.


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