Critterer   United Kingdom. Sep 24 2007 18:02. Posts 5337
My avatar works now so avril is looking over me on my tables, and i think my favourite canadian brought me some good luck too.
Started off great, then went shit, then recovered and then some, to end up +2 buyins over 1k hand. Pretty happy in general. Had a few puke hands, made a few bad plays but thats okay since im still trying to learn to play a more loose aggressive st<x>yle of poker.
Atm i feel im having difficulty with the raising standards preflop in order to achieve around 25/22 stats, i dont get how i can do it without raising marginal hands OOP, or raising absolute junk like 82o on the button. Every hand that i can remotely play from button/cutoff im usually raising up if folded round to me ( any suited connectors/aces/suited one gappers pairs and high cards (TK+). I also worry about my aggression factor but the guys i play are just so aggressive i can check and let them bluff at me quite often.
I played football for like 5 hours yesterday so im totally exhausted, my legs ache like fuck since i havnt played all summer which meant that a marathon footy session was a bad idea but hey it was fun.
Anyway heres my stats for today and GL at the tables all.