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Drowsy   United States. Sep 29 2007 15:58. Posts 112
The first two blog posters are right, this post was gay and whiney, so I edited it. I had a really long session that I wouldn't exactly call a rollercoaster, more like going to the center of the earth then getting on a plane to china.

Dunno why the graph says 3 days, this was all today.
I also stacked this pesky regular who runs 13.4/7/3 and has me buddy listed or something, he has position on me at half of my tables and is waitlisted for the other half whenever we're on at the same time. We were both deepstacked, no matter how good he is compared to the rest of the 10nlers, he still couldn't fold his overpairs and lost 200bb to a set of 3s, when he held kings.

And I swear to god, I run horrible when 4-6 tabling, and great 9 tabling. I think the reason is that I tend to pick targets and get tilted more easily 4-6 tabling, still something I gotta work on. 9 tabling I'm going too fast to take anything personally and tilt away on one stupid bastard. I'm running a little bit tighter finally, 21/17/4 is where I am and about what I think is good, still toning down my flop aggression and trying to bet less out of position when I have very few or no outs.

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 Last edit: 29/09/2007 19:14

PplusAD   Germany. Sep 29 2007 16:42. Posts 7180

lol you run bad for only 1,5k Hands....
big deal ?

1.500 hands with below average income ?

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz)Last edit: 29/09/2007 16:43

locoo   Peru. Sep 29 2007 19:02. Posts 4561

yeah I agree, try 30k

bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte 

YoMeR   United States. Sep 29 2007 19:56. Posts 12438

rofl at this post.

eZ Life. 


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