SneakrFreakr   United Kingdom. Oct 24 2007 19:02. Posts 2534
So I played a bit yesterday and today
Nothing special but I played pretty bad yesterday and made some questionable plays. Today I dunno, I felt like I was running kinda good in big pots but I was losing a ton in small and medium ones. Plus I got stacked in the last hand for a full buyin. But can't complain at all after how the month is going so far.
I'm gonna start analysing my sessions in PT every time cause I've been on autopilot for the past few days and I'm not thinking about the game enough. Plus I make some spewy plays from time to time which shouldn't happen. So while looking through PT I'll post some hands here:
1. What do you think about it? He's quite a solid regular. I figured that turn was a really good card for me cause I'm pretty sure he's only calling my check/raise with 99 and K9 (22 is sooo unlikely).
2. Villain was a tight regulars (18/14/3 or so) and I haven't been getting out of play. I was just playing standard abc game so I didn't expect him to call mi down with this hand.
3. His range on river is basically Tx, a flush and bluffs and I felt like it's a really good spot for him to bluff. Thoughts?
5. What do you think about each street? I didn't want to 3bet PF because of the awkward stack sizes but on the other hand I wanted to play it because of fish in the blinds and wide range of preflop raiser. The guy that lead the flop was like 36/12/1 after 150 hands. What do you think about flop and turn?
6. I feel like I lost value in this one. Villain is 35/18/1.3. Should I bet turn in this spot? If I decide to check/call what do you think about leading river?
7. Bleh that's a pretty bad spew. On one hand this is a very scary board but my line doesn't make any sense and I'd definitely lead river with straight or flush. Villain was like 18/8/1 but he was 3betting a ton. Maybe he was just running good but I saw him doing it a couple of times.
Ok that's it. I know that nobody will look through them but at least now I actually have to analyse my hands in PT etc. Ok time to go to bed now. Tutorials at 9am tommorow But at least I'm probably going out tommorow which is good cause I soooo need to get pissed lolz.
And a trailer of new movie with Jessica Alba to make this post at least a bit interesting. OMG I sooo can't wait to see it (or should I say - her).