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SD Fire Week / Myth = Superhero

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Nov 01 2007 17:43. Posts 7292
This week has been pretty awesome for a number of reasons. It first started with FrinkX and [vital]Myth coming over here to visit for the weekend since they were planning on finding a place down in San Diego to live.

FrinkX on left, [vital]Myth on right

Myth played a home game with my and my roommate and pretty much ran like god (standard) and luck sacked his way to a couple hundred. You can read about it in my previous blog post (that he put up). So anyways, Thursday night (since we didn't have school all last week due to the San Diego fires) we went out to my friend's baller beach house to pre-party before going to the Sandbar.

My good friend Tim on the left, and intoxicated JonnyCosMo on the right

Secret to getting smashed: Don't drink a lot of one type of alcohol, you must switch it up and drink many kinds!!! There were like 20 people over at my friend's beach house and so the neighbors weren't too happy with us when we finally left to go to the bars at 11:00.

My friend cutting a slice of cake w/ plastic axe as requested by FrinkX

When we got to the bars, my friend's cousin couldn't get into the bar without her ID so Myth (being the superhero gentlemen that he is) took one for the team and decided to keep her company while we all went into the bar. After a few drinks in the bar, one of the girls who owns the house starts to panic as she realized she locked the keys to the house in the house. Eeek... worst part was, none of her roommates had a key on them either. The only extra key for the house was with my friend's boyfriend who went downtown for the night. Uggg, so we try calling him like ten times, and that turned out to be an epic fail. So we are like shit we are fucked. We stay at the Sandbar til 2:00am, as we leave me and my boy Tim show FrinkX the Pacific Ocean (since he's never seen the west coast before). So all the girls are trying to figure out how they are going to get inside their house, so during this time I call up Myth to ask him where he was. He picks up and tells me some sweet news: "I'm inside there house." Whaaa? So I'm like "How'd you get in?" and Myth responds "I'm a ninja. I have superhero ninja skillz. I'll tell you when you get back."

We got back to my friend's house where we found Myth chilling on the couch with my friend's cousin and a opened bottle of wine. He then proceeds to tell us the story of how they got in: Basically they came back to the house after we all went into the bar, and found that both the doors (front and back sliding window door) were locked. So Myth, starts looking around the house to see if there were any open windows... nope none. So then he looks up at the loft and sees that the sliding door is open. But now there is nothing around the house to climb or scale to get himself up to the loft. He realizes he's going to need a ladder... and where do people keep their ladders? In the garage obv! So they go to the garage thinking "Please be open ONE TIME DEALER!" and find that the garage is open... and right on the wall is a super long ladder! Poof, insta access to baller beach house. Way to go Myth! Such a superhero.

*****1 votes
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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

ChoboPokeR_r   Germany. Nov 01 2007 18:11. Posts 4598

--- Nuked ---

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had? 

SugoGosu   Korea (South). Nov 01 2007 18:14. Posts 1793

damn, so chill

Say this outloud! Why was six afraid of seven?......Because Seven Eight Nine 

FrinkX   United States. Nov 01 2007 18:20. Posts 7561

i'm in san diego and niagara falls at once!

i rock at life

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

Bigbobm   United States. Nov 01 2007 18:24. Posts 5511

so did myth get with the girl or what
he looks cozy

Its time to stop thinking like a bitch and think smart like a poker player - ket 

ggplz   Sweden. Nov 01 2007 18:25. Posts 16784

myth fightiiiiiiin

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

iop   Sweden. Nov 01 2007 18:27. Posts 4951

kinda jelous :/

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

kimseongchan   United States. Nov 01 2007 18:36. Posts 2089

lol at intoxicated jonnycosmo

SeanBam   . Nov 01 2007 18:46. Posts 953

we almost got an upskirt pic on that last picture HEYOOOOO

Trey   United States. Nov 01 2007 19:32. Posts 5616

i saw vagina

CamilaPunt   Brasil. Nov 01 2007 19:39. Posts 2422

myth .. the great poker player .. or the legendary house break entrance guy?

this story worries me about myth's past


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