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A Week's Recap

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NewBornBaby   United States. Nov 10 2007 11:10. Posts 413
Hey all-

WARNING: Long blog. So unless you're intrested in personal stories with PU, Daut, and Myth continue reading, otherwise not too much ps updates in this blog.

I just wanted to recap my week since getting the chance to meet Daut and Myth. The first night we kinda just chilled out drank up a little and I got to talk and get to know to the two NITS <3. Stevie and Daut had endless convos about SC strategy and I just listened in and tried to understand it. Daut and Stevie were also working on a Rubix cube which Daut completely mastered. I suggested he give coaching lessons on Rubix cube but I'm not sure if he was receptive . Any takers for Rubix cube coaching?!?

Anyhow, Daut left a day early to head back to his home town but Myth stayed with us one extra night to party it up.....and it was WORTH IT (right Myth?) We headed to our bar about 2 minutes away called The Grape. It was a Thursday night of just BALLING. Nice crowd and Stevie balled out HARD as usual buying 8 shots for 5 people like 3 times. We ended up giving extra shots to random people haha. It was a great time and we all got quite drunk...DRUNK is an understatement. We headed back and had a nice afterparty at our beach house and just chilled out. We had some ladies over and this is where it got messy...

We are all drinking and hanging around the dinner table and this girl challenges Myth into drinking a straight shot (possibly Patron ) She bets him that he doesn't.....BETS...please don't challenge LP NITS we will take your challenge. So bet was if he took the shot she would kiss his ASS bareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So Myth being the LP NIT takes the shot and proceed to unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants. I'm thinking to myself...NO WAYYYYY <><><>.....She does it and bet has been WON. GREAT SUCCESS!!!!!!!! GG MYTH

It was really a great time to meet Daut and Myth as they are always welcome at Fairfield. -_-

Lastly, to cap off my week I went to NYC with my buddy nutshot. MTT conossieur and friend, nutshot, had an extra ticket to the New York Knicks game and could I say no? The environment was great, crowd was pumped, but the Knicks lost =/ Had a lot of good poker talks and we expect to dominate the Borgata scene in a couple of weeks. LP meetup!?!!??? Anyhow, nutshot had a bet on our Knicks and since we lost we decided on untilting him and balled out at CHAMPS sports. He bought some new Shox and 2 Beanie hats (Knicks and Rangers) and so after balling out he felt better again. Good times nutshot...

Got home from the game and began to hate girls once again because they play complete mind fuck games. But other than that expect PS updates in the upcoming days.

Thanks for reading everyone!


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One for tha money, Two for tha show. Clap yo hands, If you gotta bankrollLast edit: 10/11/2007 11:15

iop   Sweden. Nov 10 2007 11:23. Posts 4951

good read

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Trey   United States. Nov 10 2007 11:31. Posts 5616

lol ballers

[vital]Myth    United States. Nov 10 2007 12:07. Posts 12159

i can't believe you didn't get a picture of my heroism.

but i guess it's fine because she really didn't put any enthusiasm into the kiss, it was pretty lame

Eh, I can go a few more orbits in life, before taxes blind me out - PoorUser 

Kapol   Poland. Nov 10 2007 12:08. Posts 4696


What a bet. One straight shot. Huh. Well, maybe it seems easy for me cause we are used to drink straight shots in Poland .
Anyway, good job Myth.

Or maybe I'm missing something? Maybe it was a 100ml shot? That'd be pretty hardcore. Of course you couldn't rinse it with anything, right?

BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)Last edit: 10/11/2007 12:11

ChoboPokeR_r   Germany. Nov 10 2007 12:46. Posts 4598

--- Nuked ---

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had? 

nutshot   United States. Nov 10 2007 14:27. Posts 4539

nice blog yo

BJLTNYK: d00000000000000000000000000000000000000d 

Nazgul    Netherlands. Nov 11 2007 04:24. Posts 7080

one shot lmao

she wanted it to happen.

You almost twin-caracked his AK - JonnyCosmo 

whaackum   United States. Nov 11 2007 14:52. Posts 1586

how come i didn't get a blog post when i stopped by the longwood?

The W. 


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