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Casino Poker Is Amazingly Easy

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Nov 22 2007 15:50. Posts 7292
So I went to Palomar card room last night in San Diego to play some live poker. They got this nice little card room with 6 tables, running mostly No Limit Hold'Em. Their 5/10 game is a $1500 max buyin, so I sit with $1000 at around 10pm. This is what proceeds to happen:

I sit down in the middle of a hand, it was a raised pot... with 6 people seeing the flop. The board comes out 5-5-8, the player in the big blind fires out a pot size bet, the original raiser in the hand insta-snap calls, everyone else folds. Turn comes a 4, the big blind shoves, the original raiser holds his hand over his head and finally is like... "uugghh alright I call." The river is a Q, and the guy in the big blind tables 98o like it was the nuts... The original raiser looks at his hand and is like "It's good" then mucks. The fuck?

Very next hand, a short stack shoves for $120, another semi-short stack re-shoves for $400. Drunk gambling guy at the far end of the table is like "OMG THIS IS MY FAVORITE HAND!!!" And calls. Everyone else folds and the drunk gambling guy shows 96s. The flop comes 5-7-8, BAM get the fuck out short stacks! And they say online poker is rigged.

So for the first 30 minutes I just sat and played tight, pretty much folded every single hand until I picked up KTdd on the button. There were two limpers so I raised, and both the limpers called (standard). The flop came Q-5-2 w/ one diamond, and both players checked to me so I decided to use my tight image to my advantage and made a standard c-bet. The first limper called and the other one folded, so at this point I was thinking he had some pair like 33,44,66-88. The turn came the Ad, and the player again checked to me. Since I turned the mega draw and I thought he had a hand I could push off, I decided to fire yet another barrel. The guy quickly (and yes I mean QUICKLY) called. The river came a 2c which totally ruined any chance to triple barrel bluff this moron. He checked and I checked behind and he tables 44. Huh? I felt sick mucking my hand.

Another hour passes by, I'm getting cold decked to the extreme, I pretty much couldn't pick up anything playable. On the other hand, the guy to my right ran like Jamie Gold the entire time I was there. He hit 6 sets when it went to showdown, flopped trips and straights multiple times with absolute shit cards. He was playing every hand so naturally he should be hitting some flops, but it really felt like this guy was hitting every freaking flop. It was pretty gross. So anyways, this guy ends up destroying the only player I thought might have been somewhat good in this hand:

The 'Good' player (I put it in quotes since he seemed like the only player capable of 2nd level thinking, although that really doesn't make you good in poker, it makes you a god in this game) raises UTG to $40, the guy to my right who hadn't folded a hand all night reraises to $600. Earlier in the night, the guy to my right made it some absurd amount like $500, after 4 players limped then he showed 83o. So the 'Good' player tanks forever, and then starts talking to the guy to my right. The guy to my right kept saying "If you call, do you want to check it down? huh? huh?" So finally the 'Good' player was like "Oh, that probably means you have 83o again" and he jams all-in for $4k more. The guy to my right insta Phil Hellmuth style fist pump snap calls and tables AA. The 'Good' Player flips up KK. I feel gross for the good player, flop comes K-Q-T. ZING! SHIP SOME JUSTICE ONE TIME!?! Turn 3. HOLD!?! River J... Doh! It was a pretty gross moment... but atleast the 'Good' player left.

3 hours into my session I was stuck almost $1k, had won a total of 3 pots the entire night, and I was bored out of my mind. I was trying my best to stay emotionally in control, but all these retarded plays paying off around me was driving me crazy. Finally I played my first big pot of the night when I was dealt AQs. This somewhat loose / aggro idiot raises in the CO so I reraise on the button, he calls. Flop comes A-9-9, he leads for 1/2 pot, so I flat call. Turn comes a 7 and he leads for 3/4 pot, so I tank for a little bit (not nearly half as long as some of these idiots were tanking for) and then called. River was a 9. He jams... I lol at myself, and realize I might be victim of the zeebo therom here, but whatever this guy was stupid so I called...

He shows KQo and is like "Good hand". "Thanks" I said. I'm back to even in one pot. LOL! I played for 4.5 hours total and ended stuck $50 which is like breaking even. I was pretty happy with my emotional control through out the session, as there were multiple times I could have just lost it and tilted myself broke but I didn't.

1. Live poker is a joke.
2. People who play in casinos are totally retarded, and totally degen.
3. Being cold decked while playing live is similar to sitting in a warm bath tub with your wrists cut.

*****2 votes
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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUser 

Verbloten   Australia. Nov 22 2007 16:05. Posts 1889

nice story! add some gangsters next time?!

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Nov 22 2007 16:07. Posts 5230

If I could 12table live cash games I'd probably be a billionaire.

 Last edit: 22/11/2007 16:14

rossonero82   Sweden. Nov 22 2007 16:39. Posts 48

Haha good post! I guess you'll go over there a couple of more times? =P

AcroN   Norway. Nov 22 2007 16:49. Posts 568

Sounds like something that would be extremly fun, not to mention profitable when your acctually getting cards

DooMeR   United States. Nov 22 2007 16:57. Posts 8553

wheres the ninjas? a story with no ninjas isn't a story.... its ....meh

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance, by running away from the scene of an accident. 

thewh00sel    United States. Nov 22 2007 21:50. Posts 2734

standard, try winning next time n00b

A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. - Ayn Rand 


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