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KwarK   United Kingdom. Dec 02 2007 00:55. Posts 1019
After my short heater I proudly announced to a friend that statistically I was still likely to run average and that the heater money was a gift, to which I owed nobody. Lee clearly wished me to learn some humility as I immediately spiraled into a downswing that lasted 40,000 hands and cost me 24 buyins. I don't tilt much but when I'm down I tend to keep playing as long as I feel I'm playing well. So I was pulling 10,000 hand sessions and they were not pretty. At the end I just felt so totally disgusted that I couldn't even sleep being that far down and had to go play some more.

Anyway, it eventually came to an end and I'm rebuilding a bankroll. This experience taught me two things.
Firstly, the coin always being fifty fifty is a fallacy. The coin lands on whatever Lee wants it to land on so if he gives you money you better damn well be grateful. Because he's watching you.
Secondly, poker is evil and will break my spirit. I've had downswings before but this one was the first that really hit me. And it hurt.

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MiPwnYa    Brasil. Dec 02 2007 01:24. Posts 5230

24 buyins downswing is [too] much... NL10 isnt even close to swingy (may be if you play a maniac style but I doubt it), you might have a few leaks to fix too. & if you want us to feel sorry for you I suggest that you post 200bb pots suckouts and/or sets vs oversets.

 Last edit: 02/12/2007 01:25

Cro)Deadman   Croatia. Dec 02 2007 01:47. Posts 3943

I don't want to be a prick nor sound one,i wish you luck in both life and poker.

But,you don't play very well and try to learn fullring if you enjoy less variance,FR is way less fun then 6max but its also easier to play,and by some hands you've posted where you lost a buyin i noticed that you tend to overplay AK badly consistently.

Metagame Purposes. 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Dec 02 2007 01:48. Posts 5647

congrats! you've hand your 25 buy-in downswing! entirely standard in my opinion don't listen to these nits on 100k hand heaters.

although you are running like dog shit i'll wager you are also playing somewhat bad ( i was when i swung down.. was 3 betting too much, cbetting too much and being too aggressive)

this is a great learning experience, a good time to cut back to 4 tables and really think about how to win at poker. best of luck!

KwarK   United Kingdom. Dec 02 2007 01:49. Posts 1019

  On December 02 2007 00:24 MiPwnYa wrote:
24 buyins downswing is [too] much... NL10 isnt even close to swingy (may be if you play a maniac style but I doubt it), you might have a few leaks to fix too. & if you want us to feel sorry for you I suggest that you post 200bb pots suckouts and/or sets vs oversets.

I tend not to post coolers to complain as they're standard and are bound to happen. When an overset beats my set there's no shock. When someone allins with 24o preflop and cracks my aces it's less standard.
Anyway, isn't poker always swingy? Though I imagine I do have leaks given the trouble 10nl is giving me. Made back 20 of the buyins now though.

KwarK   United Kingdom. Dec 02 2007 01:54. Posts 1019

  On December 02 2007 00:47 Cro)Deadman wrote:
I don't want to be a prick nor sound one,i wish you luck in both life and poker.

But,you don't play very well and try to learn fullring if you enjoy less variance,FR is way less fun then 6max but its also easier to play,and by some hands you've posted where you lost a buyin i noticed that you tend to overplay AK badly consistently.

I tried full ring. It was a mixture of sethunting and losing overpairs to sets. I enjoy 6 max and while I know I suck right now (it's taking me a while to break 10nl) I'll get there. As for my AK leak, if you'd be willing to pm me examples and explanations that'd be awesome. I know I like to get the money in with AK but I'd hope it's earnt me more than it's cost me.

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Dec 02 2007 02:09. Posts 5230

Poker is ofc swingy but its pretty easy to stay away from 25 bi downswings until you reach serious stakes (I actually never experienced such a huge downswing, but I've never played above 2/4). Anyway I wish you good luck & I'm sure you'll end up pwnin those monkeys.

locoo   Peru. Dec 02 2007 02:13. Posts 4561

"Secondly, poker is evil and will break my spirit. I've had downswings before but this one was the first that really hit me. And it hurt."

This line + reading the spoiler threw me off, I really thought you were at least a NL200 or NL400 player, how many big downswings can you have on NL5, NL10 ?.

Im sorry but if you are losing too much at those limits you are just playing bad most of the time, and can't be called downswings imo.

Another thing too try to not get it to change your mood, keep you poker failure/success apart from any other aspect of your life, it's very important, it's so not healthy.

bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte 

Silver_nz   New Zealand. Dec 02 2007 02:28. Posts 5647

locoo you should try NL10 on PS its def beatable but really hard to play. great for learning though

Verbloten   Australia. Dec 02 2007 03:00. Posts 1889

you probably need some coaching ( or let's call it some friendly helpful railing if that helps) ... i'll offer you 20-30 minutes of my time to rail you if you like - i might pick some areas of your game that you could improve on... then again - if you have lots and lots of other ppl that can offer you more of their time then I can offer you then obviously you should go with them and ignore me. Or you could alienate those that offer their assistance (however small it might be perceived by your feeble mind) and you can run like you play - like shit.

But seriously - good luck with everything - hope you get better.

sirracksalot   United States. Dec 02 2007 03:39. Posts 2299

im pretty swingy too...tilted away most of my br like three times lol...i can take a day of bad beats, but a week is my limit which isnt i spew alot...hopefully you do better

haters gonna hate 

lachlan   Australia. Dec 02 2007 04:16. Posts 6991

I tried full ring. It was a mixture of sethunting and losing overpairs to sets.

-Cool, way to judge an entire poker game type based on the few times u lost ur AA to some set... and if you think it's about set hunting... yes NL2 you can set hunt, and it is very profitable. Nl5? Yep, you can set hunt. NL10... thats starting to become very neutral whether its worth it or not. but NL25 you are shooting yourself in the foot if you set hunt.

I enjoy 6 max and while I know I suck right now (it's taking me a while to break 10nl) I'll get there.

-Sounds like your 25 buyin downswing isnt so enjoyable. No one likes losing $250 cold hard cash, and i would be so stressed and devastated if i lost that amount. 10 buyins you could blame on variance. 25? Nope. Thats a LOT of buyins! I beat NL10 in full ring in just a month, FR has downswings... but you claim that FR is like some set hunting boring game... almost as if you cant be aggressive in FR and 6 max is so much greater... FR is 6 max + 3 more players. Can you still be aggressive? Of course. You can run over nits in FR. In fact thats one of the funnest things i am experimenting with at the moment.

I dont know dude but i like full ring and since it sounds like u havent really tried it properly i think u should at least give it another go, follow some basic tips, open up your game and aim for stats of 12/9, preferably 16/10 in time. If you can do this you will be able to win NL10 fr in no time and move on with ur poker life

if you find it boring keep adding more tables...

full ringLast edit: 02/12/2007 04:21

SolarMusic   Germany. Dec 02 2007 08:46. Posts 1218

"if you find it boring keep adding more tables..."

yeah, that makes you tilt less and more tight, which is just what you need for NL10


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