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Venrae   United States. Dec 02 2007 20:49. Posts 1545
I've been lurking here for about a year. I've found the best way to improve on anything is to simply immerse yourself in the community, so here I am.

I've been attempting to play nl2 for almost a year, but so far I'm down one $50 roll. I took a break for a while and I've started playing again. I feel that I've improved a lot just from reading threads here. The one big hole in my game is when I miss a flop and my cbet is called. Other than that I haven't found any major leaks in my game (other than maybe playing my hand too obviously but at nl2 I don't think that's a major problem). I'm down about 3 buyins from simply running bad.

Here's the three hands I lost the most on.

First hand worth anything of the night:

The very next hand on the same table:

Next hand different table:

Earlier me fucking up AK AGAIN:

I stopped right after I lost to the quads twice in a row... I knew I was tilting and didn't feel like spewing anymore chips.

So here's to improving and hopefully moving up and playing better poker

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