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Anime Review Anyone? Here's My WORD Bitches!

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JonnyCosMo   United States. Dec 14 2007 03:06. Posts 7292
Going to be in Vegas in 14 hours. Yea I know I'm a little late with the main event going onto the 2nd day, but whatever I'm coming. For those who don't know, Mig (46k), Daut (35k) and Rain (40k) all survived to Day 2 of the $15,000 Main Event. Hopefully they can get something happening on the 2nd day. But right now, they are a distraction... because I'm studying for my last final exam. Fuck everyone that is in Vegas right now! I hate you all (until tomorrow)!

On another note, this week I decided to spew some money into some more useful than a sweatshirt. Got a set of Bose speakers for my computer, a new cordless mouse & keyboard, and a baller ass gaming mouse pad. Yes I'm preparing to be a monster at DOTA. I also got a few anime DVDs, that I will quickly review here:

Kurau: Phantom Memory
Summary (from Wikipedia because I'm lazy like that): Dr. Amami is a tireless scientist working in the field of alternative energy who at the beginning of the series is on the verge of a major breakthrough in the area of Rynax energy. On her 12th birthday, his daughter Kurau accompanies her father to the lab where an experiment goes horribly wrong and she is struck by a bolt of this energy and falls unconscious. When she wakes up again, it is found that her body has been taken over by the Rynaxes who are actually living organisms and not just a form of energy. One of them is too weak to awaken for ten years, which it eventually does by spawning an identical twin of Kurau, only having the body of a 12 year old. These two people look and interact very much like two sisters. Kurau grows up to be employed as an "Agent": a freelance operative who takes any job that's potentially too dangerous or illegal to involve normal private eyes or the Global Police Organization (GPO). Although barely in her twenties, Kurau is already one of the best in the business, and the rumor is that there's no job she won't take, or anything she can't do. Very few know much more than that, however, because there's no one who really knows her and her past is a complete mystery. In truth, the Kurau the world sees is actually the result of a freak accident in which her younger self's body became fused with an energy-being called a Rynax. This is not a case of two beings sharing one body, however, as the two personalities have merged into a new composite creature that shares two different pasts. As a result, Kurau is the ultimate loner, not quite comfortable with human society and forced to shun close relationships with other humans lest they discover her secret. At the same time, she longs to be reunited with her Rynax "Pair," whose essence sleeps inside her.

Quick Video Clip:

CosMo's Word: This series is such an epic fail. I'm sorry to say, but I am truly disappointed. Pretty much the only DVD from the series worth watching is the first one, since thats the one she does all her Agent ninja style ass kicking missions. After the first DVD, the story takes a disastrous turn for the worst as it becomes all about her twin counterpart "Christmas" and how she loves her so much, and then there is some crying when Christmas is captured, and more crying when they reunited, and then more crying when she rescues her father, followed by more crying when she starts talking to him. OMFG!!! Such a good story line turned to total shit. So disappointing!!! This series would be half decent if they just edited out all this emotional crying bullshit. It puts me on the sickest life tilt. The art is A+, the music is A+ as well, the storyline started at a strong B then quickly fell to a solid F (and yes I'm using a letter grading system rather than the 1-10 scale because I'm educated unlike some of you unschooled fucks). So overall: I'm giving this series a D+ because the first DVD is actually pretty awesome.

Ergo Proxy
Summary (again from Wikipedia): The story begins in a futuristic domed city called Romdo,[1] built to protect its citizens after a global ecological disaster. In this utopia, humans and androids (AutoReivs[1]) coexist with each other peacefully under a total management system. A series of murders committed by berserk robots (infected with the Cogito virus) starts to jeopardize the delicate balance of the social order. Behind the scenes, the government is conducting secret experiments on a mysterious humanoid lifeform called Proxy, which is believed to hold the key to the survival of mankind. Re-l Mayer is assigned to investigate some of the murders with her AutoReiv partner Iggy. She encounters a Cogito-infected AutoReiv and a fast and flexible monster. She later learns that the monster was a Proxy, the same sort of creature as another main character who normally assumes the guise of a citizen named Vincent Law. After being hunted down, Vincent leaves Romdo, and Re-l tags along to discover the truth behind the Proxies and the domes.

Quick Video Clip:

CosMo's Word: This shit is pretty fucking awesome. No doubt one of the best DVD's (of any genre) I've seen all year. Let's start off with the art, the opening sequence is just done so well (youtube that shit if you don't believe me). The entire series is very clean, and all of the action sequences are are very fluid, unique, and unrepeated (watch Dragon Ball Z if you don't know what I mean about action sequences being repeated constantly). The music is just okay, kind of on the dark / goth side (except for the opening, which is again so awesome and you should probably be youtubing that shit as you read this) but it's very fitting with the story line. The story is just awesome, with a ton of historical references subliminally woven into the series. The plot becomes a little hard to follow towards the end, but I think the series ended in such a way that it left you wondering but at the same time completed the story well. The only criticism I have for this series is that I wish there were more action sequences since the few that were actually put together were done so well. This DVD series receives a solid A.

I got a few other DVD that I haven't watched yet, but once I do I'll put up a review for them. If anyone has seen any good anime DVD's recently, definitly leave a comment, I'm interested in watching new things.

*****1 votes
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Everyone needs to see that you are king of the castle - PoorUserLast edit: 14/12/2007 03:28

TheHuHu   United States. Dec 14 2007 03:19. Posts 4271

I highly recommend Code Geass, Tenge Toppa Gurren Lagann, and Seirei no Moribito. These are all 2007 anime and the animation is fluid and top-notch, especially Seirei no Moribito--it has MOVIE quality animation through whole series. These anime are just ownage. I can post some trailers if you want.

By the way, I'm the best DOTA player there is (will play for rolls) so hit me up if you want to game.

I have always wanted to quote myself. - Me 

milkman   United States. Dec 14 2007 03:23. Posts 5719


Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 

TheHuHu   United States. Dec 14 2007 03:27. Posts 4271

By the way, I don't buy anime DVDs; I just download them.

I have always wanted to quote myself. - Me 

redrain0125   Canada. Dec 14 2007 03:56. Posts 5455

hmmmm watch claymore plz if u like gore inducing wench action

Cray0ns   United States. Dec 14 2007 04:00. Posts 993

Thanks for these writeups.

ggplz   Sweden. Dec 14 2007 06:40. Posts 16784

  On December 14 2007 02:23 milkman wrote:

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Cro)Deadman   Croatia. Dec 14 2007 07:42. Posts 3943

someones got alot of time on their hands

Metagame Purposes. 

k2o4   United States. Dec 14 2007 08:28. Posts 4803

That's definitely a much better way to spend the money... I just hope that sweatshirt is really warm, comfy and good looking. 

SPEWTARD   Peru. Dec 14 2007 08:36. Posts 4306

saint seiya rulesssssssssssss

Rise and Shine 


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