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Merry Christmas! (puke)

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Benzooor   United States. Dec 25 2007 19:31. Posts 630
So this is going to go down as one of the worst Christmas Days for me.

First, my girlfriend leaves town for like a week today.

Then, I have to go into work at 10am, and I woke up at 9:55am so I was late.

Got off work early-ish at 4pm and went home and wanted to get my BR above 4k today (I was at 3920).

Run AKs into AA, Top boat into quads, Set into Set, Flush into Flush, get outraced AA v 89s AIPF, and more

And all of this at HU so WTF is that Stars?

Here's my graph of HU over the last week or two on this computer.

Had to truncate myself before I went on monkey tilt. Moved up to 200NL which was a bad idea and promptly dropped 300. It was just ugly.

Hah oh well. Christmas this year was overall really good (xmas eve and etc) but today is just teh suck.

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KrappyKonnect   Canada. Dec 25 2007 19:34. Posts 1127

well at least you arent an amputee or you'd have a lot of trouble without your girlfriend


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