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25nl ftw

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KwarK   United Kingdom. Dec 27 2007 21:14. Posts 1019
My sustained (well, 7k hands isn't sustained yet but it's looking that way) victory over 25nl is leading me to believe it is actually easier than 10nl. For me 10nl was an insurmountable wall, a challenge which I funded by dropping down to 2nl over and over to recover my bankroll. 10nl was my Everest. One short heater a few days ago allowed me to escape it, despite knowing that I could not yet win reliably on it, and attempt 25nl. And it was glorious.

At 10nl I am 1.6 bb/100 over about 70,000 hands.
At 25nl I am 10 bb/100 over 7,000 hands.

Depressing stuff, but I've escaped it now and I'm never going back. Should I ever have to drop down again it'll be to 2nl.

Anyway, a few graphs.

10nl before Christmas

10nl Christmas holidays


So, 25nl is leaving me happy, rich, and looking forward to 50nl.

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SugoGosu   Korea (South). Dec 27 2007 21:21. Posts 1793

oh damn. looks awesome. good luck!

Say this outloud! Why was six afraid of seven?......Because Seven Eight Nine 

lachlan   Australia. Dec 27 2007 21:22. Posts 6991

lol i agree way more TAGs at NL10 like those faggy PiS guys and alot more donks at NL25 from my experience

full ring 

Bejamin1   Canada. Dec 27 2007 21:50. Posts 7042

Theres a clan @ 10NL? LOLz

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

lachlan   Australia. Dec 27 2007 21:52. Posts 6991

  On December 27 2007 20:50 Bejamin1 wrote:
Theres a clan @ 10NL? LOLz

yeah lol

fucking koreans haha

they all tag up as "PiS.[name]"

full ring 

lachlan   Australia. Dec 27 2007 21:53. Posts 6991

full ring 


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